Dark and Light

Dark and Light

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Dark and Light: The Compendium Guide and FAQ
作者: [HdF] Almut Grete と 1 のコラボレーション
Just some things to get you started in-game and answer some of the more popular questions.
Hi there!

Just wanted to make a small and quick guide to help you get started in-game.

Hope it helps a bit. Note that some references made in this guide are for Ark: Survival Evolved players transitioning to Dark and Light.

If there is any more additional info you want to be added to this guide, please do ask/tell us.

This guide is constantly expanding, so do come back after each patch!
The Basics of Basics
So you should by now have figured how to move as such. But after a bit, you have gathered up enough EXP to level up. Gee, what should I add to my stats? Really, it depends on what you need, but just in case, I'll give you a breakdown on what each stat means. Please ignore the values you see in the image.

  • Health: Should be pretty obvious. More means you are able to tank more damage. 1 point increases 10.
  • Attack: This refers to MELEE attack. So only melee weapons/tools are affected by it. The higher the value, the more damage you deal and a bonus effect is that harvesting with tools give more resources. 1 point increases 5%.
  • Mana: This refers to the total mana pool you have to be used for casting magic. Dropping this to zero/extremely low values means that you can't cast anymore magic. Refilled with focus. 1 point increases 10.
  • Constitution: This is the same as torpor. If this reaches the maximum value, you become unconscious (unable to move) until it drops to 0. 1 point increases 10
  • Stamina: This allows you to perform actions(attacking/running/harvesting) in a row. If this reaches 0, you move slower than walking and start to gain consititution if you continue performing actions. 1 point increases 10
  • Hunger: Decreases over time and used to refill some stamina. Decreases very fast when you are cold. Recover it by eating food. 1 point increases 10.
  • Focus: Decreases over time and used to refill Mana. Recover by eating flowers/elixers or sleeping in a bed-related item.1 point increases 10.
  • Weight: Allows you to carry more stuff. Carrying more than the total weight will cause you to be "encumbered" and thus have a movement speed penalty + being unable to run. The more you carry past the limit the larger the penalty to the point you are unable to move. 1 point increases by 10.
  • Thirst: Decreases over time and used to refill some stamina. Decreases very fast when you are hot. Recover by drinking water from a glass bottle (two charges before needing to be refilled), standing in rain or swimming in a water pool that has a water level that is above your head.
Starter Bugs and Problems
Q: My skybox is shiny, bright and purple.
A: This is a tough one... For me it helped to downgrade my NVIDIA drivers and set the skybox to medium as well as turn on the high quality setting on the right side. But this method did not work for my friend nor others on the forums and server. Better check out the forums for that, it highly depends on your hardware.

Q: My FPS is not great and/or graphics looks bad.
A: Yeah well, play around with the graphic settings - I can't really help you here as it is hardware specific. You can refer to this discussion regarding some FPS fixes/tricks.

Q: Skills and Tasks are not written down for me - Translations are missing/horrible.
A: When you open the Skill menu "U", look at the prerequisites for your skills. If you only see codes, numbers and such, that is because your steam is set to a language that is not english or (simple) Chinese. This is a bug.
Change it in steam or for the game only in your steam library.

Q: Loading screen takes forever and crashes.
A: The loading screen is also a queue screen, be patient. It takes the longest the first time you load into the game after you started your PC, from there on it gets better.
Do not tab out or try to open the overlay... (duh!)

Q: My town has no vendors!
A: They are dead Jim (and someone tried to take their non-existing loot). Will be patched (hopefully). For people in unofficial servers, there have been reports where they respawn after the server has stopped and restarted.
EDIT: "NPC Vendors that have been killed will respawn in their set location within the city after a set period of time." (3/8/17 patch)

Q: Lords/Lady?
A: Billboard is currently not working right as it is not implemented fully yet. So eventhough you are somehow able to vote and get yourself to becoming a Lord, you actually cannot use your current power to do anything, so no entering the castle or summoning/ordering anything.

Q: My doors are gone, structure parts are missing, etc...
A: If this happened after you logged in, do not worry it is just not loaded yet. Best way to speed things up is to go away and come back to the spot or simply die and respawn.

Q: I cannot harvest stuff even after hacking at it for the past 3 minutes.
A: Lag and the horrid harvest system (from Ark) do that. Move around a bit, use the secondary attack of axe and/or sword or simply die and and reset your character. Crouching beside the resource or restarting your PC also helps.
EDIT: "Actions that aren't synchronized. This bug previously resulted in players failing to collect resources or launch effective attacks. Fixing this bug will make resource collection and battle much smoother." (3/8/17 patch)

Q: This mob can't die!
A: Some of the enemies have relativelt very large health pools, e.g. horses, Dark Wraiths (those grim reaper fellows that can spawn from a meteorite crash). As a total newb, be careful of all mobs and note that there should be a red damage number when you deal damage to the mob. Else your hits are just not registering (due to server desync issues that need to be bug fixed). Secondary attack for sword registers hits better than primary, but it consumes way more stamina.
EDIT: Similar issue solved, explained in previous question.

Q: Is there any way to power level?
A: To get EXP fast you need to kill stuff (no, not NPCs or players). Being part of a house (tribe) will give you shard EXP when close to your mates.

Q: How do I rank up X skill to craft X item?
A: Leveling up will not give you crafting skills. Check under "U" to find out what you need to do. To get skills up faster you need to gather and craft (sometimes kill e.g. flyers for air magic). If you have access to tames, that might help you! Note that you only gain EXP in that skill of the skill percentage appears in the bottom left hand of the screen while you are doing a particular action. If it's not there, it doesn't work.

