Metro 2033 Redux

Metro 2033 Redux

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Metro 2033 Redux Blogger Guide
Por Games Dean
This guide will show you the locations of all 51 diary pages one must collect in order to acquire the "Blogger" achievement.

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After you reach to top of the ladder turn left, and sitting on the middle shelf is the a diary page.

After the guard let's you in the hospital go into the first room, and look to your right. The diary page is
sitting on the corner of the doctors desk.

This one is vary easy. At the start of the level look down, and to the right. Boom There it is

Shortly after you receive your ammo and equipment, keep an eye out for a red door next to a man playing guitar at a camp fire.

Open the door, and go inside. Look to your left. The diary page is sitting on top of some small wooden drawers.
the first diary page can be found at the start of level, sitting on the right corner of the bar.
(Don't forgeat to garb the Military Grade Ammo that's sitting the adjacent tables.)

Leave the bar and go down the stairs, and turn left. Then walk to the ege of the station, turn right.
Sitting next to a man on a bench is the sceond diary page.

The last diary page can be located after you find Bourbon. it will be sitting on the table next to him.

"The Lost Tunnles"

This diary page can be found just after the encounter with the bandits, and before the brige.
It will be sitting on top of a large fuse box.

This page is found at the end of the level, sitting at the bottom of thoes large concrete supports.

Be sure to check out my guide for the "thief" achievement to find more goodies in this area


This one is vary easy, its at the start of the level sitting on top of some ammo crates.

After Bourbon tells you to get some filter's. turn right, past the bar, through the market. After you pass the market look to your left. You will see a bullet excange, and a weapons dealer. Sitting just to the right of the weapons dealers is the last diary page.
"The Dead City"

After the start of the level, go in the door that is located to your left. Watch out for a trap at the entrance.

Go up the stairs. Don't shoot the wacthmen at the top of the stairs. He dosn't attack you, so shooting him is a wast of ammo.

Go straght. Turn right. Watch out for a trip wire. Open the door at the end of the halway.

The diary page will be sitting on the right corner of the desk, next to the safe. If you would like to know
what's in the safe, and how to open it. Check out my "Thife" achievement guide.

After the playground hallucination. You'll go throuth a bulding. Once you come out on the other side, turn left and go down the length bulding. There's a lot of watchers in the area. be careful. Keep for eye out for a metro entrance. (pictured above) go past it, and to the left, and into the the destroyed bulding.

The Diary page will be in the 2nd room on the right, sitting on a table in front of a window.

After you met up with Bourbon you will being moving to the end of the level. Once you see a large set of stairs, turn aournd, and walk about 15-20 meters, and look left. You should see a bulding with a ranger helmet painting by a open window.

Go through the open window, and the last page will be on a desk to the right.


The first page is simple. When you gain control of Artyom, go out of the left airduc.(hightlighted by the red arrow) Turn around the corner, and there it is.

The 2nd and last page for this level is in the room where you met Khan. The diary page wil be sitting on a table next to a large engine.

The first page is can be found sitting on a set in a abandoned metro car, moments before your
encounter with the ghost chiled.

The second can be found shortly after you encounter the "ghost trian". It will be laying next a skeleton on the right side of the tracks. Be vigilant. It's easy to miss

The last page is located at the end of the level, right before you, and Khan get in the railcar. It will be sticking out the corner of a tan suitcase.

The Level has only diary page, and it can be found next to a corpse where you have to destory an airlock . Be fast. Nosalis spawn is on the other side of the airlock. .Also make sure to get the page before you blowup the airlock. You will not be able collect it after.

This level has the easiest to find diary pages in the game
The first is found after you are resced by Andrew the blacksmith, from what i assume is the metro equivalent of the NKVD. It can be found sitting on a book sehlf to the right of Andrew in plane sight

This one is also easy. It is located in the "Maintenance trench"? (i have no idea what something like this would be called) You have climb down in order to compleat the level, so you can't miss it.

Keep an aye out for this room. It's at the very end of the level. Don't go through the door on the right, as it will lead you to the end of the level.

The diary page is in the back left corner tof the room, lying on a desk underneath a reich banner.
"Trolley Combat"

After you, and Paval disembark from the trolley. Paval will go right. Follow him and, to your left on top of some filing cabinets is the diary page.
If you want to. Go left at the "T", and through the green door you will find a: safe with an adjacent key, filters and ammo.

At the end of the level you will come to a spot where you have to go in to a large pipe to compleat the level. instead go over the pipe, and to the rear of the metro car. Be careful there's trip wires along the sides of the it.

