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1bitheart Full Guide
Por Starrybunnieboy [Vtuber] e 1 colaborador(es)
Guide that will walk you through the game as efficiently and as Spoiler-Free as possible. Includes guides on making Friends as fast as possible, an Ending Guide, and how to get all Achievements!
Adic. a Favoritos
Nos Favoritos
Chapter One Walkthrough
Speak to Mikado in the next room

Return to Nanashi's room to go to his bed on the far right

Speak to Mikado in the other room again

Talk to the boy next to the shrine gate in Sunset Hill, you access Sunset Hill by exiting your house and going to the right(fastest) or far left of the Area (Blue Sun Street) a menu will pop up to go to an area, and it should be the red squigly with a diamond looking option. Blue Sun Street, for Refference, will appear as a blue tower when you exit Sunset Hill. (You can also introduce yourself to the other town folk around Blue Sun Street and Sunset Hill before talking to the boy, but it's not neccessary.)

Go inside the store to the far left (The one with the windchimes and crate with a cat doodle on it outside) and speak to the Elderly Lady in there.

Go back to Blue Sun Street and enter the big tower building to the far left of town, 307 Tower, Go up the elevator (next to the boy fallen on the floor) and take it to 5F (Manta Swimming School) and talk to the boy sitting in there.

Leave 307 Tower and walk to the right until you see a girl and talk to her.

Return to 307 and go back to Manta Swimming School, walk to the right until a cutscene triggers.

Talking Time Natsukage Part 1

  • Present "Choco-Banana Flavor" once Natsukage mentions "...Meat. And citrus fruits. And ice cream."

Talking Time Natsukage Part 2
  • At "Huh...So it's sort of a nickname.", present "Nickname:Orca"
  • Present "Dangerous Playing?"

Go back to Nanashi's Place and speak with Mikado

Go to bed in Nanashi's room

Talk to Miumi outside your place

Go back to Sunset Hill and speak with Natsukage again in front of the shrine gates

Go back to Blue Sun Street and walk by Miumi to trigger a cutscene

Discussion Time Misane Part 1
  • At "'Even I don't know what's going on...' Perhaps he said this because he has no memory of it...?", state opinion with "Wounded Leg"
  • Click "Because he's nice."
  • Present "Friends' Behavior"

Go to Manta Swimming School in 307 Tower

Talking Time Yukinaga Part 1

  • Once Yukinaga says "Oh! Chocolate Bars, and family, and nice cool places... And I looove manga and sports!", Present "Sky-Sea Run"

Talking Time Yukinaga Part 2

  • At "Orko came here about two years back! And he's been gettin' better ever since! It's awesome!", pick Wait a sec! and choose "Nickname:Orca"
  • Click "Wounded Leg"
  • Present "Wounded Leg"

Press the keys and arrows in the order they appear from left to right

Go back home and talk to Mikado

End of Chapter/Free Time Start
Free time gives you opportunities to befriend people around the area, but I reccommend saving doing ANY friend events until the last chapter if you'd like to do all the endings without having to replay the game (The endings are tied to number of friends Nanashi has. And there's no penalty for saving doing friend events later other than Misane chastizing you when you choose to end Free Time) When you're done or wish to skip Free Time, talk to Misane.

For Chapter One you can make 18 friends

Every character's friend event's are pretty straightforward, you get their affection to 100 and you'll friend them. For more info on raising characters affection refer to the part in this guide called "Friend Items" And "Friend Events"
Chapter Two Walkthrough
Leave to go to the new Area on your "map", CocoAlley

Talk to the boy outside the flower shop (The second building, past Cafe Lapin)

Go to the left of the screen until you reach a gate and go into it to reach Honey Garden

Talk to the Gardner sitting down near the flowerbed.

Exit the garden and talk to Natsukage standing against the gate (apparently Natsukage likes gates)

Go back to the flower shop Haruya was chilling at earlier, go inside, and talk to the lady there.

Go back to Blue Sun Street back to Nanashi's place and talk to Mikado

Go back to CocoAlley and talk to Natsukage in front of the garden gate again

Talking Time Akitaka Part 1

  • Ask for more at "Eh? Well, flailin' and shoutin's a pain...Heck, I don't like usin' my hands much." to get the "Band" topic.
  • Present "Band" at "Pure an'...wha? I dunno, maybe. I mean, I'm still playin' piano, just elsewhere now."
  • Choose "You're like, I dunno why, but you're cool!"

