

43 ratings
The Reaper Leviathan and what to do if you encounter it.
By Lima India Golf Mike Alpha
The Reaper Leviathan, one of subnautica's oldest and scariest creatures. It was added in the very early versions of the game and was at the top of the food chain until the Dangerous Creatures update. The Reaper Leviathan usually emits loud, echoing roars audible from great distances. According to the data bank entry, this roar is a form of echolocation, though the roar does not function like this in game. If the Reaper Leviathan manages to grab the Player, the creature will hold its victim in its mandibles, pause for a second while roaring, and then proceed to pull the player into its mouth, killing them instantly.
What to do if you encounter it
If you accidentally or purposley stumble upon this predator then your most likeley ♥♥♥♥♥♥. But, if you come to it in a seamoth with the perimeter defense module and a hull reinforcement then you have a better chance of surviving or dying later, even a cyclops cannot stop the predator. If you wanted to fight it but then had regrets or just ♥♥♥♥ your pants accidentally encountering it then you should eject a Cyclops decoy module out of your ship or deploy it by hand if you brought it with you in your Prawn or Seamoth because the decoy emmits a pinging / mechanical noise that most predators don't like so they will attack it, giving you the good chance to get your ass out of there but be careful what biome your in; reapers spawn in the Dunes, Mountains and Crash zone (beside the Aurora) and there are multiple Reaper's there so be careful of what direction you go in, there could be 3 more reapers waiting for you. If wanting to fight a reaper then you should bring a hardened blade, batteries and a stasis rifle. When encountered then swiftly freeze the reaper with the stasis rifle and then stab it as many times as you can with the hardened blade and be watchful of the stasis rifle's freeze-bubble, it could run out and the reaper would be chasing you. (Bare in mind reapers have ALOT of health so it would take alot of hits with the blade). And if wanting to fight with seamoth then as said above, make sure you have the perimeter defense module, hull reinforce module, torpedo module and some torpedo's of your choice (gas or vortex). Select the seamoth icon on your jud (pressing 1 or what slot it's equipped in) old in the attack button and charge up the electrical shock wave then release it, this will chase the reaper away for a short period of time because it was damaged / shocked by the shock wave. For Prawn battle you must equip the graphling arm, hull reinforcement module and jetpack upgrade. (You don't need the frill arm, its been debunked that it does small damage so the default arm is better for damage). Graphle onto the reaper and punch the ♥♥♥♥ outta it until it eventually dies or it tears you and your prawn apart. (You cannot really battle with the cyclops, the only thing you can do is just ram into it but that takes health from your sub).
Data Bank Entry
"Leviathan class species are vast organisms at the top of their respective food chains. This species is a streamline hunter, width developed sight and echo-location capability. The deep roar emitted by the reaper at regular intervals is effectively sonar - if you can hear it, the reaper can hear you.

Four Powerful Mandibles:
This leviathan is capable of locking prey in place and drawing it within reach of its jaws. Simulated pressure exceeds Seamoth crush resistance.
Scanned specimen measured 55m long
Observed circling its prey and attacking from behind
This creature is almost all muscle. Very little brain. No sense of morality. Just muscle, sinew and teeth.
Prey: Everything
Predators: ???

Motivational note: This lifeform has been categorized as a leviathan class predator. Congratulations on getting close enough to scan it and living to see the results!

Assessment: Extreme threat - Avoid in all circumstances"
Extra info
-Sea Dragons would come up to the surface and snatch reapers and drag them down to the lava zone and snack on them. (This is story-wise, not actually in the game).
-Reapers flinch when damage is inflicted so you know they are being hurt.
-If reapers are hit by a repulsion cannon shock wave it leaves them stunned for 5 seconds.
-Reapers are proven have a much scarier encounter in the night mainly because their eyes no longer glow and its hard to see them (don't believe me? try it your self..)
-Hardened blades do the most damage to the reaper, thermo-blades don't do that much.
-The Reaper Leviathan is capable of a massive attack that inflicts 80% damage on the player if attacked outside of their submarine. It is also capable of grabbing the Seamoth and shaking it around. Doing so will deal about 40 - 60% damage over about ten seconds to the vehicle before it lets go or it will attack it again and smash it against walls or the sea floor for more damage.

I hope you enjoyed my guide on the Reaper Leviathan, I may do one about the Sea Dragon , warpers, stalkers, etc soon! ;D

MatthewGrim 22 Jul, 2022 @ 11:17pm 
so a unique way i battled one, was i used a scanner Rooms pods to ram the hell out of the reaper, and it worked , but every time the reaper retreated, it would get closer to the scanner rooms location.
Lima India Golf Mike Alpha  [author] 5 Dec, 2020 @ 10:05am 
The updated Guide is now up, this should give a much accurate depiction of what you should do with the Reaper leviathan if encountered.
Lima India Golf Mike Alpha  [author] 5 Dec, 2020 @ 4:52am 
Heads up:
Looking back years later on this guide, I'll be remaking it from the ground up (seeing as some items and areas of the game were removed and changed around) so expect that to be up soon along with other guides involving the sea dragon and other creatures.
Ruaple 4 Dec, 2020 @ 11:10pm 
btw the hardened blades are not in the game any more so enjoy that :demoticon:
Vaporeon 4 Dec, 2020 @ 7:13am 
If you want to murder it, there are several ways. Gas pods, seamoth, prawn (drill or fist), and statis rifle. Gas pods require you to shoot it with the statis rifle, drop about 15 gas pods (you need less but better safe then sorry), and keep it stunned in the gas. The statis rifle you just got to shock it and knife the boi untill he dies. Be near a source of oxygen. These strats also work for all leviathins. I don't know the sweet spot for the grapple or the best spots to get oxygen if you don't have a vehicle handy. The prawn suit is just grapple and drill/punch. If your fighting the sea dragon use the thermal heaty thingy. Sorry for bad spelling, I'm an idoit. I hope this helped, and I got this information from various guides and such. Also fun fact: You can screenshot ingame with f11, that way you can put the dead reaper you've slain on your wall with a picture frame. :cozyspaceengineersb: Have a good day boys and gals.
megaboy13_lucas 3 Dec, 2020 @ 7:41am 
so basically the best way to kill it is an underwater version of attack on titan where i grapple to its neck and punch for all im worth.
Saint_Hills 28 Nov, 2020 @ 10:09pm 
I bet you can't even stab the damn skin of the Reapers, it's like a shield! 23 Nov, 2020 @ 9:55am 
I need revenge
lostmuted 22 Nov, 2020 @ 11:55am 
Hardened blades never made it into the final version of the game.
John Shepard 20 Nov, 2020 @ 11:10pm 
i'm already hunting Ghost Leviathans, catch up.