Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

56 人が評価
Aethiopia et Nubia
タグ: mod, Units
87.392 MB
2017年9月13日 10時42分
2019年3月27日 21時59分
18 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )
このアイテムを使用するには、 DLC が必要です。

Aethiopia et Nubia


this is my new unitmod. A mod, which gives Meroe, the Blemmyes and Axum their own unique, historical based roster.

I. Meroe

Meroë was the south capital of the Napata/Meroitic Kingdom, that spanned the period c. 800 BCE – c. 350 CE.
The culture of Meroë developed from the Twenty-fifth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt, which originated in the Kingdom of Kush. The city of Meroë was located along the middle Nile which is of much importance due to the annual flooding of the Nile river valley and the connection to many major river systems such as the ♥♥♥♥♥ which aided with the production and trade of pottery, textiles, jewelry and iron ("Birmingham of Africa"). The Kingdom of Meroe also traded with the Ptolemaic Kingdom and later after a short war, which secured the status quo, with Rome.

New Units:

Kushite Tribal Speamen (low spear unit, recruitable from east_city_1/east_town_1)
Kushite Tribal Slingers ( low slinger unit, recruitable from east_city_1/east_town_1)
Kushite Tribal Bowmen (low bow unit, recruitable from east_millitary_infantry_1)
Kushite Tribal Javelinmen (low javelin unit, recruitable from east_millitary_infantry_1)
Meroitic Spearmen (mid spear unit, recruitable from east_millitary_infantry_1)
Meroitic Bowmen (mid bow unit, recruitable from east_military_infantry_2)
Meroitic Axemen (mid axe unit, recruitable from east_millitary_infantry_1)
Meroitic Swordsmen (mid sword unit, recruitable from east_millitary_infantry_1)
Meroitic Royal Guard (high - elite spear unit, recruitable from east_military_infantry_4)
Meroitic Royal Bowmen (high bow unit, recruitable from east_military_infantry_3)
Meroitic Royal Pikemen (mid pike unit, recruitable from east_military_infantry_2)
Meroitic Royal Swordsmen (mid - high sword unit, recruitable from east_military_infantry_3)
Meroitic Cav (mid spear cav unit, recruitable from east_military_stables_heavy_2)
Meroitic Shock Cav (mid - high shock cav, recruitable from east_military_stables_heavy_2)
Meroitic Royal Cav (high spear cav, recruitable from east_military_stables_heavy_3)
Nubian Cav (low sword cav, recruitable from east_military_stables_light_2)
Meroitic Elephants (elephant unit without tower, recruitable from east_military_stables_animal_2)
Meroitic War Elephants (elephant unit with tower, recruitable from east_military_stables_animal_3)
Nilotic Warrior (mid club fear unit, recruitable from east_military_infantry_3)

New Naval Units:

Kushite Tribal Javelinmen One Halfer
Kushite Tribal Javelinmen Two Halfer
Meroitic Bowmen Three
Meroitic Bowmen Three Scorpio
Meroitic Bowmen Five
Meroitic Bowmen Five Lft Bow
Meroitic Spearmen Two
Meroitic Spearmen Two Fire Pots
Meroitic Swordsmen Six

Egypt can also recruit Nubian Cav. Nubian Bowmen, Nubian Spearmen are reskinned.

II. Blemmyes

The Blemmyes (Latin Blemmyae) were a nomadic tribal kingdom that existed from at least 600 BC to 300 AD in Nubia. In the second and third century AD they raided and occupied the roman province of Lower Egypt (Thebais) several times, till Diocletian moved the province borders north to Philae and paid an annual tribute to them. The Dromedar played an important role in their rise to power in Nubia. The Blemmyes are the ancestors of the modern Beja/Bedscha.

New Units:

Blemmyes Spear Warrior (low spear unit, recruitable from east_city_1/east_town_1)
Blemmyes Tribal Clubmen (low club unit, recruitable from east_city_1/east_town_1)
Blemmyes Tribal Slingers (low slinger unit, recruitable from east_city_1/east_town_1)
Blemmyes Bowmen (low bow unit, recruitable from east_military_infantry_1)
Blemmyes Javelinmen (low bow unit, recruitable from east_military_infantry_1)
Blemmyes Sword Warrior (low-mid sword unit, recruitable from east_military_infantry_2)
Blemmyes Veteran Spear Warrior (mid spear unit, recruitable from east_military_infantry_3)
Blemmyes Sword Cav (low sword cav, recruitable from east_military_stables_light_2)
Blemmyes Veteran Cav (mid spear cav, recruitable from east_military_stables_heavy_3)
Blemmyes Camel Bowmen (low bow cav, recruitable from east_military_stables_animal_2)
Blemmyes Camel Spearmen (low spear cav, recruitable from east_military_stables_animal_2)
Blemmyes Camel Lancers (high shock cav, recruitable from east_military_stables_animal_3)

III. Kingdom of Da'amat (Axum)

The Kingdom of Da'amat was a kingdom located in Eritrea and northern Ethiopia that existed during 1000 - 300 BC. Because of few surviving inscriptions and very little archaeological work it is not known whether Daʿamat ended as a civilization before Aksum's early stages, evolved into the Aksumite state, or was one of the smaller states united in the Aksumite kingdom possibly around the beginning of the 1st century. Personally i believe it evolved into the Aksumite Kingdom as Axum had the same technological and cultural traditions. Da'amat had very close cultural and trade connections to South Arabia. Their kings called themself „mukarrib of Da’amot and Saba".

