

79 ratings
Lore To Get You in the know - Humans
By soup and 1 collaborators
This guide was written before I really developed any form of competence with writing, so it's poorly formatted and overall a mess. I might remake it in the future, but for now this is all I have. This statement is pretty much applicable to all my other Starbound lore guides.

A disclaimer from the website - In early beta most lore was written primarily by Ashton Raze and Demanrisu. Later, almost all codexes were heavily revised by Abi and Rosiedeux in update cheerful giraffe.
A Human Introduction
Humanity was a flourishing species with a high evolution rate[...]
They were the first race to engage in space travel, both for science and entertainment, but their limitations restricted them to their own solar system.

Eventually they began to war amongst themselves more frequently, and with Earth's resources depleting, returned to the space race

The humans have, and were, founders of great accomplishments on Terra.
Being the founders of many of the earliest known Factions, that later expanded into the Universes.

After their great struggles of centuries of War, they were able to keep an almost everlasting peace that was able to Unite, and become a cradle for all Races to join, with an aim for "Unity and harmony across the Universe"
Human History
The History of Humans
In Starbound Humanities history, appears to be the same and natural progression identical from
real life.
History continued as normal until they attempted to breach into the sky and reach for the stars, attempting to explore the vast Cosmos. A desire that is, and was a major point of Humans,
the adventuring into the Unknown.

The major, and great difference was the sudden boost of space engineering and exploration of the Cosmos.
However, it did not lead to much, as the spaceships were only able to explore their Own Solar System. The major, and great difference was the sudden boost of space engineering and exploration of the Cosmos.

The Last few hundreds,or even more years are unknown or lost, which is curious.
As Earth has tried for a great longevity of time, tried, to keep their event history recorded that transpired during the many resource-wars that broke on Earth.

Earth has been able to gain the ability to warp travel allowing for an almost faster than light system of transportation, allowing to travel to system to system in a matter of seconds.
This boost lead to them after their constant wars,realizing that after their constant wars, fights struggles, were able to realize their own mistakes and understand as:
"[...] At this time resources, once scarce, became abundant, and a shift took place: we recognised both our insignificance and our significance within the universe.

Instead of expanding our settlements across the stars, we began to look inward, to strive for balance and a sustainable way of life with the support of newly acquired resources, and to build a solid future for our beloved Earth.

Describing and hinting at the Longevity of Some of its Factions and how long they existed for.(Protectorate USCM and Miniknog)

Description of the Gift granted by the Cultivator and its great boost that was given to humanity.

The wars and struggles Humans had over its early years(Assumption that all known history in real life simply its the same in Starbound too)
Their Early History: Exploration and their main Factions
  • Hints and views of Certain Factions to real life counterparts (If possible,don't want to accidentally offend anybody)
  • Describing and hinting at the Longevity of Some of its Factions and how long they existed for.(Protectorate USCM and Miniknog)

    Adding the "Human Relations to other races" in this section
    Can help to view and find the contrast of all the Different Leaders and its factions
Human Important Figures
  • The sandstone statue
  • Old and Previous Grand Protectors
  • Ledia Portia
  • Ester Bright

  • (I wonder if there is any actually named USCM Generals...)
The True Tragedy of Earth's Destruction
Unify "The true case of Earth Destruction in this section"

IT can add to the theory that the Ruin was able to release himself thanks to Rituals the Occassus has done
to then showcase the True Blind rage that Astras Has that he would not even know,or perhaps she does of the Destruction of Earth and of the Terrene Protectorate.

Trully explain the lost of both numbers and quantity of stuff that was forever forgotten
(A reoccurring theme that will "hopefully soon" make more sense.
More on that "Later")
Human History Remains
  • Mention that despite it all some form of remains of Humans still resides in both their Dungeons
  • Locations and books as well as a few animals surviving,as well as some plants,trees and Even Fossils of a few Prehistoric Animals
The Protectorate
What is the Protectorate?
Humans and the U.S.C.M
I'm sure you've all seen/heard of the USCM, or United Space Corporate Military, right? The exact origin and purpose is pretty vague, to be honest. They are an earthling organization, seeing as only humans occupy the USCM bunkers, but... inside the bunkers are some posters that seem fairly out of place, as if they should be in Apex cities instead, featuring Apes.

"Apex codex logs pertinent to the 1.3 Mech update includes a logbook that describes the USCM when observed by the MiniKnog. In the codex, they devise a plan to best defeat the USCM, by exploiting their requests for Biotechnology. They may have succeeded in destroying the USCM either before or after The Ruin attack on Earth, as they no longer can be found aside from their prison complexes and derelict ships." -

So, the Apex and the USCM did have some correlation, and the above information suggests a conflict between the two. This didn't always seem like the case to me; being a self proclaimed "vetran" of the game, I've found much lore myself throughout the universe, and one in particular stood out to me on this subject - something that actually made me think about things we don't exactly know, like what the game is intentionally hiding from us.
The USCM Disband
The Miniknog
The Occasus Cultists
There is a bit of lore that is possible to find at the penal colonies, though. A propaganda poster can be found and entered into your codex list. It reads as follows:


Humans must organize to

overcome the menace

that plagues us!

