Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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How to improve your aim ;)
Von houska
Hello and welcome to my first guide how to improve your aim skills, in every type of this guide is one sentence : "The maps will not do you a PRO, you must practice." And thats true, you must take time and practice, but with these tips you can do it faster than usual.

We must order tips in points
  • Weapons
  • Practice
  • Focus and reflex
  • Training

So first point is weapon. I notice that in every guide they dont type something like that, so lets do it :
First thing that you need is choose the right part in your team, matchmaking, faceit ect. Its not too easy to pick an awp and say : Im awper guy or take AK and say im entry. You must pracite a lot by this. Lets make sure you have some hours. You have 100-500 hours and you are playing primmary AWP, so you have good at this. But you need still more practice, cause you are not the best one.
If you are on team, make sure you want to be AWP and there is point where you must practice only awp. Ofcourse you can pracite AK,M4 or deagle, but primmary AWP.

The second is practice. Its not about only practicing with weapon where you are good at it. You need to pracite every map, every smoke, every peek.
  • Peeking - You can click HERE
  • Smokes - SMOKE PRACTICE, the best and easy way is to to search on youtube, there are practice configs with infinite ammo, smokes ect. You just need to find something ;)
  • Aim training - the best way to warmup and to practice aim are on these maps These tips might help you, just try it out :)

    3)Focus, reflex
    Focus and reflex is pretty same thing, not at all, but same. You need some reflexes to shoot, turn around when you see some flash and reaction. Ofcourse you need focus when you are in the game. If you playing you cant just do too much things :D
    • reaction, reflexes - Human benchmark[]
    • Focus - You cant practice focus, you need just silent around you, no parents, no siblings, just you and the monitor, you and game.

    4)Training, time
    Well, i gave you some maps to train, and i steal your time by this :D But no, for real, you can practice how you want. You can train 1 day or 1 week or 1 month or 10 years, its just about you how you will take it. If you practice for 1 week on maps and community servers you WILL NOT be PRO. You need to take time and practice strats, calls, aim and so much another things. So dont be mad if you be bad, its just on you how you take it :)

    GL & HF
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How to improve your aim skills
3 Kommentare
TheKroody 24. Sep. 2017 um 10:32 
A když sem byl DMG a pak se najednou něco posralo a nedávám MG2 co pak? :D
Sebastian 15. Sep. 2017 um 10:23 
Nice thanks man :Evil_Computer:
tb000 10. Sep. 2017 um 7:34 