Friday the 13th: The Game

Friday the 13th: The Game

평점이 부족합니다.
How to git gud as Jason
My 600 Ping Life. 님이 작성
This will teach you how to get skilled as Jason.
즐겨찾기 해제
1. hold C to go into combat stance
2. hold M2
3. If they attack you and you are up-close then mash M1 and they can't stun you.
You are now skilled as Jason. Now get onto those servers and get those counselors!
댓글 22
𖤐Halcyon𖤐 2017년 10월 8일 오전 10시 37분 
@sekkuara666 Goes on to call basically everything I post a piece of shit despite effort and thought was put into it.
Calls this stuff the best guide on steam.
I think Sekk-chan is like some twisted reverse human thing.
Anything that has effort is shit but anything shit is effort.
He's not human.
Sekkaura is a fucking Lizard!!!!
Sekkuar666 2017년 9월 26일 오후 1시 34분 
Best guide on steam

Can you do a video guide?
Phillip Oliver Holz 2017년 9월 25일 오후 5시 57분 
Snufflaphagus calls others pussy while at the same time, being so much of a pussy himself as to not want Jason to use basic tools that are at his disposal such as Slash, and Hug. So, here are rules 1-4 for F13 The Game:

1. Counselors don't get to tell Jason how to play.
2. Counselors don't get to tell Jason how to play.
3. Counselors don't get to tell Jason how to play.
4. See Rules 1-3

I bet Snufflaphagus uses Discord as a counselor to cheat and circumvent the game's Voice Chat mechanic. Don't you?

I bet you even put the Jason in a different channel so as no not let the Jason compensate for such chearing. Don't you?
Cool Naoto 2017년 9월 1일 오후 7시 55분 
Why does no one know you can do this as Jason, I constantly punish people who act brave with a baseball bat and they end up breaking the thing and they can't do crap yet I can chase down Jason with a wrench and they try to dodge it
My 600 Ping Life.  [작성자] 2017년 8월 29일 오후 4시 32분 
tfw when my forum drinking game guide is the most popular. And you say they are "bad" I'm working on another one BTW. :)
CAPPA 2017년 8월 29일 오후 4시 09분 
You should really fucking stop and make a fucking good one you puddle of cow jizz and goat flies:steamhappy:
maxiejo 2017년 8월 29일 오전 12시 20분 
I dont play jason much but i dont understand why people are so angry when jason slashes or does a certain kill move.
TDawg262 2017년 8월 28일 오전 10시 36분 
Snufflaphagus, then i really hope we don't meet in a match :)
My 600 Ping Life.  [작성자] 2017년 8월 28일 오전 9시 46분 
Keep crying baby.
antichrist 2017년 8월 28일 오전 9시 46분 
Any Jason that slashes, blocks, or only do hug kills, are ASSHOLES. They ruin the game. Every fucking game i get into, i find the Typical "Retro" Jason that will block and slash. How about everyone does something else that makes the game better? Because people ruin the fucking game, and the community.