Dirty Bomb

Dirty Bomb

261 ratings
Dirty Bomb Console Commands (updated)
By Funkytaz
DUE TO SD LATEST UPDATE PARTS OF THIS GUIDE IS RENDERED USELESS (the fun part), And has been therefore removed from this guide, you can still find them here:
Ability / Teleporting / Misc.
Mercs / Weapons
You can Search the guide with a keyword by typing Ctrl+F

Please do share the guide with your friends and rate it up if it helped.
Leave any issues in the comments below and let me know how to improve.
Steam Launch Options
Listed launched option for dirty bomb - will add more as i find them.

-with_gfe Turn on Nvidia integration
-with_gfe=0 Turn off Nvidia integration
-nosplash disables the splash screen.
-noini disables changes to config files while in-game.

To Test
-notexturestreaming -pixo -nopause -debug -threads= -ReadTexturePoolFromIni
-forcelogflush -flloglevel=debug -nosuppress=devfireline -nosuppress=DevWebUIScript
Getting Started

Bear in mind that all of the commands in this guide can be copy and pasted, so you won't have to bother typing out any of these by yourself!

You can Find what command you are looking for within the guide by typing Ctrl+F and then your keyword.
Many of these can be set in the menus, but also via the console. The caveat is that settings changed via the console are not always saved to player profiles.

To be able to use those commands you will need to open the console, the console can be open from anywere! Open the console (default is ~); you can also use the Home key.

Of course to first start screwing around with all these commands, you need to get yourself into an offline map first.
Accessing Local server - start offline mode
  1. Do it from home or anywere
  2. Open the console (default is ~)
  3. type or copy paste from the Level Switching list (ex: switchlevel obj_bridge )
If you want to enter more than 1 command you must use " | " between each.

Assets path
\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Dirty Bomb\ShooterGame\CookedPC
\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Dirty Bomb\ShooterGame\Content\WebAssets\images
Level Switching
  • Tutorial
    switchlevel nuf_tut
  • Tutorial
    switchlevel TUT_BasicTutorial

  • Tutorial
    switchlevel nuf_map01
  • test map
    switchlevel shooterentry
  • Tutorial
    switchlevel nuf_map01

  • Bridge
    switchlevel OBJ_Bridge
  • Underground
    switchlevel OBJ_Canarywharf
  • Dome Redux
    switchlevel OBJ_DomeRedux
  • Trainyard
    switchlevel OBJ_Trainyard
  • Terminal Redux
    switchlevel OBJ_TerminalRedux
  • Chapel
    switchlevel OBJ_whitechapel
  • Dockyard
    switchlevel OBJ_Dockyard
  • Vault
    switchlevel OBJ_Heist
  • Castle
    switchlevel OBJ_Castle
Online In-game commands
These Commands will work while you're playing.
  • Shows ingame stats
    stat fps
  • Disconnect you from the session
  • shows how long the two threads game and draw (both using the cpu) and the gpu took for a frame.
    Stat unit
  • Show a graphic of the unit used by the game
  • In case of a defective sound effect loop
  • disable all chats
    HudToggle chat
  • Toss a coin, head or tail.
  • Draw a random number
  • Add/change Clan Tag (5 digit max)
    SetClanTag XXXXX
  • Delete Clan Tag
  • change the sens
    setsensitivity xx.xx
  • Toggles HUD on and off
  • Change the ColorGrading
    ColorGrading 2
  • Exit the game
  • Mute everyone
  • Get your actual in game coordinate
Key Bindings
Here are some usefull Binds, you can change the key for whatever you want.
setbind <key> "<action>"
**Prior to binding make sure that the key is not used for anything in your control settings.

  • Binding longjump to a key (Left-alt here)
    setbind LeftAlt "Duck | Jump" 1

  • Peace and Quiet Bind
    setbind P "HudToggle chat | muteall" 1

  • This will stop you from knifing after you switch to your melee.
    setbind three "weaponslotone | stopfire" 1

    Great for Sparks, Fragger or anyone with an ability you switch to.
    Unbind melee in the settings first and then use the command once you're in a match.
  • Ask fo Medic
    setbind NumPadOne "teamsay Medic!"
  • Ask fo Ammo
    setbind NumPadTwo "teamsay Ammo!"
  • Thanks
    setbind NumPadZero "Say Thanks"
  • Sorry
    setbind NumPadFive "Say Sorry."