Talking Time Akitaka Part 2

  • At "Ah...My guitar pick. Been comin' here for lookin' for it for days now." Present "Witness Report 2"

Go back to Miroku at the Garden

Talk to Haruya outside the Flower Shop

Talking Time Haruya Part 1

  • Ask for more on his first statement "Is this relevant to anything, I wonder..." to revise his statement
  • Present "Haruya" on the same statement after revising it

Go to Cafe Lapin (Building to the right of you) and talk to the girl inside

Go back to Natsukage at the gate again

Discussion Time With Friends

  • When Miumi says "If we knew who that kid was, that would make things more easy.", present "Witness Report 4".

Go back into the gardens and talk to the white haired boy

Go to Cafe Lapin to talk to the owner

Talking Time Owner Part 1

  • Ask for more at "...He greeted me when I opened the shop here. Since then, we've just talked on occassion" for him to revise his statement
  • Pick Wait a sec! the same statement with the "Cafe" topic

Talking Time Owner Part 2

  • Ask for more on "Hm...The incident with the flowers is all he's been talking about as of late." to get the "Cafe Conversation" Topic
  • Ask for more on "Though, Haruya did say he hopes the culprit isn't one of the townspeople." for him to revise his statement.
  • Pick Wait a sec! on the same statement with the "Cafe Conversation" topic
  • Present "Haruya's Memories"
Press the buttons in the order they appear from left to right

Go into Honey Gardens to trigger a cutscene

Go back home to talk to Mikado

End of Chapter/Free Time start
Free time gives you opportunities to befriend people around the area, but I reccommend saving doing ANY friend events until the last chapter if you'd like to do all the endings without having to replay the game (The endings are tied to number of friends Nanashi has. And there's no penalty for saving doing friend events later other than Misane chastizing you when you choose to end Free Time) When you're done or wish to skip Free Time, talk to Misane.

For Chapter Two you can make 26 friends in total (Including Chapter 1 characters)

Every character's friend event's are pretty straightforward, you get their affection to 100 and you'll friend them. For more info on raising characters affection refer to the part in this guide called "Friend Items" And "Friend Events"
Chapter Three Walkthrough
Head off to the new area on your map, Break Passage. Its icon is a grey B.

Talk to the boy hanging out at the entrance

Enter Roar Music (The building at the entrance) And talk to the boy with blue hair

Head into Wac Burger and talk to Akitaka's sister

Head to the left until you see a wall with graffiti and barbed wire, go into the pathway there to reach the backway and talk to Ryuu there

Go back to Roar Music to talk to Asuto

Talk to Haruya near the building right next to the Backway

Go to the building that says RocketPark, that's the arcade, and talk to the guy in front of a machine

Talking Time Aira Part 1

  • Ask for more on "Aira has not lived. For very long! Potete was. The first one I met!" To get the topic "Only just born?!"
  • Present "Only just born" on the same statement

Talking Time Aira Part 2

  • At "Yes! Aira is. Err. Human! So. What else. Would I have used?" present "Illegal app"

Go into the Warehouse to your left and talk to the girl in there

Go back to Blue Sun Street and Nanashi's place to talk to Mikado

Talking Time Mikado Part 1

  • Ask for more on "Indeed. That's largely because I don't trust certain people very much." to get the "Certain People" topic
  • Present "Certain People" on the same statement

Talking Time Mikado Part 2

  • Ask for more on "Perhaps it indicates that there's someone else seperate from the hackers?" to update "The Other" topic
  • Ask for more on "Well, if you're starting to consider the possibility, then maybe you're already seeing the path to a resolution." to revise his statement.
  • Pick Wait a sec! the same statement with "The Other" topic

Misane's "Do you still trust me?" answer doesn't matter, so choose whichever you prefer.

Go back to Break Passage and talk to Akitaka outside Roar Music

Enter the keys that appear in order from left to right

Go back to the Backstreet and talk to Aira

Talking Time Aira Part 3

  • Ask for more on "Maybe!" for her to revise her statement
  • On the same statement, Pick Wait a sec! with the "Is Aira Human?" Topic

Enter the keys that appear in order from left to right again, at one point a bar will appear, try to make it as full of pink as you can pressing Z to stop the bar.

