58 valoraciones
Traits gained by Defeating a Legendary Lord (Norsca, Bretonnia)
Por Azrael
I frequently see questions concerning which Traits can be gained from beating Legendary Lords as Norsca and Bretonnia (the only ones implemented so far (13.8.2017). So I thought I share what I found out so far. This is the first Guide I'm creating and english is not my native language so I'm sorry if this entire thing ends up looking rather crude.
As Norsca, Wintertooth, Bretonnia, Bordeleaux and Carcasonne you can get traits for defeating Legendary Lords.

As of the today (18.10.2017) the guide is complete to many people who helped me gather the informaton, you can find them in the coments of the guide.

if no traits will be altered then you can get them as every Lord in Warhammer II Mortal Empires as of the 26.10.2017 if that will be the case I will do a complete guide in Warhammer II with all factions.

Still looks ugly but no clue how to change that easily.

Why didn't my Lord get a trait for defeating xyz ?

So there are two things which have to be true, to be eligble for a trait for defeating a Legendary Lord.
  1. Defeat a Legendary Lord, of which you don't have the Trait yet on the Lord which is leading the attack
  2. Don't already have 15 Traits on the Lord which is leading the attack

Do you have to kill them with your lord?
No, defeat only, wounding is not nescessary

Can you get them in autocombat?

If I defeat several LL at the same time do I get multiple traits?
Good question, I think yes I did so once but I'm not sure if I remeber correctly I'm about 90% sure it works. of course your Lord still has to have less that 15 Traits to get them though.

If I support my Lord with an second army, and that Lord doesn't have the Trait yet Does he get it aswell ?
No, only the leading Lord gets the Trait by the rules outlined above

that sucks
that's not a question; but yes it does

Is 15 Traits the Limit for Traits
no, but it seems to be the limit for getting LL traits. In one of my vanilla campaigns my Wulfrik had 19 Traits of which only 1 was from defeating an LL and another one was his starting Trait

Annotation 1
It seems if you attack any Lord who would get reinforcment from a Legendary Lord but you block him with Lighning strike you still get the Trait for defeating the legendary Lord. I assume this is a bug and will be resolved (17.8.2017)
Beastmen Lords
Name of the trait
Flavour text
Lord to beat
Faced with an opponen of the right calibre, even the Shadowgave can be bested.
Morghur the Shadowgave
  • Missile resistance: 30%
His single eye will not avail the Lord of Beasts avictory, nor all the fury in his twisted heart.
Khazrak the One-Eye
  • Attribute: Causes Fear
The despoiler becomes the despoiled.
Malagor the Dark-Omen
  • Melee attack: +10 when fighting against Beastmen Warherds
  • Leadership: +10 when fighting against Beastmen Warherds
Bretonnian Lords
Name of the trait
Flavour text
Lord to beat
Thistime, the King might well be dead. Oh well, long live the King!
Louen Leoncour
  • Charge bonus: +10
  • Recuitment cost: -20% for cavalry nuits (Lords's Army)
Witchfinder General
At this rate, the Lady of the Lake is going to have to find another representative...
The Fey Enchantress
  • Casualty replenishment rate: +10%
Hammer and Anvil
Outstanding personal courage and martial skill are not always enough. Today, the hammer became the anvil.
Alberic de Bordeleaux
  • +2 experience for cavalry unit recruits.

If you fight Louen Leoncoeur while belonging to either of the other Bretonnian faction you get the following
Chaos Lords
Name of the trait
Flavour text
Lord to beat
The Everchosen may rise and rise again, but he will forever be consigned to oblivion!
Archaon the Everchosen
  • Attribute: Immune to Psychology
Pride Assassin
Pride comes before a fall. Always.
Sigvald the Magnificent
  • Post battle chance of stealing a magic item: +5%
  • Income from all buildings +10% (local province)
Roiling skies, raging winds and lightning didn't help the Herald of the Tempest, laid low this day by honest steel.
Kholek Suneater
  • Bonus vs large +10
Sarthorael the Everwatcher
-doesn't give a trait-

Dwarf Lords
Name of the trait
Flavour text
Lord to beat
What to use to pad my mattress? I know - finest Dwarfbeard!
Thorgim Grudgebearer
  • Construction cost -10% for all buildings (local province)
  • Research rate +10% (factionwide)
Slayer King Slayer
Although the Slyer King has been toppled, no doubt he'll be back, bearing the Axe of Dargo and a serious grudge!
Ungrim Ironfist
  • Melee attack: + 5
  • Magic resistance: 5%
  • Missile resistance: 5%
The True King lies defeated but will return, spitting oaths and even grumpier than before!
Belegr Ironhammer
  • Melee attack: + 3 for Lords and embedded heroes (Lords's army)
  • Leadership +10 during subterranean intercept battles
This time the tables have been turned on the last Dawi redoubt, but he'll be back to avenge himself - be certain of that!
Grombrindal the White Dwarf
  • +10 Leadership vs Dwarfes