  • Good Game. Good Game! Well Played
    setbind G "Say Good Game. Good Game! Well Played"
  • GLHF
    setbind H "say Good Luck, Have Fun"
  • Dirty
    setbind Backslash "say That's what she said!"
  1. Go to : \Documents\My Games\UnrealEngine3\ShooterGame\ConfigShooterInput.ini
  2. Add your bind to your ShooterInput.ini at the [ShooterGame.SGPlayerInputPawn] category (at the bottom)
  3. Bindings=(Name="<key>",Command="<command(s)>")
    You can add multiple commands, each commands must be separated by a comma.
\Documents\My Games\UnrealEngine3\ShooterGame\Config\ShooterInput.ini

FOV Toggle
Open your ShooterInput.ini (located in C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\My Games\UnrealEngine3\ShooterGame\Config) and look for the [ShooterGame.SGPlayerInputPawn] section and paste these lines at the very end of that section:
Bindings=(Name="ZoomIn",Command="FOV 65 | SetBind LeftControl ZoomOut") Bindings=(Name="ZoomOut",Command="FOV 90 | SetBind LeftControl ZoomIn") Bindings=(Name="LeftControl",Command="ZoomIn")
Save the file, go ingame and try it out. No need to set it to read-only. If you currently have something bound to Control, you need to unbind it first.
Change the FOV to something you like. 65 being the lowest possible FOV.

Second way

- paste In console :
setbind LeftControl "ZoomIn" 1 | setbind ZoomIn "FOV 65 | SetBind LeftControl ZoomOut" 1 | setbind ZoomOut "FOV 90 | SetBind LeftControl ZoomIn" 1
Training with bots (clones)
If you with to train your aim in Dirty Bomb there's a way to do it by creating a clone of yourself in place.
b. Other way (clone with limited health)
  1. hit the console key (tilde ~)
  2. Switchlevel XXX (ex: switchlevel obj_bridge) (*See Level Switching)
  3. Switchlevel OBJ_Underground (*This is an incorrect code, which for whatever reason will kill your character, but leave a clone in it's place.)

c. There is also a Alternate way to do it by typing mergemesh into the console.
This doesn't produce the same effect, as it only displays a blue non-physical model of the player, but it's a lot simpler to pull off.
You can also create multiple clones this way too, possibly without any limit of clones per map.
Startup -exec
For anyone who wants to tweak some variables without messing with the config files, here's how:
  1. Open up Notepad and paste in the contents you want: Ex:ColorGrading 2
  2. Save this file to \Steam\steamapps\common\Dirty Bomb\Binaries\exec.txt
  3. In Steam, right-click on Dirty Bomb in your library and go to 'Properties'.
  4. Click 'Set Launch Options'
  5. Paste this in and click 'OK': -exec=exec.txt
I use this exec.txt file to tweak some variables. Here's the full file:
PostProcessAAType 0
BloomSize 0
ColorGrading 2
RawInputUpdateTest true
Stat FPS
Maximize + Unlock FPS
If you want to Increase or lower your FPS.
  1. Go to \Documents\MyGames\UnrealEngine3\ShooterGame\Config\ShooterEngine.ini
  2. Open ShooterEngine.ini
  3. got to [Engine.Engine] looking for the following parameters
    MinSmoothedFrameRate=0 (0 by default or The FPS value you want)
    MaxSmoothedFrameRate=X (X being The FPS value you want)
  4. Change bSmoothFrameRate to TRUE
  5. Edit the value for MinSmoothedFrameRate to 0 and MaxSmoothedFrameRate for what you want.
  6. Save then close the file. Change ShooterEngine.ini to "read-only" (right-click Properties).
you can use "stat unitgraph" or "stat fps" in the console to get a visualisation of the frame times

Low graphic optimisation Bindings
Add this to your ShooterInput.ini at the [ShooterGame.SGPlayerInputPawn] category (at the bottom):

Bindings=(Name="F10",Command="PostProcessAAType 0 | BloomSize 0 | ColorGrading 2 | RawInputUpdateTest true")

Bindings=(Name="F10",Command="PostProcessAAType 0 | BloomSize 0 | ColorGrading 2 | hudturnoff minimap | stat fps | texturepoolsize 1 | PostProcessAAType 0 | RawInputUpdateTest true")

it disables post process AA, bloom, fog, makes the textures brighter, enables raw input and changes colorgrading to 2 (default 0). Press F10 everytime you join on a server the first time you have started the game to activate the settings.
Customize your HUD (Work in progress )
Turn off the minimap
open ShooterUI.ini
go to: [ShooterGame.SGUIHUDMiniMap]
set: m_MiniMapWidth=0 m_MiniMapHeight=0