Go back to Blue Sun Street to Nanashi's home, walk to the right a bit and a cutscene will occur

Talking Time Misane Part 1

  • Ask for more on "...That's incorrect. This... Mikado person is not someone I know." to get the "Mikado & Misane" Topic.
  • Pick Wait a sec! the same statement with "Mikado & Misane"

End of Chapter/Free Time start
Free time gives you opportunities to befriend people around the area, but I reccommend saving doing ANY friend events until the last chapter if you'd like to do all the endings without having to replay the game (The endings are tied to number of friends Nanashi has. And there's no penalty for saving doing friend events later other than Aira mentioning how you havn't made any friends) Misane's gone for this free time, so when you're done or wish to skip Free Time, talk to Aira.

For Chapter Three you can make 35 friends in total (including past chapter characters)

Every character's friend event's are pretty straightforward, you get their affection to 100 and you'll friend them. For more info on raising characters affection refer to the part in this guide called "Friend Items" And "Friend Events"
Chapter Four Walkthrough
Head over to the new Area Sweet Beach (The icon of a pink Y looking thing)

Continue going to the right until you see a girl sitting on a bench, go up the path near her and you'll wind up on the beach, talk to Aira.

Head out of the beach and go to the right of the girl on a bench, talk to the girl next to the shop Little Berry that's holding Potete and talk to her.

Go into the building to the left of Little Berry and talk to the lady in there

Go back to the entrance and enter the door to the very left and talk to the boy in there

Go to the bench near the beach and talk to Haruya

Go into the beach and talk to the boy sitting on the sand

Talking Time Izuchi Part 1

  • Ask for more at "So no others, such as parents, influenced you." to get the "Irregularity?!" Topic
  • On the same statement, present the "Irregularity?!" Topic

Talking Time Izuchi Part 2

  • At "Not at all. We're not acquainted." pick Wait a Sec! and choose the "White-Haired Person" Topic
  • Choose "Guinea Pig and Criminal".
  • Present "Potete's Memories"

Exit the beach and talk to Akitaka

Go back to where Potete was to the right and talk to her

Head back to the beach and walk right until a cutscene triggers

Go back to where Potete usually is to the right past the beach entrance and talk to Izuchi

Talking Time Izuchi Part 3

  • At "I see. So there exists a mastermind." present "Hacker's Goal" Topic

Press the buttons that appear in order from left to right and when the bar appears get it as full as you can and press z to stop.

Go to the beach for a cutscene to trigger

Exit the beach and talk to Kirai

Leave Sweet Beach and go to CocoAlley to see Kotora at Cafe Lapin

Head back to Sweet Beach and go to the right until you see Tobari and talk to her

Go to Blue Sun Street and go back to Nanashi's bed to summarize what you've learned with Misane.

  • Click "Hacker's Goal"
  • Click "The Other's Goal"
  • Click "The Other's Identity"

Head out of Nanashi's room to speak to Mikado

  • Click "Can't read his mind?"
Final Free Time
The Final Free Time will be about the endings, as endings are connected to the number of friends Nanashi has. For an actual Friend Making Guide, I will make that as a Seperate Guide. I also reccommend that you did not become friends with anyone during free time until the final free time right after the end of the chapter 4 walkthrough. Your Friend count should be 8, if it's more than that, you made a friend during Free time and will have to restart to get Bad Ending.

There are Three Endings in the game: Bad, Normal, and Happy.

  • Bad Ending requires making no new friends, only the 8 you're forced to make during the main story.
  • Normal requires at least 9 friends but under 25 friends
  • Happy requires at least 25.

There are 44 Max friends you can make in the game, and more characters are unlocked after getting Happy Ending, as well as getting an extra story where you play as Misane if you get that ending. The final friend you can make in the game, Mikado, will not be available unless you befriend EVERYONE in the game. Which is 48 including the ones you unlock with Happy End.

Also sidenote, Friending Ryuuri will unlock another character to friend, Kirara. Kirara will not appear until you Friend Ryuuri. She will appear right next to him so she shouldn't be hard to miss.

End game

All endings follow a similar route, so talk to Misane to end your free time and lock you into your ending.

Head out and talk to Miumi before heading to 307 Tower

Take the elevator in 307 tower to the Control Room

Delete the three virus' in your way by entering the correct buttons that are shown in order from left to right

After that, you'll get your ending

If you did the Happy Ending move on to the part of the guide called Chapter XXXX
Chapter XXXX
This is a Bonus chapter, sort of like an epilogue. You unlock it by getting the Happy Ending and then making friends with Mikado will unlock it (He's the final person you can friend in game) You can access the bonus scenario via the Computer in Nanashi's room to go to BitWorld, and examining the other avatar at the bottom left corner of the room.