Q: I can't seem to be able to craft X item at X workbench/magic altar.
A: It's a bug. Some items just can't be crafted yet. You might find it in a meteor drop if you're lucky though, but you're better off waiting for the next patch.

Q: I am stuck at X quest, can't progress any further.
A: This will be addressed in sections below.
The World
Here is a map of the world. It does not show any of the spawn points that factions can capture or anything like that. Just the layout and the 3 Cities.

In-game you are bind a map and a waypoint button, but there is no an actual physical map. With the right skill advancements, you will be able to create a holographic map, Rune of Guidance, on the ground by magic that even comes with a motion sensative pointer (fancy but not that useful, imho).

There is a bug (as of 28/07) where spamming the map button (if you bound it to anything, by default it is unassigned) can cause you to glitch and your hit animations will not register.

Also, the devs have stated that the world is only about 30% complete. (As of 28/07)
Characters, Factions and Houses (Tribes/Guilds)
  • You can build your character as you wish or use templates for elfs, dwarfs or humans if you like.
  • Characters are server-bound. Do not expect them to carry over soon.
  • No matter what you build your character to look like, when you pick e.g. the human faction you are refered to as human (no matter how dwavishly long your beard is)
  • The resetting potion (the green potion that allows you to respect stats) has a bug (hopefully) where it will also reset your crafting skills. Means you would have to re-level them all over from scratch to craft higher tier stuff.

  • There are no races, nor are there any faction bonuses (at least currently).
  • The 3 factions are tentatively always enemies (always red) and can not enter a house (tribe, whatever) together. Be sure to pick the same faction as your friends.
  • You can not change the faction atm.

  • To get the house seal craftable (need a workbench), you need to start a tribe or invite someone to a tribe or alliance.
  • To get the war flag craftable, you need to craft a house seal (which it calls itself a house workbench after placing it).
  • You can power the house seal with magic essence (not shards). It consumes 1 every hour or 30 minutes (to be confirmed). This ensures no mob or human can destroy the structures without declaration of war. Does not stop others from entering an opened door and killing though.
  • You can form your own house by pressing "P" or navigating through any of tbe other menus.
  • The name of your house can be changed but all structures will not carry over. Be mindful of that to not lose your structures just because you wanna change the name of your house.
  • You can invite ppl by walking up to them and holding "E". Must be minimumally a house admin.
  • To accept the invite, the other person has to wait for the invite then hold "E" on your char.
  • You can leave a house under "P".
  • The house admin can change setting under "P". Most importantly the creation and renaming of ranks in the system. This allows for a 'rights' tab for chests and stuff in a rank system from 0-9 (pretty useful).
  • Every house member will not have to put in pin codes on doors and chests, he/she is allowed to open (from the rank system). So use codes to your liking, without fear.

  • House admins can start an alliance and invite otehr houses via there admins.
  • You will share the house-chat and see each other in blue (animals are still yellow) from a greater distance.
  • So far there are no options so you can not use other partners tames, doors or such.
  • You can be in multiple alliances and all partners share the house chat (even with tribes they are only indirectly allianced to).
Starting Out Into the World - Quests
You will start near your faction city and be greeted by a number of tutorial quests shown in the lower left.

  • The quest indicator in the lower left will always show you the quest you just made an advancement in. Its just a visual help, there are no "active quests" like in RPGs such as Witcher, Skyrim, etc.
  • Quest (tasks actually) are listed under "O" and they depend on character- and skill-level.
  • All tasks can be performed parallel, meaning you can complete multiple quests in the questline at the same time
  • You cannot select an "active task", the game does that for you.
  • The first broken/bugged quest you will find is the "earn gold from vendors". This will simply not work. You can just ignore it or even turn off the indicator in the lower left.
  • There are a lot more broken ones in the quest chain and many will not continue sadly. Try to see them as "Tutorials" and check under "O" what you should be doing or should be doing later on. Hopefully it will get fixed.
How to Get Resources (Including Barrels) - Best Results
Barrels are found in cities and contain gold coins or apples. You harvest them with your bare hands.

Tier 0 Resources - Grass & Straw
  • Use bare hands on grass, brushes, flowers, and such.
  • You will get grass, straw, magic shards, stone, twine and wood (in that order of likelihood). With that you can craft your first tools.

Tier 1 Resources - Stone, Wood Magic Shards, Twine (Rattan), Berries, Apples, Flowers
  • Use an axe on stone (Stone)
  • Use an axe on trees (Wood)
  • Use your fist/scythe on trees (Apples)
  • Use a staff with Drainmagic equipped on anything BUT grass/bushes (Magic Shards)
  • Use a pickaxe on trees (Twine)
  • Use bare hands on bushes (Blueberries)
  • Use a sword on grass/bushes (Flowers)
  • Using tames like a boar or using iron scythe will improve gather rates for some tier 0 & 1.
  • Dark Wraith Scythe is an even better upgrade. It is a rare drop from the grim reaper looking mobs that can spawn from meteorite crashes. They give pretty good drops in general. Must search body before harvesting.

Tier 2 Resources - Ores
  • Use a pickaxe on stones/ore nodes. You can obtain higher tier ores from lower tier nodes, just more rare.
  • Copper - Stone < Copper nodes (Brown rocks with green streaks) found generally everywhere but more commonly along mountain/hill paths

  • Iron - Copper nodes < Iron nodes (Silver-grey stalagmite rocks) found generally on top of hills or along mountain paths.