Once inside, go to the opposite end of the metro car to find page.

The 1st page is found after the opening mutant attack. Once Commander Maxim Komarov gives you to give a radio transmission turn right, go through the metal door, and up onto the wooden platfrom. The page will be sitting on a bed.

The 2nd page is on the other side of the sation, on top of a metro car.

Turn left, and go the rear of the car. Climb the stars and go starght, and there it is.

The 3rd page can be picked up as soon as you come across Sasha. The diary page is in the same room, lying next to a dead body by the left wall.

The 4th, and final page is at the end of a level after you bring Sasha back to his mother.
A man will lead you to a large caravan of refugees from Hole station. On top of a box, on the closet rail car. is the last diary page for this level.

At the start of the level. Exit the tunle, turn tight, and climb the ladder in the far right corner.

Tunr around, and the page will be sitting on a crate. Be careful as there's usually an enmey nearby.

Approach the left side of the bulding, and climb the ladder to roof. At the top, you have 2 ways of getting inside. You can eather go left or right, as both sides have no ceiling, and one can simply jump in.
Pro Tip. If you took the pre recorded message form Commander Maxim Komarov, you can send it using the radio that's on the roof.

Pro Tip 2. If you're following my thief achievement guide, make sure you get the key first. Because the game saves when you play the radio message, and if you have to keep reloading checkpoints
it gets anyoing haveing to get key everytime.

Once inside, the diary page will be sitting on a desk. If you droped through the ceilling it will be the 2nd room on the left.
"Black Station"

After you're done talking with Ulman at the beginning of the level, go right untill find a guard post.
(watch out for the 2 trip wires) The page is sitting on a box behind a solder.
Pro Tip. If you wanna keep things stealth. You can grab the page, and simply reload the check point.
You won't need to grab the page again.

At the end of the level where you have to put on your gas mask for the second time. Keep an eye out a yellow fuse box . Use it like a landmark.You can plug your manual charger in the generator, but i have no idea what it does.

The diary page is right around the corner next to a body.

Once you get of the railcar, and go into the first room, look right, and the page will be sitting on a book shelf.

This one's easy. After the concel meting, when Col. Miller's berfing you about the rangers next mission. Look to your right.
The first page is found just after the start of the level, at the entrance to the station. Lying next to a corpse to the left.

The second is found after you enter the great library, whalle Danila and Col. Miller are trying to keep a demon from brakeing through the doors. The page will to your right.

Play the level a normal, and keep an eye out for this room. It's not to far from the start of the level.

Go inside the room. You should see a dead librarian with several human bodies nearby.
sitting on a shelf next to dead librarian.

The only page is sitting on a shelf to the left at the start of the level.

"Driveing to Sparta"

Start the level. Go straght. BOOM.

Go up stairs then urn right, and look for Khan. When you find him, the page will be sitting on a box of books.
"Dark Star"

After you fight off nosalises, and disembark from the railcar. Turn right and look a skeleton.

After you open the large steel door. You will hear a ranger complaining about steeping in mutant excrement. When you hear this you will know that your in the right room.
Run to the far left corner, and you will find a diary page.

The second page is not far from the first, and can be found after your squad fight through the mutant onslaught. It will be located to left, near an elevator.

The last page is found right before you re-group with your squad. The area in witch this page found is quite distinctive. You'll know it when you see it.


At the start of the level turn around to your right, and walk about 6 meters. The page will be lying on one of the seats.

The second is found when your fireteam discovers the large room with computers. It's on the third row to the right.

After you and Col. Miller fight your way through the Giant Amoeba. (thoes big green ball things)
Ulman will begin make joeks over the loud speeker. Before you, and Col. Miller get on the elevator, turn left. The Page will be sitting n the cab on a small trolley.

After the crane sequence. Col. Miller will lead you down a hallway before getting in a elevator. Next to the elevator sitting in a red lokcer will be the last page.


The first page is easy to find. The page will be right in front of you, after you almost fall to your death by geting knocked of the elevator.

After your first communication with the dark ones, go through the large metal door and continue the level as normal. The page will be next a skeleton on the ege of tower.

2 comentário(s)
Ninjamantis 10/jun./2020 às 22:02 
Depot and polis are the same pictures which was pretty confusing but i figured it out
Ninjamantis 10/jun./2020 às 17:46 
You seem to have forgotten the one on the desk at RIGA right after the THOT walks by