I reskinned:

Aethiopian Cavalry
Aethiopian Swordsmen
African Archers
African Javelinmen
African Levy Spearmen
African Tribal Slingers
African Tribesmen

New Units:

Da'amat Noble Archers (high bow unit, recruitable from east_military_infantry_3)
Da'amat Noble Spears (high spear unit, recruitable from east_military_infantry_4)
Da'amat Noble Swords (high sword unit, recruitable from east_military_infantry_4)
Da'amat Sword Khamis (mid sword unit, recruitable from east_military_infantry_2)
Da'amat Spear Khamis (mid spear unit, recruitable from east_military_infantry_2)
Da'amat Bow Khamis (mid bow unit, recruitable from east_military_infantry_2)
Da'amat Skirmisher Cavalry (low - mid javelin cav, recruitable from east_military_stables_light_2)
Da'amat Noble Sword Cavalry (high sword cav, recruitable from east_military_stables_heavy_3)
Aethiopian Elephants (elephant unit without tower, recruitable from east_military_stables_animal_2)
Aethiopian War Elephants (elephant unit with tower, recruitable from east_military_stables_animal_3)

New Naval units for Da'amat (Axum) and Blemmyes:
Afr Archers_Three
Afr Archers Three_Scorpio
Afr Javelinmen One Halfer
Afr Javelinmen Two Halfer

Da'amat (Axum) can also recruit Nilotic Warrior.

I also made different Generals and Officers for Meroe, Blemmyes and Da'amat(Axum).

Screenshots were made, while using Armoured Horses Mod, CIU East, CIU West from Avetis, which included ACR - Alii Colores Romae: Africanum from Demokritos, DECALMAP from cjiaba_ , Better Horses, elephants and dogs HQ texture v2 from Noif1988 and finally Aztec's Environments and Lightings. I recommend to use them for a better graphical experience.

The Stats are developed on Vanilla stats and should fit perfect to Vanilla.

This is a semihistorical, but historic plausible mod, based on Vanillastyle.

I tried to make it historical to my knowledge as possible.

You have to use an All factions playable-Mod to use this units in custom battle and campaign.

I would thank:

-CA for the vanilla game and the assembly kit
-Sebidee for his great modding tutorial. Take a look on his great mods:
-BoyaWho? for some of his unit icons
-Avetis for his great armour
-Kraut and Tea for his great armours, helmets and tunics
-Ahiga/LoB-Team for animalhide shields
-Dontfearme22 for shields
-Europa Barbarorum II and scottfree001 "Black Sands" for inspiration
-finally: LinusLinothorax for historical advice

If you want own temples for Meroe, Blemmyes and Da'amat (Axum) try my "The Desert Nomadic Temple - Overhaul"
52 件のコメント
LudoKRessh 2023年6月1日 14時41分 
I really hope so! you've made the african factions so much fun to play. Seeing as nubia/upper egypt are confirmed, would be very cool to get some bronze age kushites haha. either way, great mod man. thank you
M.I.B.  [作成者] 2023年5月26日 10時05分 
Thank you very much. :)

LudoKRessh 2023年5月26日 8時48分 
incredible mod. Hopefully you'll be doing something similar for Pharoahs!
John52364789201 2023年2月20日 8時33分 
Oké thanks for the reply;)
M.I.B.  [作成者] 2023年2月20日 6時20分 
Its only for Grand campaign and you need the dlc if you want to play Kush.

If you want to play Da'amat (Axum) you need a faction unlocker for GC

The AI will recruit the units nevertheless, if the factions are played by the AI.
John52364789201 2023年2月17日 14時38分 
Could it be this mod only works with the dlc because i play the Meroe faction on the augustus campaign but none of the unit mods for the Meroe faction seem to work ( i also use a faction unlocker to play with this faction)
w.johnson1987 2021年6月6日 14時00分 
thank you
M.I.B.  [作成者] 2021年5月24日 19時47分 
Its working with the actual patch.
w.johnson1987 2021年5月24日 19時01分 
is this updated?
M.I.B.  [作成者] 2019年3月27日 22時02分 
fixed shield pattern bug with kushite officers