As Misane, Walk to the Left to talk to her dad

Walk to the Left again on the ship

Talking Time Natsukage Part 1
  • At "Yeah, Words only. Didn't come to a shuffle." Present "Victim's Room" Topic.

Talking Time Natsukage Part 2
  • At "Oh yeah, he was taking notes. Said he writes about everyone he meets." Present "Memo Pad" Topic.

Go to the right and Enter Room 102

Enter Room 103

Talking Time Yoh Part 1
  • Ask for more on "I did hear people shouting outside the grand hall. ...That's about it... " To obtain"Yoh's Testimony" Topic.
  • At "Never mind acquaintance, like... I didn't even know he was a guest." Present "Yoh's Testimony"

Talking Time Yoh Part 2
  • Ask for more on "S-so if you could talk with them instead of me..." To make him revise his statement
  • Wait a sec! on the same statement with "Memo Pad 2" Topic

Talking Time Miumi Part 1
  • At "I...couldn't meet Mr. Kawano. " Present "Memo Pad 2" Topic.
  • Click "He was lashing out in the hall"
  • Present "Doorknob" Topic

Enter Room 102

Go back to Room 103

Talking Time Yoh Part 3
  • Ask for more on "Oh, but I didn't talk back to him or anything!" To make him revise his statement
  • Wait a sec! on the same statement with "Thrown Objects" Topic
  • Present "Ring" Topic
  • Present "What Was Poisoned" Topic
  • Present "Dirty Apron" Topic

    And with that you have beat Chapter XXXX!
Making Friends
In order to make friends with the people around town you have to give them items to raise their fondness.

You can only friend people during a point in the game called "Free Time" You have four points in the game to make friends, which is usually after each chapter except for the last chapter which has one point before the ending to make friends, and one point after the end of the game if you do the Happy Ending.

For every 25 points of fondness with a character you will activate an event with them. Once you reach 100 points you will have friended them! Characters don't require doing anything other than raising their fondness, but there are some friends that will give you a question to which you answer with an X or O. The next two parts of this guide will tell you what each characters favorite item is and what to answer if the characters ask you a question.

Characters listed under Main Story friends however, do not have an event every 25 fondness points, instead they only get one event once you reach 100 fondness.
Friend Items
Every character has three presents that are their "favorite", which gives you a unique response when it's given to them. Two of the gifts add 15 fondness points while one adds 20. The rest of them add 5.

There's also an Item called Love Chocolate that gives 20 fondness points, regardless of who you give it to.

Natsukage Suoh: Found in Sunset Hill standing between the medicine shop and the shrine entrance.
  • Lettuce-jiro +15.
  • Ice Cream Pop +20.
Miumi Miclairno Mizuki: Found in Blue Sun Street standing left of the entrance of Rat Ear.
  • Umai?bo +15.
  • Love Takoyaki +15.
  • Angler Mochi +20.
Haruya Nasuki: Found in Coco Alley sitting right of the entrance of Flower Bee.
  • Milky Cookies+15.
  • Lucky Turn +15.
  • Black Cocoa +20.
Akitaka Kujoh: Found in Break Passage sitting left of the entrance of Roar Music.
  • Coola Cola+15.
  • Guilty Cards +15.
  • Fingerless Gloves +20.
Aira Tachibana: Found in Sweet Beach, standing in the beach.
  • Muscle Protein+15.
  • Rolly Beads +15.
  • USB Player +20.
Potete: Found in Sweet Beach, sitting between the fortune-telling business, Star Brink, and the bakery, Little Berry.
  • Palm Mix+15.
  • Wolpis +15.
  • Coola Cola +20.