  • Mithril - Iron nodes < Mithril nodes (super fat round versions of iron nodes) found generally on top of mountains. High likelihood of needing a flyer/creatures that scale walls to reach areas that have abundance of them.

  • Dark shard - Dark shard nodes ONLY (Black rocks) found generally in ruins/caves/Dark Forest (the valley with lots of Wraiths and Fallen). Has a chance to mine Dark Elemental Core.

  • Light shard - Light shard nodes ONLY (translucent sky blue crystals) found generally around special landmarks e.g. The small lake near a red rift relatively close to human spawn. Has a chance to mine Light Elemental Core

Tier 3 Resources (Potentially life-threatening) - Meat, Fur, Bones
  • Search bodies before harvesting for any potential extra loot, especially Dark Wraiths.
  • Use (pickaxe < sword < tame) on dead animals/players/NPCs. (Meat)
  • Use the (axe < scythe < tame) on dead animals (Fur)
  • Use (pickaxe < iron dagger < tame) on dead animals (Hide + Bones)
  • Use spear for best results on dead animals for Bones

How to get farming stuff like seeds?
  • Use an iron scythe (that is crafted with copper ore lmao) on bushes. A waaaaaaaaay better way is using the Dark Wraith Scythe.

For all relatively basic resources, that is it. You can collect meteorites for other stuff or venture out to get it, but thats not what i am talking about here ^^

More information may come out.
Advanced Resources (Crafted Resources)
Since there was a demand on this I will add some more stuff here.

  • If you burn wood instead of straw you will get charcoal. Be sure to do all the fire work with wood, to stack up early on. Note that if you have wood and straw in a camp fire, it will prioritise straw and you would not get charcoal until all the straw is gone)
  • With a mortar & pestle, you can make quartz sand from stones and sulfur powder from sulfur ore.
  • Later on, you can grind down light and darkstone in the pestle too.

Magical Essences
  • First, you need to craft/have access to a magical workbench/altar
  • Use filled waterbottles with magic shards to get the Magic Essences.
  • Get Elemental Cores from lootdrops or by draining spell on elemental bodies.
  • Use the generic essence with the cores to get elemental essences.

  • With tames like a boar you will be able to get mushrooms (white and yellow)
  • In the swamps and lava areas you will get red and "other white" ones
  • Alternatively you can grow them in medium or large plot from the fungal spore.
How to Get Better Tools and Armor Faster
For better tools and armor you need a workbench.
Since the workbench is not part of a rented house and you can only place it on foundations (which you cannot place in Cities), you would need a physical house of your own first (not to mention the levels and skills).

But there is an easier way:
  • Each city has crafting stations. They basically work like workbenches and magic workbenches, but are split up into crafting jobs.
  • So if you want to craft armor, you need to go to the armory (or the equivalent in other factions).
  • Bring the resources there and craft what you like. Be mindful though that you will still need the copper and iron bars smelted at a forge.
  • As of now, you can't repair at those stations for some reason, just so you know.
  • For Iron Greatsword, you would have to craft it at a Cyclops Workbench. You have to find it in the world (Rough location:(its near Elf city by the big trees) and then bring the items to craft it. It takes 1 real-time hour to craft it. Alternatively, you can get your Smith in your town to max rank (I believe it is 13), and then you can purchase it for 1200 gold.
Life in the City?
If you are a solo player or one of those ppl that do not like PvP but still play on PvP-servers (...) you might want to consider living in the City!
  • The city features basic resources like the world. You can run in circles and gather stuff.
  • The city also has barrels for apples and gold.
  • There are no mobs in the city unless there is an event or someone pulled them inside (nasty with flyers like griffins, since the guards are terrible at killing those).
  • Dead or unconcious ppl in the city can be gathered with "G", stacked and used for meat!
  • Cities have vendors, where you can sell things.
  • The vendor only buy what he/she shows and a minimum amount e.g. 100 wood (not 5, not 23, not grass... you get the point)
  • To make it even harder, the vendor will only buy from one person per ingame day-night-circle. So if someone sold 100 wood just before you got, there you have to wait.
  • Make yourself familiar with the locations and what they buy.
  • You can DONATE to vendors and raise their level of approval towards you.
  • When a vendor levels up he/she will have the sell/buy resetted (for you).
  • A leveled up vendor sells better stuff (especialy usefull on the cook for the food and restore drinks).
  • Donations also help the city to grow and get more NPCs and such (but I am not sure how this works - since nearly no one donates ^^)
  • If you kill a vendor, he/she is dead and stays that way (no loot), crippeling your faction (hopefully this gets patched some day...)
  • Near the stable, you will find horses, with a price on them. You can buy those and they come with a saddle in their inventory.
  • When sprinting, horses do trample damage! ALSO TO GUARDS! Be careful of how you run around on your horse in cities.
  • If attacked, the horses at the stable will not run away and simply die. Great resource of hide, since they respawn!
  • You are NOT safe in the city. If someone attacks you, the guards will not step in.
  • If you attack an NPC he/she will run or fight back. The guards are the only ones that fight back (and they will most likely win).
  • To rent a house (buildings you wanna live in) you need to be in a house (tribe). Then just walk up to the board in front of the house and bring the amount of gold. The shown time means real days not in-game ones. Currently abit buggy.
Not to Live In the City?
City life is nice and all but you are missing out (at least when you are hitting higher levels).

