Ocen: 134
Acid Rain Tweak
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11 sierpnia 2017 o 8:35
21 października 2017 o 15:14
Listy zmian: 2 ( zobacz )

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Acid Rain Tweak

CAUTION: This workshop item will no longer receive updates.

I no longer have time to work on maintaining these items due to now being a full-time sprite artist, so consider these workshop items to be fully open-source. You are free to upload or publish your own variations or updates of this content as you see fit, without restriction.

A link to this original version would be appreciated if you do so, but it is not required.


Changes the Acid Rain commonly found on Toxic Planets, so that it no longer inflicts damaging poison, but inflicts a debuff that halves your armor instead.
It should make Toxic Planets slightly less irritating to visit in general.