Yasune Nemochi: Found in her candy shop, Nemochi Shop.
  • Umai?bo+15.
  • Ice Cream Pop +15.
  • Lettuce-jiro +20.
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Yakumo: Found in her drugstore, Inari Drugstore.
  • Cold Remedy+15.
  • Stomach Meds +15.
  • Love Takoyaki +20.
Hakuhi Iogi: Found in the shrine, Komainu Shrine.
  • Angler Mochi+15.
  • Cold Remedy +15.
  • Heavy Star Ramen +20.
Takamiya Kyouri: Found standing left of the entrance of the police station, Mamedanuki Station .
  • Heavy Star Ramen+15.
  • Muscle Protein +15.
  • Stomach Meds +20.
Shiren Kurusu: Found behind the counter of the ramen shop, Fuuraijin.
  • Umai?bo +15.
  • Heavy Star Ramen +15.
  • Lettuce-jiro +20.
Kuroku & Shiroro Yakumo: Found in Twilight Park's playground.
  • Soda Cider +15.
  • Love Takoyaki +15.
  • Ice Cream Pop +20.
Kaori Asahina: Found in the old bookstore, Mitsukuni Books.
  • Cold Remedy +15.
  • Bunny Memo Pad +15.
  • Sec-C +20.

Kiri Kuruga: Found in his lab, Ashitobi Lab. Sits right next to the apartment Nanashi and Mikado live in on the left.
  • Umai?bo +15.
  • Angler Mochi +15.
  • Muscle Protein +20.
Sakuma Suoh: Found in the music store, Bitwave.
  • Tummy Tummy Ache +15.
  • Ao Haru Road +20.
Nio Amaha: Found in the bitphone store, Rat Ear.
  • SEVEN PEACE +15.
  • Bunny Memo Pad +20.
Sekiyu Hiiragi: Found at the desk on the ground floor of 307 Tower.
  • Tongue Twister Index +15.
  • Ice Cream Pop +15.
  • Soda Cider +20.
Akuta Kamome: Found lying on the ground floor of 307 Tower, on the right side of the elevator.
  • Ao Haru Road +15.
  • Bunny Memo Pad +15.
  • Angler Mochi +20.
Yukinaga Asagi: Found on the 5th floor of 307 Tower, sitting just outside of the Manta Swimming School.
  • Soda Cider +15.
  • Ice Cream Pop +15.
  • SEVEN PEACE +20.

Rocca Rion: Found in the café, Café Lapin.
  • Rolly Beads+15.
  • Milky Cookies +15.
  • Flower Bandage +20.
Chino Nasuki: Found in her family flowershop, Flower Bee.
  • Black Cocoa+15.
  • Milky Cookies +15.
  • Flower Tea +20.
Moroku Hasuya: Found in the garden, Honey Garden, crouched down from behind.
  • Lucky Turn +15.
  • Black Cocoa +15.
  • Breadcrumbs +20.
Sora Kamui: Found in his family's planeterium, Spica.
  • Blankit +15.
  • Snug Scarf +15.
  • Star Sand +20.
Akashi Oihara: Found laying on the bench on the very right in the garden, Honey Garden. Only his legs are visible.
  • Flower Bandage +15.
  • Manly Eye Mask +15.
  • Milky Cookies +20.
Misato Kusunose: Found in her shop, Childoll.
  • Kitten Scrunchie +15.
  • Blankit +15.
  • Rolly Beads +20.
Momori Ono: Found in her clothing store, Rinata.
  • Manly Eye Mask +15.
  • Flower Tea +15.
  • GIRLS +20.

Asuto Aizen: Found inside the music studio, Roar Music.
  • Big WAC +15.
  • Black Bandana +15.
  • Larikkuma Stick +20.
Enri Kumashiro: Found inside the music studio, Roar Music.
  • Coola Cola +15.
  • Morning Glory Fan +15.
  • Wolpis +20.
Azusa Kujoh: Found in sitting inside Wac Berger.
  • Wolpis +15.
  • Coola Cola +15.
  • Big WAC +20.
Jin Chigaya: Found in the arcade, Rocket Park.
  • Big WAC +15.
  • Morning Glory Fan +15.
  • Victory Token +20.
Hiyu Mekami: Found sitting in the warehouse.
  • Wolpis +15.
  • Fingerless Gloves +15.
  • USB Player +20.
Yuuto Oui: Found in the newspaper office, Yazuki Times.
  • Wolpis +15.
  • Milky Cookies +15.
  • Flower Tea +20.
Ryuuri Kujoh: Found in the backstreet.
  • Cross Ring +15.
  • Rainbow Afro +15.
  • Fingerless Gloves +20.
Kirara Akanagi: Found in the backstreet, only after befriending Ryuuri.
  • Cross Ring +15.
  • Rainbow Afro +15.
  • Sparkly Polish +20.