My custom HUD for 1920x1080
go to: [ShooterGame.SGUIHUDPlayer] then replace the content with this:
NativeHUDResolution=(X=1280, Y=720)
ScopeInfoPosition=(Attach=(H=HA_CENTER), PixelOffset=(Y=500))
ConsoleMessageLogPosition=(Attach=(H=HA_LEFT, V=HA_TOP, VA="ChatInput"), Align=(H=HA_LEFT, V=HA_BOTTOM))
SpectatorConsoleMessageLogPosition=(Attach=(H=HA_LEFT, V=HA_TOP), Align=(H=HA_LEFT, V=HA_BOTTOM))
ChatInputPosition=(Align=(H=HA_LEFT, V=HA_BOTTOM), Attach=(H=HA_LEFT, V=HA_TOP, VA="Minimap"), PixelOffset=(Y=-2))
SpectatorChatInputPosition=(Align=(H=HA_LEFT, V=HA_TOP), Attach=(H=HA_LEFT, V=HA_BOTTOM, VA="ConsoleMessageLog", HA="ConsoleMessageLog"), PixelOffset=(Y=-1))
IncapMenuPosition=(Align=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_BOTTOM), Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_TOP, VA="DeathInfoCard"))
ObjectiveProgressionPosition=(Attach=(H=HA_LEFT, V=HA_TOP), PixelOffset=(X=25, Y=25))
ObjectiveProgressionNotificationPosition=(Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_CENTER), PixelOffset=(Y=-100))
ObjectiveClockPosition=(Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_TOP), PixelOffset=(X=0, Y=25))
MinimapPosition=(Align=(V=HA_BOTTOM),Attach=(H=HA_LEFT, V=HA_BOTTOM))
ExpCounterPosition=(Align=(V=HA_BOTTOM), Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_BOTTOM), PixelOffset=(Y=225))
GameplayNotificationPosition=(Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_TOP, VA="ExpCounter"), PixelOffset=(Y=-20))
SubtitlesPosition=(Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_BOTTOM), PixelOffset=(Y=710))
ObjectiveNotificationPosition=(Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_TOP, VA="BadgeNotification"), PixelOffset=(Y=150), ShadowOffset=(X=-1, Y=-1))
GameInfoPosition=(Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_TOP))
DetectedNotificationPosition=(Align=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_CENTER), Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_BOTTOM), PixelOffset=(Y=100))
DebilitatedNotificationPosition=(Align=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_CENTER), Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_BOTTOM), PixelOffset=(Y=120))
AbilityCooldownPosition=(Align=(H=HA_RIGHT, V=HA_TOP), Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_TOP, VA="PlayerHealth"), PixelOffset=(X=-85, Y=10))
WeaponAmmoPosition=(Align=(H=HA_LEFT, V=HA_TOP), Attach=(H=HA_RIGHT, V=HA_TOP, HA="AbilityCooldown", VA="AbilityCooldown"), PixelOffset=(X=-280, Y=-10))
CarryBombPosition=(Align=(V=HA_BOTTOM), Attach=(H=HA_RIGHT, V=HA_TOP, VA="AbilityCooldown"), PixelOffset=(Y=0, X=0))
PlayerHealthPosition=(Align=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_TOP), Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_BOTTOM), PixelOffset=(Y=130))
ShieldBarPosition=(Align=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_BOTTOM), Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_BOTTOM), PixelOffset=(Y=100), ShadowOffset=(X=-1, Y=-1))
ReadyUpPosition=(Align=(V=HA_TOP,H=HA_CENTER), Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_TOP))
BadgeNotificationPosition=(Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_TOP))
ExecutionBadgeNotificationPosition=(Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_TOP, VA="ExecutionGameStatus"), PixelOffset=(Y=80))
DeathInfoCardPosition=(Align=(V=HA_BOTTOM,H=HA_CENTER), Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_BOTTOM), PixelOffset=(Y=0))
SpectatorGameWaveTimerPosition=(Attach=(H=HA_CENTER,V=HA_TOP), Align=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_TOP))
GameWaveTimerPosition=(Align=(H=HA_LEFT, V=HA_BOTTOM), Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_BOTTOM), PixelOffset=(X=-44, Y=128))
ObjectivePosition=(Align=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_CENTER), Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_BOTTOM), PixelOffset=(X=16, Y=0))
SpectatorObjectivePosition=(Attach=(H=HA_CENTER,V=HA_TOP), Align=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_TOP))
ActionMenuPosition=(Align=(H=HA_LEFT, V=HA_TOP), Attach=(H=HA_LEFT, V=HA_TOP, HA="", VA=""), PixelOffset=(X=0, Y=0))
SpectatorActionMenuPosition=(Align=(H=HA_LEFT, V=HA_BOTTOM), Attach=(H=HA_LEFT, V=HA_TOP, VA="Minimap"), PixelOffset=(Y=-2))
CharacterSelectionPosition=(Align=(H=HA_CENTER), Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_BOTTOM))
SpectatorCardPosition=(Attach=(H=HA_CENTER,V=HA_BOTTOM), Align=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_BOTTOM))
ExecutionGameStatusPosition=(Attach=(H=HA_CENTER,V=HA_TOP), Align=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_TOP))
ExecutionCountdownPosition=(Attach=(H=HA_CENTER,V=HA_TOP), Align=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_TOP))
ExecutionRoundNotificationPosition=(Align=(H=HA_NONE, V=HA_NONE))
ExecutionRoundIntroPosition=(Attach=(H=HA_LEFT,V=HA_BOTTOM), Align=(H=HA_LEFT, V=HA_BOTTOM))