  • Unable to grow crops for mushrooms and such for higher tier crafting, must depend on bartering with other players/raiding/etc
  • Unabke to build a workbench, a magic workbench and a fireplace (also for crafting)
  • Difficult to store tames (just not enough room)
  • Unable to build Summoning portals, House seals, Turrets, etc.
  • Unable to build a larder box. This one is especially important but to store food it is advised to use feeding troughs or tames, because the larder box just does not work that good. The crafting of smoked meat in it is also broken atm has a weird bug. You can craft using sulfur powder, not silica.
How to Survive? Sleep Is For the Weak!
To survive in this world, you need to take care of the level of your current stats on the lower right.
Most important survival stats are hunger, thirst and focus.

The basic mechanics are simple:
  • Hunger, thirst and focus drain as long as you are ingame.
  • Whenever you use stamina and your character regains it, you will loose hunger and thirst.
  • Whenever you use mana and your character refills it, your focus will be drained.
  • Whenever you are too cold, you use more hunger (shivering). Too hot and you use more thirst (sweating).
  • This means that the more you sprint, spam attacks or cast, the more supplies you will need.

Regaining Hunger
  • You will simply need to eat (duh!).
  • If you want to regain lets say 100 hunger with berries, that would take around 75ish (no, not 3!), so you might want to gather a lot or simply cook some meat.

Regaining Thirst
  • You need to dive into the water (head under).
  • Pretty early on, you can craft berry jam (45 berries and some grass). This will refill hunger and thirst, but be careful, it spoils very quickly, craft it only when you need it!
  • Later on, you can craft glass bottles that you can fill with water (just rightclick in your inventory when your feet barely touch the water ^^). A bottle weights 0.10, has 2 uses and is refillable.

Regaining Focus
  • You need to sleep or eat flowers.
  • Sleeping is only possible in a bedroll, canopy or bed, but sometimes you're in a situation where none of those things is in reach for you to build...
  • Currently the devs are trying to fix a bug that if you pick up a bedroll, it will be repair the bedroll back to full hp. Since they haven't fixed it, they disabled the ability to pick bedrolls.
  • But as the title suggests: Sleep is for the weak! -> Just eat flowers (around 100 to fill 100 focus) that you gain by harvesting grass/brushes with a sword (you also get some berries and grass with it so you basically do that to survive all the time).
  • Later on, you can buy focus elixirs from vendors if you donate enough or craft them yourself. No more spam flower eating!

Lastly, let me remind you that you will not "leave" the server when go offline like Maplestory or WoW. Your character is just unconcious and free to loot as well as drag around. Get some place safe.
How to Protect Your Stuff
The first thing you need to realise, is that you will be unconcious when you log out and can simply be looted. -> Get somewhere save and/or hide well!

Things to keep in mind
  • It uses the same engine as Ark, but it is a 2 year old version. SO some of the glitches and bugs used for exploits are possible to occur (right now).
  • There is no offline raid protection other then the house seal.
  • Meteroite mobs will go for you, your tames, turrets or spikes. So if you are close to them, you better not build turrets and spikes (as it can aggro to them) and take your tames with you. Or you could build some place else.
  • Doors, gates, archer gates and windows can not be opened by other players (tribe mates ofc can open them, but even alliance partners cannot).
  • Players can (for the moment) bug into your house (like in Ark before they fixed it - kind of). They can also walk close to your door and adjust the camera so that you can look through it.
  • Your structures will be demolishable, after some days (5?) if you do not log in.
  • Noob areas (around Cities) have a higher player-count and lots of low levels that got nothing to lose in raids and fights. Hence can become meat shields.
  • All structures can be damaged by any tier weapons/mobs/tames, e.g. Manors are not immune to damage from Bargesh/Stone tools/weapons.
  • Tames glitch into structures when they attack and can be damaged from the inside. (for now)
  • Tames with attacks like firebreath (Dragons)can use their breath with their head glitched inside (for now).
  • Tools and weapons will do up to 600 dmg on straw-structures, depending on the melee stat and the kind of tool or weapon. The dmg gets more or less halfed down each tier (wood, stone, reinforced stone, manors).
  • Tames will do around 20-100 dmg (Bargesh, boar, spider, etc) or 80-300 (griffin, panther, etc), to straw structures. This will also be halfed with tiers.
  • Spells like telekinesis or shapeshift will give more opportunities to get into houses than on foot. Telekinesis does 2,500 dmg on wood for example and the panther form will give you the power of a panther (so 80-500 on straw per attack - depending on if its LMB, RMB or crouch).
  • If you do not have stuff and you can not get a seal, you can always try to let your house look like it is broken open already.
  • You can try hiding a higher tier house in lower tier house.
  • You can make hidden rooms or simply empty rooms. A lot of small rooms and walls inside on multiple floors are a pain for random looters.
  • Multiple walls or spikes can help.
  • You can simply leave your doors open and the benches open for everyone to use.

House Logs
House logs (and alliance logs if they work some day) will show you:
  • who you got killed by
  • who killed your pets
  • which member demolished something
If you get raided and you or your pets die, you know who it was. You should consider making them pay and why not bring an alliance while you're at it too? ;)
A tame placed to defend and aggro with low HP could give you the name of a raider.
You will not see who looted from you or destroyed some off your structures. This makes raiding harder (unless there is no revenge anyway).

Pin Codes
Pin coded stuff like windows, doors, chests, etc. can not be opened by other players without the right code. If you get the right code you can open and shut as you please.
The problem with pin codes is that the game so far does not offer a protection vs putting in the wrong number ... Ark had to hot-fix patch this when they discovered players using scripts to open all doors and as such, likely these Devs will too, at some point).
SO, for now: Do not code doors, gates and such. You can pincode chests (because it is also possible to glitch into houses right now and someone stuck inside can access your chests that teleport out if they are not coded.

