Jabbah BANKS
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4 commentaires
BUTCHER'S HOOK 6 juil. 2019 à 2h22 
AKHİSAR KÖFTE 18 mai 2018 à 13h38 
jabbah add me please :/
Antonioo1 16 mai 2018 à 16h35 
Hello, I want to ask you for help from your Ukraine, there is not enough money in the family, so I write to you with great hope that you will help me, I'm not trying to deceive you or something else. I want you to help me financially, the rates you make on roulettes my family for as long as 5 years does not get, please help me ask, I hope you will respond)
Antonioo1 16 mai 2018 à 16h35 
I do not know English well from ukraine