Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

345 értékelés
DLC idea: Carnival Of The Damned
Készítő: Glitch
a descrption of my idea for a 3-pack DLC for dead by daylight, includes a survivor,killer and a map
Killer - Introduction/story
Lewis was happy. After years of being told he'd never amount to anything, that he was an idiot that deserved to be buried, after all of that he finally found happiness. As a clown he managed to put smiles on the faces of everyone around him. Sure, some may think he's a freak but lewis doesnt care. The children are all that matter!

They were.... everything. one day there was a fire, the entire bigtop was engulfed. The cause was never discovered. lewis was not inside at the time... he tried to help them. He tried to save them. but the tent collapsed, and their screams haunt him to this day.

In the days after, the clown did not fully understand what he was doing. The children were lauphing once again but now there were others. Bad people, people in blue. The wished to take the children. They wished to destroy their happy paradise. he could not let that happen.

One by one the clown took down the bad men, and with each one the childrens lauphter got louder. they were happy! He was happy! This was how it went, even when he suddenly woke up in this strange new realm. the bad people still came, and the children urged him to stop them. He did as he was told, just to keep them laughing.
Killer: Gameplay basic/abilities
Ability: Hopes Draw

There is a draw within him, pushing him to commit these heinous acts. it pulls him toward reality for the breifest of moments before dropping him back again.
-unknown author

The power of hope gives the clown unimaginable focus, he can teleport into lockers in an instant from anywhere on the map.

-grants the ability to see lockers
-grants the ability to travel into lockers
-while in lockers, terror radius is reduced to zero
-terror radius is increased normally (40 or so ft.)
-cannot attack while in lockers (obviously)
-attack delay when exiting locker

The clowns music is similar to the normal, except you can hear deep lauphter coming from him. The music also has a slight circus tone to it.

The clown is slightly slower than the hag or huntress (cause o the big floppy shoes)

The clowns one big weakness is its very hard to hear, when you start you can hear the soft screams of children. With every hit or hook it gets louder and more intense. with each heal or escape it gets quieter. if everyone escapes then at the end you might hear a bit of crying...

if the clown teleports to a locker with someone inside then he kicks them out the front and picks them up.

If the clown is in a locker, you can tell by the slight amount of smoke leaking from the windows

if a survivor tries to open a locker with the clown inside then he slams the door in their face and picks them of the ground.

Killer: Outfit
Smouldering Wig
-a large rainbow clown wig, the tob half has been severely burned

he ran into the ashes, burning himself alive in his search for them, it was all in vain

Tattered cloth

-multicolored cloth mismatched to created a silly array. make-up use to paint a silly picture.
all of it badly burned and dirty after years of use.

they had all ben crushed by the burning canvas

Main weapon: Broken stake
-salvaged from the smouldering wreckage, the stake now protects those it once let down

he could still hear the screams
Killer - Perks
The clowns perks feed on the survivors hope. sometimes you gotta lose a little...

Last Laugh
you always have the last laugh, no matter what. These big meanies wont ruin your fun
-get notified slightly before a generator is finished
-uncommon: 5% left, rare: 8% left, very-rare: 13% left
the cildren could sense their hope, they were growing worried. but he wasnt worried, he wasnt gonna let them win
-the whispers

your sudden presense startels survivors causing them to make mistakes
-your heartbeat places stress on survivors causing dire mistakes...
-when entering your heartbeat radius, any survivors in an interaction will be forced into an unavoidabl skill check, failing the skill check will cause a increased reduction.

-rare: 10% reduction/ very-rare: 15% reduction/ ultra-rare: 20% reduction.

it was a party, we wanted to have fun, but they just... keep.... screaming...
-the whispers

They're here
-the children sense the bad people, and guide the clown to their hiding places

-just after chasing a survivor (time depends on level) the children shout from the direction the survivors are hidning
-they get louder the closer you get
-they shout at 5 second intervals

-uncommon: for 10 seconds after/ rare: 20 seconds/ very-rare: 30 seconds

they always loved to play hide n seek....
-the whispers
Killer - Items
(not really sure about these)

Oiley paint:
-cheap paint applied to the face to make a colorful mask, helps to comfort the children
-the screams are slightly quieter

Balloon fragments:
-peices of a balloon, they are shrivled and black
-the fragments from the tragedy fills the clown with rage
- You exit closets 5% faster