House Seals
  • To craft a house seal you need to either create a house or invite ppl to one (one time). You can then craft the house seal at a workbench.
  • The seal creates a bubble-shield with a radius of around 4 foundations. So your maximum size protected house (with one seal) would be 9x9x9. I would recommand 9x9x6 (6 because floors that are only 1 wall high are horrible to navigate through) with the seal in the center on floor 2 (middle).
  • The seal will only work if turned on and fueled by magic essences.
  • It takes approximate 36-40 essences to be constantly working for 24 hours real-life time.
  • To get an essence you need to craft a glass bottle (in inventory from quartz sand, sulfur powder and charcoal), fill it with water (just stand in the water and right click in on the bottle in your inventory, standing in rain works too) and craft it with 10 (used to be 15) magic shards at the magic workbench.
  • To get through a shield, people need to declare war on you. You can build the war flag, after you build your first house seal and it can be crafted in an active house seal (called a house work bench when placed on the floor). You throw it like a spear (hold and release RMB) and have to hit teh enemy structure (you can pick it back up when your run over it). Then a 12 hour timer starts.
  • As of now(i can only guess here), the party that got the declaration of war has 12 hours to accept the war, if not, there is no war. This makes sealed houses untouchable (also applies to wild animals) right now (unless the people inside want to fight the war).

  • Turrets are powered by a spell generator. This generator determines the kind of damage the turrets do by using elemental essences (e.g. ice slows, fire burns, etc).
  • The range is higher then the claim range of your house and the damage is quiet good, but the ammo and power for the generator is expensive.
  • Flyers can dodge the shoots, shields can block them, druid armor and such will give some protection against it, etc.
  • To conserve your ammo, you can try building them inside instead. This will also be a nice surprise for the first tame who glitches in while hitting the walls.

  • You got spike barricades and spike wall-mounts. Those are ok, because they need to destroyed separately, but they will not stop an attack for long because you can damage them just as you can damage walls and such.
  • They will keep random-raiders off pretty good.
  • Keep in mind though, spikes will aggro mobs that touch it and are a go-to-target for meteorite spawns.
Giant Monsters In The Starting Zone! - Meteorites
Maybe you have been wondering why your little straw hut gets rekt by grim reapers all the time or why giant elemental creatures fight one out in your backyard.
Well, it is either an event or more likely a meteorite has dropped near you (might not wanna build there?!).

The meteorites come in different colors and hold items, but most importantly they always bring "protection". Some of those big mobs are friendly but most are not, like Dark Wraiths (grim reaper) or Dark Fallens (skeletons). Especially grim reapers, but they give fantastic loot and are easily kited to things like Treants or City Guards. Be sure to grab the loot first!

The drops and creatures will despawn after some time but can be used for some nice battlefields by lureing them together. Their corpses hold simple and advanced stuff if you harvest them (depending on the creature). The drops hold resources and can only be opened if you got the right player level for the drop.

Also note that currently creature spawns are apparently not blocked by foundations..? So if your house seems to be destroyed just in the centre, you might want to build somewhere else. (To be confirmed)
Taming Foods - WIP
Note that the following may have inaccuracies, please do not blame us if your 'Wildness' drops due to unoptimal feeding foods. Feeding the wrong specified food(Raw meat instead of rotten for Bargesh) will just drop Wildness, not kill the tame.

Tentatively, all herbivores eat the same thing (from lowest taming feed to highest):
  • Grass - From the ground
  • Apples - From trees
  • Lucky Clover - A rare crop harvest from shrubs
  • Herbivore Feed - Crafted in Cooking pot at Taming 4
Carnivores on the other hand have different requirements, which makes it more of a headache:
  • Raw Meat - From all monsters that dont require soul supression stones
  • Fine Meat - From some large higher tier monsters like Elephants/Bahamut
  • Carnivore Feed - Crafted in Cooking pot at Taming 4
UNIQUE: Cured Meat/Fine Meat - Crafted in Larder Box with Sulfur:
  • Nidhogg (There is a large debate on the taming food for this)
UNIQUE: Rotten Meat - Harvestable from Dark Wraiths or letting meat spoil
  • Bargesh - Prefers Carnivore Feed over Rotten
  • Vrock
Basic Taming - Starter Animals
The Basics of Taming
To tame animals you will need to advance in ranged crafting and taming first (or steal/buy the needed stuff).
You will need a ranged weapon like a bow/crossbow, some hook arrows and a feeding trough (as well as food, of course). Then adjourne out and look for an animal to tame.

When you fire the hook arrow at the animal, you must press left click again to hook the other end of the rope to the ground. The rope arrows do not simply 'inject' torpor like in Ark but will 'tick' torpor on the target. What it means that when the target breaks the rope, torpor will then get added. This is the end of "stuck taming" I fear. If a mob can not move it will not get any torpor from the arrows.
This means there is a slight difference in taming things like sheep and aggressive creatures like boars. The sheep will run from you where you can follow up and shoot more arrows in as soon as it reaches the max length of rope. A boar however will chase you, so you run away and shoot behind when the rope is at max length.

When the torpor is high enough, most mobs will try to run away. Keep an eye on that mob and follow up as soon as the hunter-hunted part changes!

When the mob goes down, it is time to tame. Place the feeding trough next to your target and fill it with food. The mob will eat one piece of food at a time and gain "taming". At the same time the "constitution" stat will drop (you can hear and see it munching as well as trying to stand up).
If the constitution reaches 0 before the tameing is at 100 % the mob will get up and start moving again. To prevent this, just shoot another rope arrow into the prey, BUT do not shoot too many arrows at it now (30/07/17) as there is damage to your arrows, decreasing wildness, which is something you never want.