Empire Lords
Name of the trait
Flavour text
Lord to beat
Even great men are flawed; failure is part of mankind's tragic condition.
Karl Franz
  • Leadership +10 when fighting humans
All the piety in the Old World means nothing when faced with superior military muscle.
Volkmar the Grim
  • Melee attack: + 3 for melee infantry units (Lords's army)
  • Melee defence: + 3 for melee infantry units (Lords's army)
Behind the golden mask lies the face of ignominious defeat.
Balthasar Gelt
  • Armour: +6 for all units (Lord's army)
Boris Todbringer
-doesn't give a trait-
Greenskin Lords
Name of the trait
Flavour text
Lord to beat
Heavy is the head that wears the Crown of Sorcery, and probably dead as well!
Azhag the Slaughterer
  • Magic resistance 30%
This hide is perhaps not as durable as it originally thought...
Grimgor Ironhide
  • +20 AP damage
Great Green Killer
When you take a swing at Da Prophet, you smite Gork (and Mork) as well!
Wurrzag Da Great Green Prophet
  • Physical resistance: 10%
Sometomes, even the sneakiest among us come unstuck.
Defeated Skarsnik
  • +20% Ambush and Ambush Defence
Norscan Lords
Name of the trait
Flavour text
Lord to beat
Blood Feuder
So you've roundly marmalised the Enternal Challenger? He'll be back for a rematch, and soon - of that you can be certain.
Wulfrik the Wanderer
  • Charge bonus +10%
An oddity among his kind, Throgg is nothing if not enacious, he wont't stay down for long.
  • Bonus vs large +15
  • Weapon strength +3%
Undead Lords
Name of the trait
Flavour text
Lord to beat
He who quenches his thirst on the blood of the living will find cold steel his just reward.
Mannfred von Carstein
Attrition: -50% casualties sufferd due to Vampiric Corruption attrition (all forces)
Kemmler's quest for the darkest of knowledge will never be over, but has suffered something of a setback.
Heinrich Kemmler
Magic resistance: 20% for all units (Lord's army)
Ghorst or Ghost?
Apparently death is merely an obstacle to be overcome; must be inconvenient, however.
Helman Ghorst
Enable poisen attacks
Undeath Descendant
Down but probably not out, as you cannot really kill what doesn't truly live.
Vlad von Carstein
Wound recovery time:-4
Cruelty Restrained
Stone-cold beauty is no guarantee of victory.
Isabella von Carstein
Passive ability:"Regeneration"
The Red Duke
-doesn't give a trait-

- Helman Ghorst Poisen overrides Frostbite in the UI not sure if Frostbite still applies didnt test that yet
Woodelv Lords
Name of the trait
Flavour text
Lord to beat
Everyone has a weakness, however well hidden; even immortals must face defeat sometomes.
  • leadership:+5 during forest battles Melee
  • attack: +5 during forest battles
Tree Surgeon
Even the mightiest tree in the forest can be felled - you just need abig enough axe!
Fire Resistance: 20%
22 comentarios
Azrael  [autor] 2 NOV 2017 a las 3:50 p. m. 
@Vasar oh, well no I don't think there is a guide to that yet, but I can make one if there is interest in it.
Vasar 2 NOV 2017 a las 3:14 p. m. 
@Azrael, it's not the subject that I wanted :)
I'd like to know about multilevel traits like severity [not sure it should be written that way because I play with Russian localization :) ].
Azrael  [autor] 2 NOV 2017 a las 2:31 p. m. 
Vasar 2 NOV 2017 a las 1:57 p. m. 
Is there any information about lord dynamic traits (not the random ones) in Total War: Warhammer 2?
Grimstock 28 OCT 2017 a las 11:12 a. m. 
Funny some of the quotes for the traits goes
Azrael  [autor] 18 OCT 2017 a las 4:08 a. m. 
@harleyquinrazer nice with that we have finally everything
harleyquinrazer 18 OCT 2017 a las 1:02 a. m. 
Doomslayer: The Everchosen may rise and rise again, but he will forever be consigned to oblivion!

Pride Assassin: Pride comes before a fall. Always.

Kholek Suneater - Stormblight
Roiling skies, raging winds and lightning didn't help the Herald of the Tempest, laid low this day by honest steel.
Azrael  [autor] 17 OCT 2017 a las 6:38 a. m. 
@harleyquinrazer thanks for letting me know :)
harleyquinrazer 17 OCT 2017 a las 3:45 a. m. 
Grombrindal: Beardhammer

This time the tables have been turned on the last Dawi redoubt, but he'll be back to avenge himself - be certain of that!
Olive 22 SEP 2017 a las 8:42 p. m. 
I tested Ghorst's poison with Throgg. It seems that it removes frostbite, Throgg's poison brought swordsmen's speed to 25 while my Ice Troll's frostbite brought another group of swordsmen to 17. They do not stack but instead overrides the other.