Demo Recording
  • Starts recording
  • Stops recording
  • Plays demo with indicated filename
    DemoPlay demofilename.demo
  • Moves camera into freemode
  • Cancels previous command
  • Adjusts playback speed
    SloMo #.#

random commands to Test / organize (Work in progress)

obj list class=weapon
change colors of in game ui
C:\Users\...\Documents\My Games\UnrealEngine3\ShooterGame\Config

Open ShooterUI.ini

ctrl-f "m_PrimaryColor"

You should find several lines related to colors, such as:


change resolutions (21:9 or else)
you have to edit ini file.
Documents\My Games\UnrealEngine3\ShooterGame\Config\ShooterEngine.ini
Change ResX and ResY values to your resolution and save

setres 1680x1050f
This changes screen resolution. Use w for windowed, and f for fullscreen.
It's particularly useful if you alt-tab a lot, since this works around the fullscreen-minimap issue.
For Weapon testing

  • Displays weapon spread
    DisplayAll m_currentSpread sgweapon
  • Displays spreads by weapons class
    DisplayAll SGStandardAssaultRifle m_currentSpread
    DisplayAll SGStandardMachineGun m_currentSpread
    DisplayAll SGStandardPistol m_currentSpread
    DisplayAll SGStandardShotgun m_currentSpread
    DisplayAll SGStandardSniperRifle m_currentSpread
    DisplayAll SGStandardSMG m_currentSpread

  • check the movement speed with a weapon
    DisplayAll SDPawn Velocity
    (It shows X and Y though, so line up so that mostly only one of them is affected when moving.)

Remember, Dirty Bomb uses Unreal Engine 3 and as such, you can screw around with default UE3 commands and see which work and which don't. I'm personally not an expert with UE3, but a command list can be found here:
With a list of Pawn variables here:
/u/fr0sz has also provided a dump of the classes and variables, which you can use to test out various commands:
http://www.mediafire .com/download/igi45w574aeyk7o/DB+dump.rar

I take no credit for "discovering" any of these, I'm merely putting them all into one place.
credit from https://dirtybomb.gamepedia.com/Console_Commands

For Items, you can find them in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Dirty Bomb\ShooterGame\CookedPC\Items

For tools, you can find them in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Dirty Bomb\ShooterGame\CookedPC\Tools

For weapons, you can find them in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Dirty Bomb\ShooterGame\CookedPC\Weapons
What this does is, it turns off midmap texture streaming. The constant loading of textures causing those fps dips. This trick pretty much solved my fps issue in the game. You're welcome!
""There are other methods of doing this, but in my experience they keep the game from unloading unused textures between maps, so you'll run out of video memory after several games in a row.""
I never had this issue, but i have a 8gig card.

I had similar problems with my i5 4690k and gtx 980 when I started. The problem is not with your hardware or drivers, but the UE3 texture streaming system. There's two things I did to address stuttering. First set everything up the way you want it to be, with whatever visual features you want and the texture quality that you want. Make sure "One Frame Interval" is set to true, it's under Video>Advanced, all the way at the bottom.