Piece of Colorful leather:
-a fragment of an old pair of oversized shoes the clown used to wear..
-the clown is now slightly more aware of his surroundings
-get notified if any survivors are in a locker within a 15ft. radius for 10 seconds


Acryllic paint:
-colorful paint applied to the face to create a plesent mask, helps to comfort the children
-the screams are moderatly quieter
stay calm, my friends

Small pink Bow:
-a small bow, a peice of one of the childrens favorite toys. it is charred and dirty.
-this fragment from the tragedy fills the clown with rage
-you exit closets 15% quicker

Blue Flag:
-a reminder of the clowns best day ever, the day of hide and seek
-the memory helps the clown learn to be quieter
-the clown exits the closets 20% quieter
now go hide, ahm gonna count

Rainbow laces:
-laces from the oversized shoes the clown used to have..
-wearing these makes the clown moderatly more aware of his surroundings..
-get notified if survivors are in lockers within a 20ft. radius for 10 seconds
ah wish i could tie these...


Fancy paints:
-high quality paints sold in a variet of vibrant colors, applied to the face to create a colorful mask, helps to comfort the children.
-the screams are extremely reduced
no need to cry, just looks at the colors

Toy Soilder:
-the favorite toy of one very special little boy, its melted appearance make it very difficult to tell what it used to be.
-this fragment of the tradgety fills the clown with rage
-the clown exits the closets 25% faster and has a 5% speed boost for 5 seconds after

Silk Blindfold:
-used to cover the clowns eye's on his best day ever,
-the memory teaches the clown to be quieter
-the clown exits the closet 50% quieter
30! alright ready or not...

Oversized bell shoe:
-a right shoe with small bells in it, tinkles slightly with each step
- it makes the clown more aware of his surroundings
- get notified if survivors are in lockers in a 25 ft. radius for 10 seconds

Very Rare:

Luminesant creme face paints
-a real treat to a clown. It can be used to make a joyful mask that calms the children
-the children are nearly silent
rest now little ones, i will keep you safe

Cloth Teddy Bear
-the prized possention of a certain little girl, its covered in soot.
-this fragment of the tradgety fills the clown with rage
-the clown exits the closet 40% faster and gets a 10% speed boost when exiting

Framed Picture
-a picture of a tall clown playing hide n seek with children, it was framed and mounted in the clowns trailer.
-this memory of the Best Day teaches the clown to be quieter
-the clown exits the closets 75% quieter
we had so much fun...

Ultra Rare:

Silver Locket:
-A shiny silver locket givin to the clown by a disabled little girl, as thanks for a wonderful day at the circus. her loss was the hardest...
-this fragment of the tradgety fills the clown with rage
- the clown can swing while exiting and stuns any survivors within a 10ft cone in front of the closet


Survivor - Description and outfit
Billy Hubbard had to learn the hard way that life was cruel. Orphaned at a young age, Billy was ferried between charities and homes, between different families. eventually he decided just to strike out on his own, teaching himself the many methods of survival in the busy cities. And through it all, he kept up hope. And eventually it paid off, he found friends that would take care of him, that cared for him. Still just a child he would go off with them on their many jobs around the outskirts. yet something went wrong... and the next thing he knows, his new family was gone. And billy had a much bigger threat to worry about....

Bed head: long sleepless nights led to very late mornings, his hair is tousled from a long dream-less slumber.

Knitted Hat: from his new family, a hand knitted hat that helps to protect your head during long winter nights.


Striped Pajama Top: Billy's favorite pair of pajamas, a little dirty from outdoor wear

Fuzzy Jacket: The only thing he has from his old home, a ratted dark purple jacket, starting to show its age.


Striped pants: Comfortable pants, perfect for sleep wear.

Torn Jeans: After years alone on the street, these pants have not looked their best.

(Billy appears similarly to the other survivors, yet younger, slightly)
Survivor perks
Billy's perks are strongly centered on finding hope within despair, he will not get discouraged, no matter what...

You break it...
-You are filled with a spiteful determination when something you worked hard on is broken
-if a generator is damaged withing 30ft. of you, your repair speed is increased by 10%/15%/20% for 20 seconds
Hey i just fixed that!

light in the Dark
-your hope is infectious and builds within your friends, escape gets ever closer
-after the exit gates are powered, any survivor rescued from the hook gets a 40%/50%/60% healing increase for 10/20/30 seconds.
-your own healing speed (when you are being healed) is decreased by the same rate
(ultra-rare version instantly heals survivors but takes away your ability to be healed)
You can make it, just a little further, dont give up now!

