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Anarchist Build: Nihilist (One Down)
Av Shady Loves You
An Anarchist build for One Down with the intended purpose of regenerating armor fast enough to keep your armor up at all times- even in mid-combat.
All the text is optional. It's all just a bunch of crap detailing alterations that can be made on the build, explaining the reasoning behind certain things, and more. If you want the build, just look at the pictures. That's your TL;DR

This build is lenient on being able to stun and clear crowds of enemies on maps that expect a defensive playstyle, but have no particular chokepoints that, when controlled, will give you an exceptional advantage. Although, it can still work fairly well with chokepoints. Such maps would be those similar to Stealing Xmas and Safe House Raid, where snipers are no issue, but enemies come in from every direction.

Also, you are on a thin line when it comes to skill points, so you need to be at least Infamy V in order for this build to function properly.

It can work well if used properly, however, there are two major flaws here:

  • Bulldozers - This one isn't so much of a problem if your team is alright, but still a notable flaw: Dozers are hard to kill with this build.

  • Free-range maps - As stated above, this build is reliant on closed-off maps. Ones such as Goat Simulator and Green Bridge will give you a headache if you try this build on either of them or on ones similar in design to them.

You're cutting a thin-line here when it comes to skill points, so you can switch these out:
  • In the Ammo Specialist subtree, I have Saw Massacre, which does not compliment this build whatsoever. However, this is due to the lack of skillpoints. If you would like, you can instead get rid of Steady Grip, and get Bullet Storm and Portable Saw, both basic. Alternatively, you can also drop Scavenger Aced, and just ace Bullet Storm. Another option is to drop Shockproof and Dire Need basic, in the Artful Dodger subtree, and ace Inner Pockets, and equip the Lightweight Ballistic Vest, though this will result in a decrease in armor regeneration time, with the trade-off being for the sake of more armor.

  • WTF NO INSPIRE OR DOCTOR BAGS? BLASPHEMY! Alright- alright, I get it. Inspire is basically a must for every team to have, but I didn't feel the need to get it, because this build is expected of you when you have a team that seems to be mediocre at least. This build won't do well when playing with total tards, and then again, none really will. (Try this: So, assuming your team is avid, they'll probably have Doctor Bags. Three Inspirers and 6 Doctor Bags is more than enough for a decent team. Besides, having ammo to rely on, rather than rambo runs for ammo packs will result in more survivabilty overall, and everyone can stay in combat, thus resulting in fewer downs and greater offense. This gives your teammates a good source of ammo, but you should still go for the ammo packs due to being able to pick up throwables. Plus, Aced Scavenger = more pickups.

  • Hostage Taker??? ;o - It's useful, because even if they do manage to shoot a shot or two past your armor when it's regenerating, you can still keep going with no problem. You can drop the aced version for the sake of other skills, or in the case of the version below, you can drop it to grab Iron Man if you'd like.

    If you still wish for a version with Inspire, you can see it here, though I didn't put aside the time to finish the build. Just the skills:
Raven Shotgun
Modifications: AP Slug, Compact Laser Module
Feel free to grab the King's Crown Compensator for the trade-off of 1 dodge, or if you grab Inner Pockets somehow. You can also use it in coordination with the Short Barrel.

Modifications: DMR Kit, Stubby Compensator, Concealment Boost, Auto-Fire, EMO Foregrip, Compact Laser Module, Straight Grip, Clover Mag or the L5 Magazine, Folding Stock, LW Upper Receiver

UAR Rifle
Modifications: Short Barrel, Stubby Compensator, Concealment Boost, Auto-Fire, Compact Laser Module, Raptor Polymer Body

China Puff 40mm Grenade Launcher
Modifications: Concealment Boost, Riot Stock

Ammo Bags

Anything with 30 base concealment. I recommend the Buzzer or Electric Brass Knuckles, but I personally enjoy using the Ice Pick, so I have it.

Perk Deck:

Two-piece Suit - for a regeneration effect every 2 seconds. Assuming you have the fire proc going, you also regenerate armor every 1 second. Additionally, if you get headshots, you can regenerate 25 armor every 2.5 seconds, allowing you to take just about 2 shots a second(ish). So long as you have ONE armor, a single shot will only take that one armor, so what matters is having it regenerate constantly.

Molotov - Use this wherever, but it's best used in chokepoint areas, if the given map even has one. However, you can't use them all the time, but you can refill them thanks to Fully Loaded Aced. If you wish to have the fire proc more of the time, consider dropping Bullseye Aced and getting Dragon's Breath Rounds. Or if you're feeling confident, perhaps drop the China Puff and switch it out with a weapon that has DB Rounds, and the primary having AP rounds, allowing you to light enemies, switch weapons, then proc Bullseye. This could go well in coordination with shotgun skills. notably Overkill Aced, but you'll have to drop certain skills such as Sneaky Bastard or the joker lines.
Example without jokers:
Example without SB:

The entire point of this build is to constantly proc headshots and fire damage whenever possible. This will allow you to regenerate small amounts of armor in these intervals: every 1 second(dmg), every 2 seconds(anarchist suit), and every 2.5 seconds(headshot). This allows you to take a lot of damage very often with little repercussions, and when these do happen, your health will be hit. However, due to Hostage Taker, you can regenerate your armor. Additionally, Optical Illusions basic will make enemies focus on your cop sponges rather than you and your team. You offer ammo bags for your teammates to be more-so lenient on, while you pick up ammo packs, and pick up throwables from them.
Variations and the PD2Tools version
There are a few variations I listed above, but I feel I should put them here anyways.

Dual Shotgunner - no jokers:
Dual shotgunner - no sneaky bast:
The build in PD2Tools form:
The build with the Car-4:
The build with the UAR:
2 kommentarer
vooners 4 aug, 2017 @ 22:10 
Also forgot to mention that with Anarchist, you also get 2 seconds invulnerability when your armor breaks, so armor mitigation takes advantage of this.
vooners 4 aug, 2017 @ 22:09 
Hey, you got a pretty good build going on here. Just a thing I'd change is that I woudn't ace Bullseye because of how armor in Payday works. Basically, even if you have one point of armor left, ANY shot (save for snipers) of ANY damage will be absorbed by that one point of armor. So you would get Bullseye basic to make it easier for you to mitigate armor and stay in the fight longer. Bullseye aced is really reserved for ICTV builds. Other than that, great build!