Hitohito Kogure: Found in the pet café, Fairytale Forest.
  • Soda Cider +15.
  • Coola Cola +15.
  • Kittytail +20.
Mary Seno: Found in the music studio, Sorry Music Japan.
  • Stomach meds +15.
  • Vacation jelly +15.
  • Large lollipop +20.
Meru Myoujou: Found in the accessory shop, Lillian.
  • Palm Mix +15.
  • Rainbow Afro +15.
  • Teeny Bikini +20.
Saaya Yukisuzu: Found sitting on the bench left of the beach's entrance.
  • Blankit +15.
  • Kitten Scrunchie +15.
  • Cross Ring +20.
Izuchi Nasuga: Found crouching on the beach.
  • Koala Cigarette +15.
  • Cold Remedy +15.
  • Victory Token +20.
Meu Kanou: Found inside her fortune-telling shop, Starbrink.
  • Rainbow Afro +15.
  • Vacation Jelly +15.
  • Palm Mix +20.
Sagara Sakuse: Found in the bakery, Little Berry.
  • Guilty Cards +15.
  • Cross Ring +15.
  • Chocolate Cake +20.

Nomiya Yosaka: Found in Break Passage in the warehouse next to Hiyu.
  • Coola Cola +15.
  • Angler Mochi +15.
  • Black Bandana +20.
Kirai Nasuga: Found in Coco Alley in the garden, Honey Garden.
  • Palm Mix +15.
  • Wolpis +15.
  • Vacation Jelly +20.
Kotora Yatano: Found in Coco Alley in his cafe, Cafe Lapin.
  • Flower Tea +15.
  • Milky Cookies +15.
  • Koala Cigarette +20.
Tobari Hikagari: Found in Sweet Beach sitting between Sorry Music Japan and the accessory shop, Lillian.
  • Flower Tea +15.
  • Milky Cookies +15.
  • Black Cocoa +20.

Misane Mikoto: Found in her hover chair sitting next to Mikado in the apartment.
  • Blankit +15.
  • Kitten Scrunchie +15.
  • Kittytail +20.
Mikado Aisaka: Found sitting on his couch in the apartment.
  • Has no favorite item, so all items are just +5 except for Love Chocolate+20
Friend Choices
Sometimes during friend events you'll get asked by a character to answer with a O (Yes) or X (No) Answering correctly results in a 5 point affection bonus. While characters only need 100 to max, it isn't all that important to get them right, but here's the answers that get you 5 points anyways. Most characters only have two times they ask a question, and some don't even have questions.

Blue Sun Street Friends


1st question: O

1st question: X
2nd Question: O


1st Question: O
2nd Question: X

1st Question: O
2nd Question: O
3rd Question: O

1st Question: O
2nd Question: O

Sunset Hill Friends

1st Question: O
2nd Question: O

1st Question: O

1st Question: O
2nd Question: O

1st Question: X
2nd Question: O

1st question: O

CocoAlley Friends

1st Question: O

1st Question: X

1st Question: X

1st Question: X

1st Question: X

1st Question: O
A note about this question: Choosing O takes you to a horroe-esque segment where you walk through creepy rooms reading the small writings on the far right of each room until you spell out "NE XT TO THE GIRL" And examine near the painting of the girl in between the 3rd/4th doors. If you get easily scared/don't like jump scares, you might want to choose X and lose the 5 fondness points you'd get for choosing O. Also by clearing this, Momori will give you some extra bits.

1st Question: O

Break Passage Friends

1st Question: O
There's also an event where Ryuuri talks about punching Nanashi and gives you a mini segment where you button mash from left to right what it shows, kinda like the hacker segments in main story but a lot shorter, Order is C then C, Z, then C, X, Z, if you do that you'll get another 5 point bonus

1st Question: O

Most of the achievements are pretty easy to get if you just play through the game normally and make friends. Though here's all of them if you're stuck on getting any!

  • Dolphin's Dream and Milk Tea: Begin Chapter 1
  • Honey Clover Break Soul: Begin Chapter 2
  • Braving the Lion's Den: Begin Chapter 3
  • Key Of Mind: Begin Chapter 4
  • Misane Mikoto Cannot Unravel: Begin Ch. xxxx, login to Nanashi's computer after befriending all possible friends post-game and interact with the avatar sitting in the bottom left corner of the room to begin.
  • GAME OVER: Get a game over during a discussion time or virus attack.
  • Unchangeable Future: Get the Bad end, by skipping all free times and only having the 8 mandatory friends you made during the story and heading to the Control Room.
  • Bye-Bye: Get the Normal end, by befriending more than 8 but less than 25 on your friend list and head to the Control Room.
  • Changed Future: Get the Good end, by befriending 25 or more friends and head to the Control Room.

