Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

103 arvostelua
How to become a Hawaiian Pizza Dwight
Tekijältä AloVera
How to add pineapple to the already rare Pizza Dwight.
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To any new player this guide is mostly ment for those already semi experienced with the games mechanics and will likely result in an immense amount of deaths.
Step#1 Outfitting Your Dwight
Wearing the correct appearal is very important if some Pizza Dwights have noticed or else you will get fired from your job immediately. In order to gain that promotion from Pizza Dwight to Hawaiian Pizza Dwight you will need to buy some pineapple slices and smother them all over some pants.
(You need to buy the 80's suitcase dlc here)

Head: You see me now cap
Body: First Job T-Shirt
Pants: Brown Slacks

You dont need to worry about the colour of the pants nor do you need to worry about the colour in the title i assure you they only darken from experience in the fog.
The Gloves in the picture are actually filled to the brim with pineapple juices which the Entity has granted dwight so he can consume the juices in his time of need to overcome the challenges. Why did the Entity do this? You may ask. Well the answer is simple. Overtime slowly consuming their souls and being the Entity grew bored of the scared dwights that hide in lockers or deliver pizza so he had those smaller dwights evolve into something known as Hawaiian Pizza Dwight's.

Lastly all anybody has to say is that nobody knows what the Hawaiian Pizza Dwight keeps under his hat. Some say its a full on pineapple. Others say its KNOWLEDGE
Step#2 Perks & Items
Selfish Build: Self Care, Lightweight, Sprintburst or Dead Hard, Filler.
Get Down Mr.President: Sprintburst, Borrowed Time, We'll Make It, No One Left Behind

These perk builds are here because a Hawaiian Pizza Dwight absolutely does not ever leave a team mate behind. He will fight his strongest to free his friends even at the cost of his own life.

The Selfish build helps with his own survival so when the time comes he can be a proper sacrifice or maybe buy more time for his friends to go and save the other on the hook. This Dwight is not and will not be afraid to run face first into a chainsaw for his friend. (Although this is not advised)

The "Mr.President" build is build around saving others off the hook as the exit gates are begining to come online. SprintBurst is there mainly for the usage of seeing an injured ally near death being chased so you dive in as a proper bodyguard should.

Medkit Notes: Healing speed works only on other players and not during self healing & 1 Heal Requires 12 Charges

Heal Speed: These medkits are used well with the Mr.President perk set as that set is focused around helping other players directly instead of being a distraction for your team. For this you will need a Rangers Medkit with Abdominal Dressings and Gel Dressings. This cancles out the charge reduction from Abdominal Dressings while you still get the considerable healing speed bonus to other players. (Heals 2 Full Health States) (1.5 Charges Left)

Max Charge Medkit It is what it sounds like. A Rangers Medkit with Gauze Roll for +18 Charges (Heals 3 Full Health States) (6 Charges Left)

Flashlight: We all know what I'm going to say, and it sure isnt going to be run a blank yellow breadstick. That's right its time for the insta-blind flashlight! Oh... wait you didnt know that... Oh... Well that's what we are doing so grab your extra butter to add on to the mass of garlic on that bread because we are going to use the Utility Flashlight with an Odd Bulb and an Intense Halogen. The Halogen can be swapped out for a saphire lens but it is my prefferance as well as quite a few others who I don't have to mention.
Step#3 Gameplay Behaviors
As we know there are 2 builds in this guide and both are pretty fearless as they both go to help others often putting themselves in danger.
Selfish Build: The selfish build focuses more on being able to pallet loop or one's ability to create distance from the killer using pallets and then proceed to let lightweight do the stealth for you. Dragging the killer away to walls where there are windows or pallets is my favourite way to buy time for my team while I juke the killer.Ez jukes: Although this juke requires to have lightweight 3 on it is the most consistant out of any of my jukes as it is the easiest.

You simply get to an area where there is a window and a bunch of walls blocking vision and you keep your eyes on the killers location. Jump through the window and proceed to see if the killer tries to follow you to cut you off on the other side instead of vaulting. If they go the same direction as you to cut you off proceed to turn around and go the other way while keeping vision on them if possible. If you get a chance immediately break LoS (Line of sight). This is how lightweight begins to carry you as the Killer will begin to waste time looking for you. This also works very well for places with pallets although unless you run quick and quiet i would not suggest using lockers as killers are likely to check them rather than chase a trail that is quickly vanishing if not gone already. Please try to reserve pallets too! The rest of your team will need them.

In the off chance that the killer is the nurse you should avoid using windows and pallets as it makes you very predictable but also try to mix it up as a good nurse will start to learn how to follow your movements. Running right next to a window or pallet but not using it is a good way to fake a nurse out but be prepared to dodge immediately as you do this because they will likely make an attempt to hit you since you are probably close to their landing spot.

Mr.President: This build is more build towards trying to keep your team alive and having yourself play a smarter stealthier way which personally, I don't think is as much fun. This build is good for getting friends and brother dwights out of pickles with camping and/or proxy camping killers due to borrowed time but without self care you are a little vulnerable after borrowed time and require your teammates to help you back. I can assure you though that any well minded player will help you back for helping them unless you are a lost cause (ex. EW3 Myers).
Step#4 "Team cordination"
If you happen to be just starting the game and your customer is helping you with the oven (Generators) and screws up a skill check you need to make sure that you let them know.
  • Step#1 Point at them to let them know that they are not welcome into your family
  • Step#2 Get up and tell them to follow you
  • Step#3 Find a pallet with them following you and throw it down
  • Step#4 Point at the pallet and then point at them to let them know they are still an unwanted moldy pineapple slice
  • Step#5 Go back to the gen if possible

Enjoy the game and Pineapple pizza too! Well unless you don't like pineapple on pizza... in which case... What are you still doing here reading this??? Can't you see this is the end?

Stop Scrolling it wont help.

Okay pineapple on pizza is really bad if it makes it soggy or if its cold and thats sad to say because cold pizza is great.
27 kommenttia
Kourosh 31.5.2020 klo 11.17 
one of the og dwight guides lol
luckyman 13.2.2018 klo 18.05 
all the people who follows this guide is rank 20?
Crypto Highwind 6.1.2018 klo 14.19 
kek #PizzaIsLife
kzeq 17.9.2017 klo 4.32 
kzeq 17.9.2017 klo 4.32 
where can i find niga?
Xodssd 16.9.2017 klo 8.39 
Xodssd 16.9.2017 klo 8.39 
iddy 15.9.2017 klo 22.10 
Great Guide Very Informative Much Wow
Phoenix 15.9.2017 klo 11.19 
great mate I'll rate this guide a solid 100 emoji
Cross Bearer 4 Christ 14.9.2017 klo 0.20 
Autism at its prime.