The "wildness" stat is equivalent to the taming efficiency in. It goes down with feeding (the lower the quality of the feed is) and will determine what level the mob will have when tameing is down. Higher wildness stats means more bonus levels when taming is complete!

One good thing: Taming is waaaaaay faster then in Ark!

Some other stuff to note:
  • If the food runs out before the tame is done, the taming will go down.
  • You can also starve tame, just like in Ark. This means you do not feed it anything after shooting it down. After a while, you can feed it, thus you can save on food spoiling as it will eat everything in one shot and get tamed too.
  • If the server goes down (or a rollback halfway), it will still maintain the taming process, you just need to reconnect fast enough when the server goes back on.

The Beastiary

The Beastiary tells you a rough description of each monster's traits and where to find them. Note that not all of the monsters displayed can be found naturally in-game. They can however be spawned using admin cheats. Note that some of the monsters may not look exactly the same in-game when compared to the Beastiary. You can 'obtain' the Beastiary card when you either tame or kill that specified monster(can be a house member doing it nearby), but it may bug and not register at times.

From left to right:
  • Orange Circle - ?
  • Skull - ?
  • Skull with Crown - ?
  • Sword Clashing - Herding instinct. Hitting one will attract the aggro from other of the same species within close vicinity.
  • Shield - Defensive instinct. Will run when damaged.
  • Sword - Aggressive instinct. Will attack you when nearby.
  • Meat and Wheat - Omnivore. Will eat both meat and berries after tame.
  • Wheat - Herbivore. WIll eat berries after tame.
  • Meat - Carnivore. Will eat meat after tame.
  • Crystal - Can be captured using large/small soul suppression stones.
  • Collar - Tamable.
  • Saddle - Has a craftable saddle in-game.
NOTE: You can check which creatures are Mythical by unchekcing the other boxes. As of 9/8/17, it is Windrider, Sacred Griffin, Crystalline Beast and Pegases. They must be spawned with admin commands as they cannot be found naturally yet.

Uses for Your Tames
Sheep is your best way to get fur. You simply put grass in and get fur out (requires taming rank 1). You can not ride them. Also, sheep loooove apples.

Boars are basically your "Trike". You get wood and tooooons of twine with them, as well as grass, straw and berries. They are insanly fast (lags and rubberbanding incoming!) and a way cooler (and saver - no trample) way of transportation. Their weightlimit skyrockets fast when you add stats to it (EDIT: There was a pretty large nerf to boars in recent patch). Boars also love apples. Crunch crunch.

Hyenas are your first (likely) carnivore tames. They are fast, but can not carry much. They eat through straw huts like a hot knife through butter and they shower you with meat, bones, fur and hide (not from players for some reason). They love rotton meat.

Rokhs/Vrocks (the two headed vultures) are your likely your first flyers and are easy to tame.
Just spam arrows in (it has to sit down for some buggy reason) and you will notice the creature does not do anything. It does not aggro that much anyway and it simply sits around.
Your hook arrows will break fast but keep spamming. When it starts to fly, stop and follow. The last rope will break while it is in the air and it will land again. If it is not knocked out by then, repeat.
Those bird are not much good tbh, but they provide mobility and can transport sheep as well as players.

Other flyers are more difficult. Wyverns tend to flee a lot and not come back down and griffins will not "run" but hurt you quiet a bit. From the lot, Griffins are the easiest to tame, imho.

With some exceptions the food tree like this:
Herbivore: grass < apples < rare drops like lucky clover < herbivore feed

Carnivore: raw meat < rotten meat (if they like that) < raw fine meat < carnivore feed

Magical creatures eat magic shards and you have SEVERAL rare drops here to also feed them. (not going into this in the basic guide)

Elementals and spirits need another approach. This will be covered in a later section.
The Longhorn - Some Love For This Sad Multitool
I always read that Longhorns are bad tames.

And here is why:
  • The tame takes way longer then others on that "tier". The tames in general are fast but this one can take up to 1.5 hours with apples alone for a lvl 30 (that is NOTHING in Ark-terms, but here it is quite a lot on that low tame-tier).
  • You will most likely tame this after you have a boar, deer, stag and a hyena or something like that and expect an "ungrade", but...
  • The Longhorn will get wood and twine (more twine then wood) from trees, just like the boar.
  • It is slow, unlike the boar.
  • Its RMB special looks funny but sucks where the boar's is awesome!
  • It can not destroy player bases just like the boar.
  • It has an even slower attack then the boar.
  • It drains its stamina like nothing very much unlike the boar.
  • It looks tough and you know from experience by now, that they can hurt you very well, but as a tame you will see its Hp pool is not that great and its damage is laughable.
  • It looks like a "carrier-tame", but its weight limit is not that great - way better then the boar, tbh.
So why would anyone want that thing? Because it is a MULTITOOL!
  • The longhorn gets grass and straw from brushes and such.
  • It also gets berries and flowers.
  • It can mine stone, sulfur, copper, iron, mithril, dark and lightstone.
Basically, it can do anything and it provides you with food and focus on the way.

