Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

43 ratings
How To Stop Germany As France
By Amarcus | Stuart
This simple guide, which is nearly bullet-proof and can personally confirm has worked for me numerous times, can win you the campaign as France and can also stall the German Blitz right at the gates and additionally, conquer Italy on the slide due to them being weaker.
Starting off, 1936.
Okay, this is very simple to do. What I recommend is strictly going down the Government reform tree, going with Britain to get rid of the disjointed government problem soon as possible. While you're doing that, go along the defensive doctrine while the strengthening the government reform takes its course for 395 days. Especially fortification focus this is critical. This should last from 1936-38 and yes it'll be time consuming, but as you do this take important note: Italy & Your Army size. This is what I recommend as your production set up, keep the guns and supplies coming especially artillery do NOT stop any of these as they are critical.
Moving on, what will you do with your armies and fleets? This is purely simple. I keep a twenty divisions in Africa under Charles deGaulle to blitz the Italians as soon as possible in Africa. Which is your best chance of winning the African campaign in 1939 without the help of Britain. After your victory, I suggest transferring all twenty divisions, mostly will be made up of your colonial forces from across the globe, to mainland France I always suggest reinforcing the main front with Germany.

Now, troop deploying and why it's important to rush. I STRONGLY recommend deploying them at half or a single quarter of being ready training wise. While they'll be green fresh and not fully trained, the manpower is what is important they are critically needed to hold the line. I even pumped them out like this when Germany broke through both my Maginot & Alpine lines due to not many troops being there. This is from my previous game, this potentially WILL happen if you do not have enough troops available, in this event I recommend cancelling ALL factory development and build forts as fast & Plentiful as possible. I recommend detaching 5-10 divisions to stay in Paris with at least a Level 3-5 Fortification so they can hold appropriately.

While you do this, keep in mind that 1936 you'll take a lot of hits due to the worker strikes and such, just let them protest which takes less time than negotiating. Political Power is also a problem, I suggest going for these ministers SPECIFICALLY as fast as possible in this order:

I | Gastion Henry-Haye [Silent Work horse]
II. | Zivony Peshkov [War Industrialist]
III. | Felix Gouin [Captain of Industry]

These ministers will be significantly helpful, I recommend getting them in that exact order because you'll need all the help they can provide. Now let's move on to the second part.
The Long Wait, 1936-39
Now, doing the steps I've told you and the national focus lines I've recommended, let's get our military set up appropriately, and how you need to keep up the divisions pumping out, and forts. Now, I want to be very CLEAR that there is three fronts that are critical to keep the Axis from breaching to Paris. The Alsace-Lorraine Front, the Alpine Front, and the Benelux Front. Keep these fronts manned at ALL costs because from my gameplay experience, Italy stacks a solid 60 Divisions, and Germany a near 80-100. They will focus heavily on you, and to keep them at bay keep your forts up and your men hardy, and lastly your divisions pumping out to reinforce. Keep the basic research going, keep construction and military arms at a maximum. Tanks are not necessary, but I recommend getting infantry supplies and weaponry. Also, go down the Grand Plan doctrine, for the Trench Warfare, Central Planning & Planned Defense are VERY good bonuses for your armies to have an easier time defending the front. Not to mention, the whole situation is clearly out of your favor from the beginning. But I suggest keeping your maximum focus on Germany but as for Italy do not neglect that front, keep 20 Divisions in Africa at maximum to rush them out of Libya. And here's how it should look by late '39: This is what I do every time to Italy, and I cannot stress enough, how important it is to transfer them to the main fronts after victory in Africa.