We must fight against the

verminous races that

infest our universe!

Whilst you sit complacent

these vile creatures corrupt

our home!

Humans unite.

Join the Occasus.

Wear the purple hood.

This is a blatant reference to the purple cultists you find hanging around every planet in strange groups of around 4 people. Now, these racist guys are a group of human supremacists led by Asra Nox, the old lady with odd motivations. In a nutshell, the Occasus cultists are xenophobic humans who only seek to cleanse the universe of other races. Their plan if they succeed is to somehow "channel" the destructive power of the Ruin regardless of the risk it poses. To get a better understanding of Asra's point of view on the matter, her journal should explain quite a bit:

Nox's Journal

The universe is ours by rights, it belongs to the humans - the Occasus members might not understand much, but at least they grasp that.

They exalt in their supremacist rhetoric and scamper around spreading their hate, but they just can't fathom the genesis of what's happening here.

Still, better an army of morons than no army at all.

Esther would understand, if she could only see past her flawed imaginings. People have a way of letting their own agendas blind them.

She's an addled fool; obsessed with unity and harmony, and completely unable to see what's right in front of her. She'll learn - my old teacher will learn. She's an icetip bug in the path of an avalanche.

Well, now it's been said that Esther Bright (old hoverchair lady) had taught/mentored Asra Nox sometime in the past. Somewhere along the line, Esther had discovered this powerful destructive force, the Ruin, and turned to Asra in hopes that she could help her find a way to prevent it from escaping it's prison. Instead, non-cliche like, Asra instead recognized this power and saw her chance to 'cleanse' the universe of all that were non-human. Personally, I don't know how a lil' human with a sharp stick can convince an omniversal superpower to not kill them, but alas. She then went on to form the humans-only "Occasus" cult that worships the Ruin. Hopefully this sums things up with the Humans for you.
The Occasus Ideology
The Occasus terrible organization
Astra Nox
Beta Content
The Archaic Beta Codexes
Trivia & Other Facts
Final Notes
Hehe face 22 May @ 1:57pm 
Occa-sus cult
soup  [author] 26 Dec, 2021 @ 10:42am 
kinda sus if you ask me
ShuffleDust 23 Dec, 2021 @ 12:15pm 
I searched up among us and this was the first result
A Block of Jelly  [author] 27 May, 2021 @ 7:08pm 
this was a long long long time ago.

Ill make it easy
This entire year thing
its making me feel soo odd
to a side I was improving to so many personal skills.
not that I had any issues with
to the other I had many troubles and almsot lacking and stagnation.
I had an odd balance of stuff
both of doing new thigns
but retracing back a little
but still moving forward
I am.
So sorry for all of this that happened
yikes this was a long long time ago 14 Mar, 2021 @ 8:38am 
for anyone that wants a TL:DR here is it TL:DR h u m a n
A Block of Jelly  [author] 2 Feb, 2021 @ 8:32pm 
Ok...I have not been here in a while...
So I hope you all are doing fine...
And regards to what you said @Ribbons0121R121

THE USCM does feel like the closest and one of the earliest attempts of Colonization.
Thats what then lead the Protectorate Built.
And can you tell me more about this Glitch or abandoned mansion you refer?
Does it come from a mod? or is it a Vanilla/Bizarre Dungeon?
Ribbons0121R121 14 Jan, 2021 @ 7:34pm 
i really wanna see aa mod expand the USCM
its extremely mysterious but i think they were the first initial space race rush of classic "diplomacy in one hand, nukes in the other" but clearly more, as suggested by the starter planet ruins like the abandoned mansion with the glitch paintings but uscm notices
A Block of Jelly  [author] 21 Nov, 2020 @ 9:36am 
Also quick fun fact!
there is so much old contents in both the Twitters and the Starbound Official Page that contains so much stuff including old ideas,sprites and even showcases
such as the old Apperance of Ester Bright!
Also the comments that the race themselves make in certain items
both differs and its more explained depending on the race you play as!
I will need some great help if I ever need to scour more far things in the past
A Block of Jelly  [author] 21 Nov, 2020 @ 9:05am 
Hey! Added new upgrades and small showcase to what the entire List of some of the contents may be like!

I felt the need to adding a small note or at least remembering for myself as there was so much to write that almost made me feel unable to fully process it.
At least this way you can all get a small glimpse at the work.

Plus you can all see what the contents may be about and even try to improve and tell me more to it
Either in the comments or my own Profile!
soup  [author] 10 Nov, 2020 @ 10:22am 
Lol np