Not reeeeaaaaaly great, but very very helpful!
Farming - From Seed to Feed
Obtaining Seeds
As of 6/8/17, there are 9 plantable 'seeds'.
  • Darkweed Seeds (Dark)
  • Lightblossom Seeds (Light)
  • Thundergrass Seeds (Air)
  • Snow Lotus Seeds (Water)
  • Fireblossom Seeds (Fire)
  • Terra Flower Seeds (Earth)
  • Fungal Spore
  • Shrub Seedlings
  • Wheat Seeds
You can obtain them from 3 different ways:
  • Harvesting a Treant with a sickle (Darkweed and Lightblossom)
  • Harvesting with Boar/from a round orange fungal plant (Fungal Sport)
  • Harvesting bushes with a sickle (Everything else)

For a plant to grow, it needs to have fertiliser, water source and the seed itself in a crop plot. Some seeds have a minimum size requirement, i.e. shrubs and wheat can grow in any plot, but fungal spores need at least a medium and the rest are large plots, otherwise you will be unable to place the seed in the plot. Larger crop plots do not give you bonus growth stats, just merely extra space to place more fertiliser.

Fertiliser are made in compost bins, just toss the stuff in and start making fertiliser. Note that the process can take a while and multiple different fertiliser sizes can be made simultaneously. Also note that compost bins function as enhanced fridges for spoiled meat and grass, so you dont have to worry much about them spoiling in the bins all too much. I advice you to make large fertilisers to save space and allow for a larger buffer time. Note that non adult plants eats monstrous amounts of fertiliser. If you are going off, try to leave about 1 million fertiliser to a fully grown plant, alot more if you just started growing it.

When making an irrigation network, first identify if there is a water source(anywhere puddle on the floor where you can fill your water bottle by standing in it) close to your farm. I highly advice to build from your farm towards the water source for convinience of water pipe snap points, as water pipes snap to the top offf walls. If you are unsure of where your water pipe is, you can try using a cross pipe to 'look' for where the pipe is snapping to in your walls. Once you place the input pipe into the water source, ensure that the pipe 'comes alive' by becoming more blue/green, which is an indication that the input pipe is actually taking in water. Place an irrigation spout(wood tier) or a spigot(stone tier) on pipes above your farms to water them like sprinklers.

In the event there is no nearby water source, you would have to build water reservoirs that are not covered by anything above them. Depending on the size of your farm, the array of water reservoirs needed will increase due to the fact that water reservoirs only fill themselves slowly during rain, which can also irrigate your farm if it's out in the open.

The Harvest
After about 3 in-game days of growing (for the highest tier plants at least), the plants will look very large and will start slowly producing crops. Each crop will give you its respective crop name and its elemental core, i.e. Darkweed crops will give Darkweed and Dark Elemental Cores, fungal spores will give White Cap, Vigor, Nightcap(rare) and Death Cap(rare) mushroom, Wheat crops give wheat and Shrubs give cooking herb, grass and lucky clover(very rare drop). Note that the crop plots are enhanced fridges for the crops, so just leave everything in there if you can help it until you actually need it for crafting. The crops last only minutes outside.

Note: To be fully utilising alot of feed, you probably might require a really huge farm, so you might be better off just using your feed for special tames.

Most of the recipes that involve the crops use the Cooking Pot, so find the recipes there.
Acidic Extract (Alchemy 4):
  • 4 x Thundergrass
  • 4x Sulfur
  • 1 x Glass Bottle(Filled)
Herbivore Feed (Taming 4 - Highest tier herbivore taming food):
  • 3 x Snow Lotus
  • 3x Thundergrass
  • 30x Cooking Herb
  • 1 x Acidic Extract
Carnivorous Feed (Taming 4 - Highest tier carnivore taming food):
  • 3 x Fireblossoms
  • 3 x Terra Flower
  • 30 x Cured Meat
  • 1 x Acidic Extract
Mystical Feed (Currently Unavailable - Taming food for Divine tier creatures)
It is possible to obtain Lucky Clover from a specific NPC vendor when upgraded sufficiently high.

Advanced Taming - Elemental and Spirit Taming
What do you need?
  • A soul stone (2 sizes available).
  • A summoning pool at your base.
  • lots of ores and magic shards.
  • You equip ready for fights with those things.

How to do it then?
  • You simply pick one elemental you would like and separate it from the rest of its kind (kill the others).
  • When you got a more friendly area and are restored, you start the fight with your soon-to-be-tame.
  • Bring it down to low-HP and use the soul-stone on it (like a weapon - one time click).
  • You should know that you have captured its soul (if not, do more damage to it - the game will tell you that it has to much HP left).
  • The stone now holds the soul and should tell you the needed materials for the revival at the pool (ores and shards). Bring it there and start the revival (takes quite a lot of time).

Not that hard if you are able to fight those things. The hardest part is getting the skill level (Rank 8) for it.

NOTE: The second soul stone you can craft is not used to capture Elementals, you use it to make a "backup" of your tames. If they die you can revive them (at teh level you store dthem at) in your summoning pool. Be carefull though the stone with teh save is unique for obvious reasons and an item everyone can get hold of.

NOTE: I read that elemental taming is bugged for Single Player servers somehow and will not work. Have not tried myself, just telling you.
EXP and Leveling
Just a quick breakdown how the system works.
If you are familiar with ARK, you already know how it works (it is a 2 year old version of ARK that got worked on by different ppl for some time, but the essentials are all still in here).