Now let's talk about fortifications. Here is how I recommend you set up your forts, this INCLUDES fallback lines, and other critical spots to fortify. Here's the overview: This is the overview on what I recommend, why 5 and not 10? Speed. It's faster and they're just as good but you CAN upgrade them in the mean time but I recommend focusing on civilian factories if you want more speed but I always have a mix of military/civilian factories to keep my War Economy going. Here's two other screenshots I recommend looking at - This is my fallback line for Southern France. The Alpine Line I always add extra forts for, to keep Italy at bay long as possible but in the event they DO breakthrough, you should have forts ready across the river which will hold them off for even longer. Now, for the second screenshot - Paris. This alone can determine the whole war depending on who owns it. And being France, make sure it's you. And which is why from January 1939 I focus on building forts here fast as possible especially in Paris itself. Why you may ask? Delay. Delaying the Germans for much as possible so you can pump out divisions left and right to keep the war going for as long as possible. Now, I cannot say you'll get your land back if the Germans break through your line but you can give them a very hard time costing them countless lives to just get victory. Now let's check out your army lay out from 1936, for starter's lets look at your only fleet you should have: This is all the French fleets, across the globe combined. This is necessary to fight the Italian fleet to have total Naval Supremacy from South France to Algeria, so you can ship back the units from North Africa to the mainland after your Blitz to Tobruk & Benghazi. They also fight alongside the British fleet, so victory is always assured on the high seas. Now, let's check your armies. This is the MAIN front. Against Germany, this is the most critical line which must never take a single province step backwards or prepare for living hell. 80% of the Green Divisions I pump out, I send them to these two fronts, I keep the Alsace-Lorraine front garrisoned the most and the Benelux Line garrisoned secondly as much. For example, 80 Divisions wise send 60 to Alsace-Lorraine and 20 to Benelux. Because Germany is just somehow programmed to focus heavily on that one region. Now, let's look at the Italian Front. Mussolini isn't dumb, but he is blunt. Which is why I strongly recommend keeping this line in check and not falling back. Keep a maximum of 120 Divisions here at all times if you can afford it. If necessary, out of the 120 send 40 to reinforce the front against Germany if needed but this should be taken as a last ditch effort to preserve the main front if your divisions are not training fast enough to prematurely deploy.

Now, let's go to the final step.
The Moment of Destiny, 1939-4?
Here we are, countless preparation and pumping out divisions like Soviet Russia comes to this. Now, do not make the same mistake I did, and launch an offensive to recover Belgium, this is what you end up with: It's never worth it. Keep the frontline stable, and never attack unless you are absolutely ready for offensive strategies. Since 1 German Division can take on 12-20 French Divisions from my personal experience. This is what your frontline with Germany SHOULD look like by 1939. This is critical, your forts and troops will make your frontline unbreachable unless they send their full military might. In this event, keep repeating the pumping out of Green divisions to send to the front at all costs. But as a word of warning, keep 40-70 Divisions stationed at the border with Spain, in case Hitler calls in Franco which is rare, but it happens.

Now from this point on, the game is up to you I've taught you how to withstand the Blitz, how to prepare and how to make their assaults a living virtual hell. Fight on comrade, for France!
Amarcus | Stuart  [author] 27 Sep, 2018 @ 5:32pm 
This should be updated to suit the current DLC and updates. I will hope to release an updated version for y'all!
Kierannkkt (Heavy) 17 Jul, 2018 @ 3:57pm 
or you can just deny the remilitarization of the rhineland and invade them in 1936 when they're weak
Amarcus | Stuart  [author] 17 Feb, 2018 @ 8:26pm 
That is why I recommend keeping reserves on the Iberian border. Franco may never be called in but I would always be cautious and keep some reserves on the Iberian front to be sure he doesn't roll over all of Southern France without any kind of resistance.
Sheogorath 1 Feb, 2018 @ 8:12am 
i have seen Franco being called in a lot. about 2/10 games he is called in
Amarcus | Stuart  [author] 11 Nov, 2017 @ 10:44pm 
I'm glad this guide helped you out @IrishMUFFIN, this guide is extremely defensive-lined. But it is golden for multiplayer, and especially can work on Singleplayer with good AI who is competent. This defensive formula I tested many, many times. It saves you as France plenty times over.
Fuego Carbón 5 Nov, 2017 @ 9:33am 
I did this strategy this weekend. Not only did France hold, but France had spare troops to reinforce the Raj and France led the charge into Germany proper in 1941. Yes, Panther tanks and SPGs will rip your infantry to shreds. They are supposed to. Do not ever try to counter them on the ground. In the meantime, have your allies send their entire airforce to Northern France. Close Air Support will destroy any breakthroughs they make. Germany was easily able to break past a level 7 fort with 7 40 width Panther divisions. They got two provinces deep and coulnd't move because 10 width French infantry tied them up. Friendly CAS ended up doing 1,000 ORG damage and 600 STR damage. Those Panthers retreated back to Belgium after a week of fighting. CAS and Infantry are key as France.
Amarcus | Stuart  [author] 29 Aug, 2017 @ 6:22pm 
I cannot repeat this enough, if you're doing multiplayer you NEED a team. Because with a friend as the UK or USA, you can easily pull off this strategy.
Amarcus | Stuart  [author] 29 Aug, 2017 @ 6:18pm 
@KLS, I've held just fine against those as France, why? Because I constantly reinforce, spam green divisions to fill in the gaps, and keep up the spam to where it's impossible for them to breakthrough my lines.
Amarcus | Stuart  [author] 29 Aug, 2017 @ 6:17pm 
This does work in Multiplayer if you got a good friend being the UK and USA. Teamwork is essential.
Ronaldo 9 16 Aug, 2017 @ 11:12am 
try this in multiplayer