  • Hack the BitWorld: Find the cheat to get a max amount of Bits. Login to Nanashi's computer and examine the bottom right corner of the room by pressing 'X/Space Bar/Whatever is your confirm button'.
  • The Gift of Love: Buy the Love Chocolate in the BitWorld and give it to the first person you'd like. Anyone is fine.

  • Premonition of Happiness: Befriend 25 friends.
  • Mutterly Fantastic!: Befriend everyone possible after the last chapter!

  • Milk Tea: Hang-out with Natsukage
  • The Albino Girl: Hang-out with Miumi.
  • Courage Repaid: Hang-out with Haruya.
  • The Band Member: Hang-out with Akitaka.
  • Aira's Heart: Hang-out with Aira.
  • Promise Ribbon: Hang-out with Potete.

  • Granny and the Cat: Add Yasune into your friendslist.
  • Love's Shape: Add ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ into your friendslist.
  • Benevolent Shrine Maiden: Add Hakuhi into your friendslist.
  • Everybody's Peacekeeper: Add Takamiya into your friendslist.
  • Explorer of Flavor: Add Shiren into your friendslist.
  • Proof of Friendship: Add Kuroku and Shiroro into your friendlist.
  • Onto the Terrible Thirties: Add Kaori into your friendlist.

  • Doctor and Assistant: Add Kiri into your friendlist.
  • Handmade Present: Add Sakuma into your friendlist.
  • Emerald Eyes: Add Nio into your friendlist.
  • Childlike Feelings: Add Sekiyu into your friendlist.
  • She Lives On: Add Akuta into your friendlist.
  • Look to the Stars: Add Yukinaga into your friendlist.

  • Scatterbrain: Add Rocca into your friendlist.
  • Tea Friends: Add Chino into your friendlist.
  • Friends of the Soul: Add Moroku into your friendlist.
  • Wish Upon A Star: Add Sora into your friendlist.
  • Next'll Be a Homer!: Add Akashi into your friendlist.
  • My Chiiiiild: Add Misato into your friendlist.
  • Thoughtful Design: Add Momori into your friendlist.

  • True Buds: Add Asuto into your friendlist.
  • Even Worse With You: Add Enri into your friendlist.
  • Glutton: Add Azusa into your friendlist.
  • Never Accepting Defeat: Add Jin into your friendlist.
  • Super Buster Legend: Add Hiyu into your friendlist.
  • Apprentice Detective: Add Yuuto into your friendlist.
  • What Needs Protecting: Add Ryuuri into your friendlist.
  • Totally BFFs: Add Kirara into your friendlist, only possible after befriending Ryuuri.

  • Man's Best Friend: Add Hitohito into your friendlist.
  • Manager on the Side: Add Mary into your friendlist.
  • Stimulating Awakening: Add Meru into your friendlist.
  • Lord Nanashi: Add Saaya into your friendlist.
  • Foolish, Happy Commoner: Add Izuchi into your friendlist.
  • The Ways of Fortune-Telling: Add Meu into your friendlist.
  • The Pact is Sealed: Add Sagara into your friendlist.

  • 3Bit Friendship: Add Nomiya into your friendlist.
  • Second Coming of Genius: Add Kirai into your friendlist.
  • A Long-Suffering Guy: Add Kotora into your friendlist.
  • The Joys of Daily Life: Add Tobari into your friendlist.

  • See You in the Future: Hang-out with Misane.
  • That Beloved Future: Hang-out with Mikado.
Finished 1bitHeart and have a tiny hole in your 1bitHeart that needs to be filled with game recommendations? Search no further!

First of all, 1bitHeart has a sequel called 1BeatHeart! It's not on Steam with no announcement of it coming, but it's available to download on vgpersons site here: http://vgperson.com/games/1beatheart.htm

Alicemare is miwashibas very first game. It's fairytale inspired with a horror-esque feeling to it. Don't worry though, no chase scenes!

