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Por ✪ SYSTEM -iwnl-
Hi guys. After a decent amount of experience and day to day added playtime, i tought of making a guide to help you all with chicken dinners. Hopefully you will learn something by reading this guide and it will increase your win rate!
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Nos Favoritos
So, this could be a... rather difficult choice.
What i recommend is:
-If you are new to the game , avoid the high populated areas since you are probably gonna get killed early (no offense - own experience, but hey! I didn't say not try)
-In the next pictures a legend is shown, representing what i said. Also, *POTENTIAL* vechicle spawns are represented as well.
So, you drop at the chosen location and you are getting looted.
People may be near you, but, don't get scared. If you are new to the game you may want to engage in gun fights. Afterall, that's how you improove your gun-fighting skills, and belive me, they are important.

Next, you may encounter the next situations:
-A: You are right next to or in the zone and you are decent looted. Nextly, if you see a vechicle near you, keep eyes on it since the zone may change to a place far away, so a transportation method would definetly be usefull in any case (except around the top 25, but we will talk about that later). Personally irecommend finding a place to camp and catch late-commers to the zone, and get some kills.
-B: Zone is far away and you don't find a vechicle. Don't just give up. Why?
-1: A player with a vechicle may drive bay and you can try to get the kill.
-2: You will probably find one around the way. Again, take a look at the image provided above to see vechicle spawns, or you could use one of the mobile phone apps, such as:
-PUBG POCKET; COMPANION FOR PUBG (just search those on the app store on both ios and android)
So. You made into the mid game. Until now, you should be pretty good looted and have enough meds, boosters and ammo to make it to the end of the game. In this case, you should probably be patient. Move with the zone. Learn your enemies possitions and gear. Than move in for the kill, or follow them without beeing seen since they will make for a good shield, since if you follow their steps they will probably be the ones shot at from the front, but be carefull and sneaky. This is more of a 1st person tip for when it will be added.

TOP 25 - TOP 10:
-1: You should probably get rid of any viechle you have if you are in the playzone, since they are noisy and will atract a lot of attention.
-2: PATIENCE. IS. KEY. Being patient in this game is a really big factor. Learn your enemies positions and gear, and try to stay on the edge of the zone and move with it since than you have a really small chance of beeing shot from behind.
-3: All your training has come to this point. You know where others are and you made it to the top 5.
Let others fight it out, honestly. That's just an easier way to find out more about possitions and equipment, than, move in for the final kill. Here are some of my results doing what i said above (solo and squad):


Troughout the game you will find these beautifull looking crates.
I like to call them many ways, such as death trap, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ its an awm or this is not the gun i wanted.
You have to be carefull if you spot one. If you are early game and it drops near you and you know you are clear to engage, go for it.
If the drop is far and you are making a go for it with a vechicle, it is best to circle around and see if there is any1 camping the goodies. Also, a player's loot box near the drop means it's probably been taken or a sniper is camping from far away. If you still wnat to give it a try, open it from the opposite way of where the player box was or park your car in front.

Late game, just don't go for lootcrates. Just if it drop on your head (kinda litterarly).
Anyway, looting late game is dangerous, either if you are looting a player or a crate. So be careful!
Gun fights are a really important form factor in the game of Battlegrounds. Varius techniques can be used in order to gain advantage in different situations. Firstly, Let's talk about some loadouts i personally prefer:
-Sniper rifle + AR/SMG set on auto, maybe shotgun
-AR on manual fire + Shotgun/ Auto Smg
Those are the loadouts i ussually use, and remember. If you can get a shot close range a shotgun is deadly. As for firing modes, i recommend keeping your guns on manual as long as you are moving in clear. When you know somebody is around, switch to auto or just start spamming left click if you get scared, since i personally havn't had any problems with this strat, i recommend it.
Why keep them on manual?
Let's just say you see someone far away and the reduced recoil of the manual is much better than auto, when u might just fire 2 shots instead of one and your target may get to cover. Personal experience.
As for guns wich only have burst fire, it's best to keep them on manual (so far only m16 have burst and manual only) but if used properly burst fire can be useful and deadly *AT CLOSE RANGE*.
Personally i did get more tips from watching the next videos i will list
I do not own or created these, all the credit for them goes to the Vault Dude
Vault Dude -
Videos i recommend:
Next video will be about the playzone and blue circle damage, again, all the credit goes to Fugglet, since i don't own / have produced them.
Fugglet -
If you made it all the way down here, i appreciate your attention.
A rate-up would be grate and a share would do me some good as well.
Hopefully you learned something from this and your chicken dinners will occur more often and they will be tasty.

63 comentários
rexfordwallace2016 4 de ago. às 6:23 
what is going on :steamfacepalm:
BEAST 2 jun. 2023 às 20:38 
TheodoR 25 mar. 2023 às 11:19 
nice guide
flardy 25 fev. 2018 às 7:03 
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MrWolfy 21 dez. 2017 às 8:33 
outdated :3
hödük 8 dez. 2017 às 14:02 
say nasty things in my profile and fuck my tight ass if i reply back on yours.
ufo1 12 ago. 2017 às 10:49 
Comment TriHard Black Watermelon Chicken on my profile ! +Trihard pls!
I am Steve Rogers 4 ago. 2017 às 19:01 
The game runs fine on anything if you play in 1080p. for 1440p I suppose you're gonna need a 1080 at least to get decent fps.
21:9 and 3440x1440 (which is what I am running) requires a 1080 ti at the moment.
spicy 29 jul. 2017 às 10:55 
feelsbadman, I got an R9 390 8gb, AMD FX-8320e, 240gb ssd, 2tb, my cooling is shit and I need to add a fan at the side of the pc, I mean thats budget cooling right there.
DaddyDownUnder51 28 jul. 2017 às 20:25 
even if people make it to the top 10 or even get the whole "winner winner chicken dinner", you dont really need top of the line gear to win; there have been people with nothing but a DB Shotgun and a few bandages, or even just a frying pan and they are just kamikazee this shit on a deaf/blind player, while they are surviving on pure luck and stupid decisions that have worked somehow.