My fourth computer, the TK95 (1986)
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"In 1987 I bought my fourth personal computer, the Microdigital TK95. Its hardware was almost identical to the TK-90X, but with a reworked ROM with better compatibility with ZX Spectrum softwares (i.e. games) and an all new "professional" keyboard, way better than the TK-90X "gum" keyboard. It was Microdigital last effort to keep customers from migrating to brazilian MSX clones or Amiga computers. It didnt sold well and quickly faded out.

CPU: 8 bit Zilog Z80A @ 3.58 MHz
ROM: 16 kiB
RAM: 48 kiB
Graphics: Modulated RF output (TV) @ 24 X 32 text and 192 x 256 graphics with 8 colors (with 2 bright states each)
Storage: Cassette tapes"
1 commentaires
ミTᏔi𐌔T𐌄𐌃 5 mai à 8h44 
:orwell_relationship: :orwell_relationship: :orwell_relationship: