The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

252 人が評価
Enhanced Whiterun
462.627 KB
2012年11月11日 19時51分
2013年11月9日 17時33分
14 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Enhanced Whiterun

modelmode 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Modelmode's Mods
6 アイテム
The front gate of Whiterun has an alcove on top that you can't get to... Until now. That spot always seemed like a wasted opportunity to me, so I fixed it to my liking and hopefully your's too.

This is ver 1.0 of my Enhanced Whiterun mod.

This mod has two major changes:
A completely reworked front gate of Whiterun, inside and out.
A complete Skyforge. Complete with an armor workbench, smelter, and a few (literally) decorative bits.

I have NOT added any new weapons, chests, or major loot. So no worries about becoming uber powerful as a result of this mod. That said, it would be best not to use any new barrels or weapon racks as their locations may change in future versions. Which would likely nuke any precious weapons or items stored in them.They're really just for looks.

Ver 2.0 Enhancements:

Reworked front gate (both sides). Altered the navmeshing to match.
rails to the bridge in the courtyard.
Enhanced the drawbridge (both sides).

Note: As near as I can tell, all these changes should be compatable with the attack on Whiterun in the Stormcloak vs Imperials campaign story arch. If anyone runs into trouble with this mod during this sequence - i.e. NPCs stuck on walls and stuff that isn't in vanilla Skyrim; please let me know what you experienced.

Ver 3.0 Enhancements:

The Skyforge Terrace, complete with enchanting and alchemy tables.
The Skyforge Armory entrance. The Armory will be like a stairwell with weapon racks all around. There will also be a ground level entrance in the companions courtyard. and perhaps to the Underforge.
You will notice a door at the far end of the Skyforge terrace. This door leads to stairs that take you to the main room of Dragonsreach. The idea was that if Whiterun was attacked; the guards of Dragonsreach could use these stairs to exit near the Skyforge, go straight to the armory, collect whatever weapons they needed, and continue to the city gates. Or vise versa.
61 件のコメント
IskaraStory 2023年1月7日 5時53分 
GG ! Les murs ne ressemblent plus à des ruines tristes, c'est mieux décoré et on a l'impression de voir une ville nordique comme ça pour l'immersion.
Makkis 2018年5月3日 16時30分 
i have 2 mods that change the look of whiterun's entrance, imma see if this is compatible
modelmode  [作成者] 2017年10月15日 16時56分 
@Scrambled If you find that it does, try swapping the positions of this mod and you Whiterun reconstruction mod in the load order.
modelmode  [作成者] 2017年10月15日 16時54分 
@Scrambled The only way I can think of is that some of the vine foliage on the trellis that surrounds the Gildergreen might not reset properly. Otherwise it shouldn't affect the battle in any way.
B A N D I T 2017年10月13日 23時26分 
i have a mod that fixes white run after the battle for it will it affect this mod ???
Dead_Reaper 2016年8月13日 22時21分 
ok thanks
modelmode  [作成者] 2016年8月13日 21時58分 
@atac88 Nope, it should all be fine. Well at least it was for me anyway.
Dead_Reaper 2016年8月13日 21時36分 
you know when the fight happens in whiterun
where it gets attacked, will that not happen
or will it afecket the mod,
( I think i spellet somthing rong sorry )
modelmode  [作成者] 2016年8月13日 13時00分 
@Cheesychicken It shouldn't.
Cheesychicken 2016年8月13日 11時22分 
will it affect the civil war stormcloak side? : Like Battle for whiterun.