LiEat is another of Miwashiba's games, it plays as an RPG split up into three games, the steam version has all three in one. You play as a lieing con-man and his lie-eating dragon daughter wandering from one town to the next.

The danganronpa games feature conversation battles and mystery elements. You play as a student trapped in a place with other people that are getting killed. Find the mastermind before they find you! Miwashiba is a huge fan of the danganronpa series, with a lot of 1bithearts system taking inspiration from the games.

The World Ends with you is a Nintendo DS game that takes place in Shibuya. You wake up one day with no memories in the middle of the street and are suddenly put in a battle with creatures called Noise and have to survive for 7 days. Mostly Recommending this if you like the style of 1bitheart, as TWEWY plays very differently. There is imprintment in peoples minds with meme's though. That's cool!

The 999 games involve puzzle solving with a colorful cast of people. Similarly to danganronpa, you're trapped in an area and have to escape while finding out who did this to you all.

The Phoenix Wright/Ace Attourney games, primarily available on DS/3DS s very similar to 1bitheart, you play as a defense attourney and investigate the scene of crime to better defend your client and cross examine witnesses. It also has a very huge cast all with hilarious personalitys. This game series'll make you laugh loudly and cry just as loudly!
48 comentários
Starrybunnieboy [Vtuber]  [autor] 22 de mai. às 11:12 
Oh and by exit out of dialog completely I mean go to the overworld and walk away for a second, not out to the wheel of 3 choices
Starrybunnieboy [Vtuber]  [autor] 22 de mai. às 11:11 
Are you trying to friend characters from the main story like Natsukage? Either way, there is a glitch sometimes with triggering events, exit out of the dialog with the character completely and then give them a gift and it should count all the affection from previous items. Remember story characters like Natsukage take 100 affection to get their event with items that arent their favorite giving only 5 points while favorite items and love choco give 20 so you need to at least give 5 favorite items to trigger their event. Other characters not in main story like for example Yukinaga should have an event every 25 points with 4 events, once you get their affection item you can leave them alone and move on to the next character.
Eggarino 10 de mai. às 20:47 
There shouldn't be any specific requirements for friending characters aside from raising their affection, right? For some reason, no matter how many gifts I give some characters, I can't trigger any friend events at all. Has anyone had this issue or know how to fix it?
Starrybunnieboy [Vtuber]  [autor] 2 abr. 2023 às 12:00 
Yeah id say if you dont like it after chapter 1 it's not worth sitting through the rest then. I'm not Japanese and like it but ey its peoples tastes at the end of the day really
DoYouWantACookie? 2 abr. 2023 às 11:53 
thx for response, and the last question, will be game a better after ch.1 or I can delete this like now? Im glad to speak a person that love this game and Im rly appreciate your opinion, game in my opinion only for japanese people idk why I have that viewpoint, but storytelling and characters reallly strange...
Starrybunnieboy [Vtuber]  [autor] 2 abr. 2023 às 11:47 
Ok well then I don't think you'll like Danganronpa at least cause thats set at school and is even more in the "can feel like a dating sim for kids" thing as well as how it can have immature jokes and fanservice. Ace Attorney might be okay since you're playing an adult that is a Defense Attorney but it is still very much more lighthearted and zany kind of comedy.
DoYouWantACookie? 2 abr. 2023 às 11:38 
The first what I dont like here is story, feels like a dating sim for kids. idk, when you had found a girl that tell you make some friends and after that you disturbing every person what you see and ofc poor "Orca" with stupid question like "DoYouWantToBeMyFriend????" argh..
The second is OST, idk my brain melting after blue city theme..
I've passed only first chapter, maybe after thar game would be better, but now for me this game is torture
Starrybunnieboy [Vtuber]  [autor] 2 abr. 2023 às 11:22 
Eh Im not quite sure. Whats the reason you don't like 1bitheart? Since depending on the reasons, Ace Attorney and Danganronpa might not be up your alley.
DoYouWantACookie? 2 abr. 2023 às 9:46 
If I dont like 1bitheart, will you recommend to me Ace attorney and Danganronpa? Cuz I have completed a lot similar games (Ib, mad father, witch's house etc and I really. like them) and idk is it'll be a worth purchase for me a games like this.
BarnH0use 8 nov. 2022 às 16:05 
Amazing review, gloriously written. Very punctual and to the point, really helped a speedrunner with getting world record beating this game.

150/10, would review again