- your confident you will survive, no matter what. you last longer even in the most dire of circumstances, just feeding off this hope.
-when on the hook, as long as you are within the killers heartbeat radius the entity's sacrifice speed is reduced by 10%/15%/20%/25% and hook escape chance is increased by 2%/3%/4%/5%.
you just gonna stand there? Welll Screwwww youuuu
Map idea: Overdrive Carnival
(these are two ideas i had for the maps to go with the killer, of course its just a basic overview)

Overdrive Carnival: The Burned Bigtop
Once the heart of the carnival, the bigtop lies a shell of its fromer self. the fragments of the old tent lie around providing a grim image of what used to be a place of Joy. The Grand Bleachers still stand tall, blackened with age. Seating an entire crowd of spectors to witness a very different game

- the bigtop will be at the center, a partial circle with cloth fragments creating a sort of ring. the bleachers stand to one side, 4-5 rows of chairs with enough space to run in between. there are 3 staircases that run all the way to the top... there are some pallets scattered along the rows as well as ledges at the end of each row.

-as for the rest of the map the normal wreckage takes the appearance of old popcorn machines, cotton candy machines, empty game botths and so on... there will be the occasional shack with a counter window ledge in order to avoid killers.

-at the top of the grandstands is a genarator that when fixed, causes loud circus music to play that can be heard from all around the map. it will also cause the spotlights around the bigtop to come on brightining the map.

Overdrive Carnival: Fragmented Ferris
The ferris wheel used to be the carnivals most proseperous attractions, bringing in visitors from all around to come and see the view from the top. After the fire, it was left to ruin, rotting to peices as the grass ovegrew the old foundation...

-the ferris wheel stands tall at the center of the map, a great many of the cars already missing. there is a generator in the center sitting in one of the passenger cars. when its fixed the ferris wheel will move s light bit before it explodes in shower of sparks. This now places a window at the center, giving the survivor a huge obstacle to juke the killer around.


Common: Old ticket stubb
-piece of an old ticket admitting 1 person to a day of fun and adventure
-slightly increases your chance of going to overdrive carnival
All the rides, food, friends, and fun are at your fingertips.

Uncommon: Burned Piece of Cloth
-a ripped piece of Canvas from the Bigtop, the edges are still smouldering from the horrible fire of that day
-moderatly increases you chance of going to Overdrive Carnival
the fire started in a flash and burned on for hours, the screams continued on into the night

Rare: Duckwood Matches
-a Small Matchbook packed with stike-anywhere matches, their is a note scrawled on the inside flap...
-tremendously increases you chance of going to overdrive carnival
The kerosene is behind the tent, wait till the show starts at 5
-This is just the basis for a DLC, and im still roughing out all the kinks.
-any tips to the story, game design or just letting me know cool ways that i could actually mod this DLC. or at least 3D model it..
-anyone who gives me cool tips will be featured with this guide and any realease of the DLC that i may eventually make...

-thanks for reading!!
239 megjegyzés
herbgrace 2019. dec. 14., 1:25 
new DLC leaked...?
Glitch  [készítő] 2018. szept. 14., 14:36 
yep, i still kinda wish we coulda got the circus map, but i do love the clown!
krappenschitz 2018. szept. 14., 13:13 
this was posted Sep 19, 2017 @ 6:47pm

clown was released june 12th 2018
Fgyjt 2018. szept. 14., 13:08 
We already have a Clown.
fortune 2018. ápr. 1., 1:33 
this looks amazing 10/10 best DLC idea i have read
The Realest 2017. nov. 13., 17:57 
If it was meant to be paid for. And for 50 bucks. I would buy this.
noble 2017. nov. 10., 4:22 

if its a paid dlc fuck no xd
A n a s t a s i a 2017. okt. 7., 12:22 
All right fair enough
Glitch  [készítő] 2017. okt. 7., 12:19 
once again "did on purpose" there were 5 other guides with killer ideas so i decided to follow suit, i realise now that the forums would have been a better place. ill do that next time...
A n a s t a s i a 2017. okt. 7., 12:15 
Begging for attention as you put this in the guide section of community hub, which is the most accessible way for views. You should have put it into forum/suggestions but i know you did this on purpose, that's why it's begging