Fire Pro Wrestling World

Fire Pro Wrestling World

35 ratings
Referee Settings
By Doozi-_-
The idea with these particular settings is to have matches end when it feels like they "should", and have appropriately timed fall counts until then, with 1's and 2's and 2.9's being spread around according to the action in the ring. I'm pretty sure this will work with any edit and any style because the appropriateness of the pin fall is determined by damage and how far along they are, and I think the fall counts feel right according to edit balance. I've seen everything from 5 minute squashes to 30+ minute epics in Fire Pro Wrestling World so far with these, and what I haven't seen were matches drag on with finisher after finisher ad nauseam where I'm left asking myself "why the hell is this match still going"?

These are the referee settings I've settled on for myself based on wanting match length and pacing to be dictated by edits and their moveset/parameters/logic, with the ref only there to facilitate that and keep it fair. If the edits are tuned to go 10 minutes based on how much damage they cause and how fast their match enders appears, then I want the match to end when they've caused that damage and big moves have been hit. You can come to your own conclusions about what settings would best suit you and what you're looking for, and maybe reading some of what the referee settings are and what effect they have will help!

Have fun!
Down Time: Long
This determines how long the referee will stay down when he takes a bump. It's up to particular user discretion to fit whatever style is appropriate. I'm currently going with the slowest to allow for the most shenanigans and REF IS DOWN, NO COUNT/SUB moments, but I almost only ever sim singles matches so it works for that. If you're doing a lot of multi-edit matches where maybe ref bumps are more common, I could see it getting annoying to have him down all the time. Adjust accordingly!
Fall Count: Fast
This is how fast or slow the ref counts the pin fall. Fast is the fastest available setting out of 5 options. It's one of the two most important parameters for a referee, the other being move speed, when it comes to determining how a match ends. I like for specials and finishers to end matches when the time has come that they are being used. And I don't like to see them have to come out multiple times on a regular basis to get the opponent to stay down. A fast count goes a long way towards helping matches end when finishers come out, if edits have been balanced to a point where finishers will only come out when enough damage has been done. Slower counts will see the same big finish being hit multiple times, and when that becomes the norm across matches it loses any excitement factor it might otherwise bring. But when matches could end on any given finisher coming out, then it actually feels special when an opponent kicks out and they keep battling until another big move.
DQ Count: Medium Fast
This is how fast the ref counts for a DQ when a wrestler has a weapon in his hand, is performing an illegal hold, or is atop the turnbuckle at certain points. Because of that last part, it affects top-rope moves onto dazed opponent, and if the DQ count is too fast it'll sometimes force the edit to climb down while waiting for the opponent to stand up. With that in mind, this setting at Medium Fast should allow for those top rope moves to happen, as well as ensure that edits performing illegal moves will at least push the count to 4 more often than not, instead of letting go much earlier if the count is slower, as well as perhaps allowing for more of a chance to actually score a DQ once in a while.
(Thanks to Peanut for that information on Fast setting and top rope moves)
Ringout Count: Medium Slow
This ones a pretty important setting which determines how fast the ref counts out the wrestlers when they're outside the ring. I've set it at the next to slowest because I find it to be a good balance between urgency and leniency. Any faster and you may get count outs too fast which seem out of place without enough time for action outside. Setting it to Slow will decrease the chances of ever seeing any count outs, and there is no sense of urgency or drama when the competitors are on the outside because they have plenty of time to make it back in the ring. At Medium Slow, there is ample opportunity to brawl outside, but there is also a sense of danger and the chance that someone might just get counted out. Of course also heavily dependent on a given edit's Outside Return Count logic setting.
Move Speed: Fast
This is the second of the two most important settings, and together with Fall Count, make or break the balance of refereeing. I have it set to Fast, which is the fastest of 5 settings available. I think the referee should be on the scene and on the ground as soon as he sees a pin or submission attempt, without any dilly-dallying. It's their job after all! Set to anything slower and there will be a cover while the ref will just stand around watching before finally deciding to move and get the count started. This makes for terrible near falls which should have been victories, which is the main thing these ref setting are meant to alleviate. Let the edits determine match pacing. Let the ref work within the pacing of the edits.
Run in Check: Slightly Short
This setting governs how long the ref allows tag partners to stay in the ring after a tag or when attempting to break a pinfall/submission attempt. The numbers break down as follows: Short is 5 seconds, Slightly Short is 10 seconds, Normal is 15 seconds, Slightly Long is 20 seconds, and Long is 25 seconds (based on FPR). I like this at Slightly Short because it allows for the partner to make the save anywhere in the ring, as opposed to the Short setting which sees them getting kicked out by the ref before they can make it across to the opposite corner. It also prevents constant cluster♥♥♥♥s anytime a partner runs in because they get kicked out after making the save and maybe getting a move or two in.
(Thanks to JoeNewberry for that information on the times)
Involvement: Short
This setting determines how long the referee is distracted by a manager or eliminated wrestler coming up on the apron and disrupting the match. It can get pretty annoying when this happens too much and the ref is almost never in the match with many pin and submission attempts wasted. So I have this set to Short which is the fastest option. I can't speak to this much more than that as I rarely sim matches where it applies, so you'll have a better feel for what works for you and what doesn't according to how you play.
Jack Burton 2 Mar, 2022 @ 12:13pm 
purplenights 13 Sep, 2021 @ 3:57am 
Yeah, I don't like a match ending too quickly.
Xelrog 31 Oct, 2018 @ 8:39pm 
I have the issue of my matches going too fast rather than too short, so most of this wouldn't apply, but it's convenient to have all of the parameters defined so I know what they do.