132 人が評価
Cataph's Tweaks
タグ: mod, Overhaul
106.796 KB
2017年7月27日 9時33分
2017年9月18日 1時49分
11 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Cataph's Tweaks

Cataph 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Cataph's stable mod collection
33 アイテム
Howdy, this pack is an aggregation of unit tweaks and bug fixes, most of which I’ve been testing for a while in private, others provided by Crynsos.

MAIN FEATURES AT A GLANCE: adds the TT rule Stubborn, uber cavalry resized, greatly improves anti-large artillery, pistoliers and outriders, provides large list of campaign bug fixes.

This mod DOES NOT add units, but it may implement applicable changes to some of my own additions from other packs. Affected mods are NOT required nor included, just supported stealthily and delicately (hmmm).
Also, I want to edit as few things as possible to increase compatibility, reduce maintenance and decrease impact on the game.

However, this pack is naturally incompatible with the same kind of battle overhaul that directly touches units and is intended for use in vanilla balance (and yes, obviously this would mess with SFO). Surgical exceptions like Celtik's Slower Combat are compatible.

NOTE: I will NOT make separate versions with different tweak details. I CAN however provide support for custom units and stuff like that, just provide details in the discussion.

Also note that this pack is the result of a crossfire between lore, TT and gameplay, without badgering on either.

All screenshots above are at large size.

Changes in a supposedly orderly fashion:

## ALL ##
- Bow damage tweakdown:
A slight nerf in raw bow damage was made to ensure a difference between bow and crossbow units. The former fire slightly more quickly (base 10s) but have lost some ap, the latter are left as vanilla (16+4, base 11s). Conventional bows will still massacre units below 60ish armour.

- Versus Large Artillery:
Cannons, for one, are completely worthless against very large targets (against the evidence of S10 d6 wounds in TT), when they’re exactly the main thing you’d think about. There's something wrong when you’d rather use crossbowmen against a Giant than fire 300 dmg inaccurate cannoballs against a 8k hitpoints beast.
- Cannons have received a +200 bonus versus Large, Bolt Throwers a +80 and a moderate range increase. It sounds like a lot, but really it changes nothing against cav that is one-shot anyway.

- Stubborn:
In TT, it made the unit immune to morale modifiers (flanked, losses) so that they always tested with their base Leadership. I converted this as a passive triggering at 50% Ld, enabling Unbreakable for 10 seconds, cd 60+s. Basically resistance to a morale shock every minute.
- applied to vanilla: Greatswords, Hammerers, dwarf artillery, Reiksguard, Eternal Guard, Volkmar+War Altar (loses fixed unbreakable), NOT Giants et similia*.
- applied to custom: Wardbearers, Huskarls, Rep. Guard (+20$), Royal Guard (-8 Ld), Shieldbearers, Paymaster.

- Top cavalry resized:
Grail, Blood, Chaos Knights are reduced in numbers (from 45 to 30), their hitpoints and damage accordingly and empirically increased. Makes for a gud n’ proppah feel IMO (accidentally reflecting the x1.5ish TT model proportion between, say, Reiksguard and this group) without greatly altering balance, although they are slightly more resistant to missile and splash dmg, which at this point is their surplus value.

- Foot Squires: now use same weapon as Greatswords, but got slight buffs elsewhere.

- Battle Pilgrims: slight melee attack nerf.

- Men-at-Arms swordsmen: very slight defence nerf for both types. They lost too slowly against Emp Swordsmen for my taste.

- Yeomen: slight armour nerf.

- Hippo Knights: downsized by half and accordingly buffed.

- Longbeards: for an elite of 500 y.o. Dwarfs, I’ve always hated how they effectively replaced warriors and could be spammed as soon as a Barracks3 was available. They are now dynamically capped: up to 5 per maxed out province, garrisons are free - examples in the screenshots. This also helps towards the poor Greenskins being roflstomped by Dorfs, and prevents the western Dwarfs from spamming 19 LBs in one army.
(Compatible with t4 towns.)

- Outriders: the shown missile dps was completely fictional, as the animation didn't allow the intended quick reload. Long story short, Outriders were outgunned by Handgunners (wordplays!) on a per-gun basis, when they should be worth thrice as much. Among other buffs, effective ranged damage is dramatically increased, but they are still torn apart by foot missiles and any other cav.

- Pistoliers: likewise, 2-round burst was fictional. Their missile damage has been fixed and their other stats buffed, since they were a disgrace compared to bloody yeomen.

- Greatswords: on top of Stubborn, they also received Encourage to simulate the tabletop transfer of Stubborn on nearby Detachments, which was an important part of their value. Slight damage nerf to compensate.

- Empire Knights: slight to moderate damage buffs. For a t3 unit that required 2 turns and a blacksmith, they really weren't carrying their own weight.

- Demi Knights: tweaked to troll/minotaur-size unit, lance version received more charge bonus and halberd variant repurposed for staying power. There’s probably about fifty demi knights in the whole Empire, and considering the value of a single beast, I consider this more appropriate.

- Steam Tanks: capped at 8.

- Southern Realms: Carabiniers, Riders, Lancers, Broken Lances accordingly affected.

- Eternal Guard: added Stubborn and moderate buffs in melee statline, with proportionate increases in prices. Didn’t like the “they’re tier 1” excuse from the start, considering they should be comparable to Longbeards (still lose to them, as supposed to).

- Dryads: moderate increase in hitpoints and slight in charge bonus. The wooden chicks get a bit more oomph to translate Hatred and some more staying power to make them passively tougher than EG.

If you've got questions, don't forget to check screenshots, in-game stats and of course the Details discussion!

Too much stuff, read in the discussion!

Don’t forget to provide feedback and rate!

Public posts include content details and chit-chat so no reason to miss on that!
Also, FEEL FREE TO JOIN THE DISCORD SERVER[], intimate and growing modding plaza!
人気スレッド 全て表示 (2)
2017年9月3日 0時26分
BATTLE TWEAKS: Details, Requests
2019年10月3日 12時32分
100 件のコメント
ThePoshBarbarian 6月10日 5時51分 
Thanks man :steamhappy: I’m mostly replaying warhammer cause I do remember enjoying it when it came out, even if it is a lot more basic than the later titles
Cataph  [作成者] 6月10日 5時08分 
people still modding this? yeah sure
ThePoshBarbarian 6月10日 3時16分 
Hey I was just wondering if I could include the bug fixes you have here in a big bug fix pack? I’ll give proper credit for it, it’s just cause there’s a few separate bug fixes for other things floating around the workshop that aren’t included in this and I’d like to have all the fixes in one pack instead of having them all over the place.
Mumion der Unsterbliche 2019年12月17日 23時10分 
Update ?
Cataph  [作成者] 2017年10月28日 3時09分 
Rachel L 2017年9月16日 15時11分 
Cataph  [作成者] 2017年9月14日 14時33分 
Vanilla files are still not altered in any way. The launcher not handling mods correctly is another thing. :P
Rachel L 2017年9月14日 14時19分 
@Cataph, well, actually i meant a combination, because i used a mod that modifiied the vanilla tables and the launcher didnt removed it properly, soo...
Cataph  [作成者] 2017年9月14日 13時44分 
Mods can't break vanilla files, it's just the launcher that breaks itself sometimes.
Rachel L 2017年9月14日 12時03分 
Ah good. Be careful with the mods you use. Poorly made mods may change the vanilla files and break everything.