Next, find your config file. It should be here: C:\Users\ your user name here\Documents\My Games\UnrealEngine3\ShooterGame\Config\ShooterEngine.ini

If you open up the run dialogue you can dump this in there to open it up:

%UserProfile%\Documents\My Games\UnrealEngine3\ShooterGame\Config\
Pop open ShooterEngine.ini with any text editor and search for "TextureGroup". You should find several lines that look something like this:

There should be a lot of lines all grouped together that look similar like these, probably 2 dozen in all. At the end of each line add ",NumStreamedMips=0" before the parenthesis. There's one line that probably already has that at the end, but it's set to 3. Just change it to 0. The lines should look like this afterwards:

Finally, save the file and mark it as read-only so the game can't change it back to the default settings.

Do this for all of the different texturegroups. You're telling the engine that you don't want any mipmaps for these textures to be streamed in on the fly. There are other methods of doing this, but in my experience they keep the game from unloading unused textures between maps, so you'll run out of video memory after several games in a row. Regardless, this removed stuttering for me as the game wasn't constantly loading and unloading texture mipmaps.

Or you can just try the config I'm using. I've turned off some visual features I don't care for, but it's running well for me if you don't feel like editting settings yourself.
if you "middle click" when changing the resolution you can set the exact resolution you want by typing the values in.
If you have commands that works and are not listed here, you can comment below!
Commands removed from the game
set, get, getall commands
Ability / Teleporting / Misc.
Mercs / Weapons
Bind V-say (voice chat) using AHK
At the moment you cannot bind Vsay commands using console or ingame aids (that i know of)

To proceed you will need to Download and install Auto Hot Key wich is a program that let automate keys / scripts. https://autohotkey.com

To start
*1. Right-Click on your desktop.
•2. Find "New" in the menu.
•3. Click "AutoHotkey Script" inside the "New" menu.
•4. Give the script a new name. Note: It must end with a .ahk extension. Ex. MyScript.ahk
•5. Find the newly created file on your desktop and Right-Click it.
•6. Click "Edit Script".
•7. A window should have popped up, probably Notepad. If so, SUCCESS!

copy / paste this script:
Send {v}
Sleep, 10
Send {HHH}

You'll need to edit this script depending on your needs, the Esc key close the scipt.
*1. Replace the "KKK" by the key you want to use
*2. Replace "HHH" by the vsay command you'd like to use (ex. {v}-{5}-{7} for "Aw Yeah!") etc..
Send {v}
Sleep, 10
Send {5}
Sleep, 10
Send {7}
Wolfen 14 Mar, 2020 @ 1:27am 
Hello, i just found out about this Thread. It seems you are familiar with the "-exec=exec.txt" command. I want to know a little bit more about it.
I have seen this should also work for Unreal Engine 3 Games. Not sure about it.
However, i tried to use that command with an UE3 Game. So far it does nothing.
I wanna change the Resolution and Fullscreen Mode with the exec.txt.
Official Johan Cruijff Page 21 Dec, 2019 @ 5:11pm 
penis i have, may ew you have a statese taste:lunar2019piginablanket:
Kiga 22 Nov, 2019 @ 10:29am 
Wow, I guess I forgot to type "setbind" instead I typed out "bind". Thanks for the help, I really should have figured this out sooner.

Have yourself a great rest of your day!
Funkytaz  [author] 21 Nov, 2019 @ 12:31pm 
did you wrote the bind like this:
setbind key "teamsay something!"
it should work fine
Kiga 20 Nov, 2019 @ 9:09pm 
Anyone know why *ex*

bind [key] "teamsay [message]"
isn't working?

I tried teamsay by itself, followed by a message and it worked, but for some reason with the bind it doesn't. Help?
bulibuli 5 Oct, 2018 @ 8:32am 
please teach me.i want to do chat time longer.how should i?
Funkytaz  [author] 30 Aug, 2018 @ 2:11pm 
if you want to use the feature to record some awesome gameplay, you'll need to add the following line to your Dirty Bomb launch options in Steam:

Funkytaz  [author] 17 Jun, 2018 @ 9:35pm 
they removed it, will update.
aleks 17 Jun, 2018 @ 9:01pm 
commands : FogDensity 0 and SetMaxMipLevel 16 does not work.
Funkytaz  [author] 7 Jun, 2018 @ 7:54pm 
I added the tutorial map, lemme know if I forgot something.