Player EXP
  • You gain Player EXP for everything you do: crafting, killing and harvesting.
  • The most Player EXP comes from killing mobs. The higher the level, the better. The higher the "tier" of the mob the better. e.g. A lvl 100 sheep will give you more EXP then a lvl 26 one but still less EXP then a lvl 16 Inferno dragon. As for the fine details, if it follows Ark, then it would be 'EXP given'= 'Base EXP monster gives' + 'EXP per level of monster' X 'Level'.
  • Only the killing blow nets EXP and there is no protection for killstealing.
Passive EXP
  • Passive EXP is gained just by being online. You gain a very small amount of EXP over time. Try checking your player EXP just by standing still the next time you log in :)
  • Passive EXP cannot be shared.
  • Tames can also gain passive EXP. Only way of gaining EXP for tames that cannot deal damage, ridden and craft items.
Shared EXP
  • Shared EXP is the EXP you get for indirectly doing things. e.g. have a sheep craft fur for you or have a tame kill things while you are close by.
  • The most noticeable shared EXP comes from your tribe/house-mates. A portion of their EXP goes to you (they still get full EXP) whenever they gain EXP and you are near them. So it is a good idea to do stuff together. e.g. farm a lot of resources first and gather them in your base, then have everyone craft what they want.
  • Keep in mind that if you craft something in a workstation like the pestle, you will get EXP no matter how far away you are from it. The shared EXP for your mates will still be "donated around" by your character though, not the pestle.
Skill EXP
  • Aside from leveling your character, you also need to level your skills or you will not be able to craft anything.
  • Skills come in 3 Trees: Adventuring, Magic and Architecture.
  • Do not fear, you will be able to have all skills with level 60 and you do not need to play around with skillpoints. (You will not be able to learn Dwarven or Human Manor building as an Elf and vis versa though).
  • Some skills/ranks are player level locked, i.e. Manor building at lvl 60/Stonework at lvl 35
  • After unlocking a skill or a new rank of a skill, you need to get skill EXP for it to advance to the next rank (provided you have reached the minimum player level requirement)
  • The knowledge meter on that will fill when you perform certain actions in-game. All the actions are listed in the Skill-tab on the right side. (see pictures below)
  • Skill EXP scales with the amount of X resources gathered, not by the time spent to gather it. This means that tames will be a great help to level skill EXP. For example, skill EXP for melee crafting comes from gathering stone. A tame that can gather lots of stone can give you skill EXP very fast by using it to gather faster than using an axe. The more stone it can get for you, the better. Since there is no shared EXP in this system, you gain full skill EXP when using a tame.

Dungeons & Knowledge Nodes - Unreleased Content
This part will stay incomplete for some time, since the dungeons are still closed by magic seals.

Guide Versions
Version 1.0 (24/07/17)
  • Added guide
Version 1.1 (28/07/17)
  • Added elaboration on ore spawn locations and editing
  • Edited info on Larder boxes
Version 1.2 (29/07/17)
  • Added screenshots for ores
Version 1.3 (30/07/17)
  • Hook arrows now deal damage.
Version 1.4 (31/07/17)
  • Added three new sections to the guide.
Version 1.5 (2/8/17)
  • Fixed some errors to the guide due to bug fixes to the game on 31/7.
Version 1.6 (6/8/17)
  • Added new sections 'EXP and Levelling', 'Dungeons & Knowledge Nodes' and 'Farming - From Seed to Feed'
Version 1.7 (7/8/17)
  • Added new section 'Taming Food' and edited info on gathering apples.
112 件のコメント
Saereth345 2018年12月12日 0時18分 
Sulevia; While riding the boar, simply attack a bush and it will gather stuff for you. Same with a alot of other tames.
Minterfresh 2018年10月31日 21時32分 
Hunger also refills Health, missing Health drains large amounts of Hunger as you regenerate. As a tip, a melee loadout that expects to take some hits should bring more food with them than a ranged loadout.
Saereth345 2018年8月19日 10時55分 
Dwarven manor says get exp by building elven manor pieces. Lol
angelfrmhvn  [作成者] 2017年8月17日 13時11分 
@sulevia TL;DR 1)craft bow and stone hook arrows 2) shoot boar and make it fatigued 3) place taming trough near it and tame it with appropriate food 4) craft saddle if the tame requires it to ride (able to see after you have tamed it when it asks for sadle to ride) 5) smash resources :D If you want a command, in SP it will be under admin commands (or cheats), you can just spawn a tamed boar with approprioate codes u need to find elsewhere.
Sulevia 2017年8月17日 0時25分 
Great guide, thank you. I've never played ARK, and I've noticed that those that have take a lot of things for granted. Like how to use your tamed animals to gather for you. I figured out the sheep and how to make fur, but how to get a boar to gather materials? Do I ride it? is there a command or setting?
Uomovero 2017年8月9日 11時36分 
oh yea btw orange dot is when you get new "card" bestiray it disapears after opening it (double click on it)
[HdF] Almut Grete  [作成者] 2017年8月9日 6時48分 
Yes it helps vs Elemental attacks, but sadly all magic armor got nerfed down pretty hard. In PvP it is also your armor of choice, since melee will not hit you unless you make a mistake and you will most likely not be hit more then one time with a bolt or arrow if you are not afk ^^
Uomovero 2017年8月9日 4時27分 
coudnt find this anywhere maybe im blind but is there point im making magic proof armor ? is it better againist elementals ?
[HdF] Almut Grete  [作成者] 2017年8月9日 3時50分 
Most creatures would not eat cooked or cured meat. There are some exeptions though. For example all intelligent creatures that are able to cook their own meat prefer cooked meat over raw (e.g. goblins).
But cured Meat in general is to make kibble/feed. It is one of the several "long-crafts" that prevent small tribes and nomads to make kibble en mass.
angelfrmhvn  [作成者] 2017年8月8日 21時14分 
@toz, i am not sure, you can toss in all the types of meat in the taming trough, means raw, rotten, fine, cure meat, cured fine and carnivore meat if you are not sure. i think raw fine is supposed to be better than cure in almost all the cases, but the nighogg is special in which ppl have reported it being way better than raw fine meat