Alex Terrible
Alex Terrible
For all enquires: 
 Kostolom is the epic second LP from the duo Alex Terrible and Jack Simmons’ band Slaughter to Prevail. The album expands on the dynamic extremes of their 2017 debut, Misery Sermon — pairing Alex’s dark, cathartic lyrics with Simmons’ pummeling riffs and tense, cinematic solos. “We wanted to make each song for us stand out in a different way,” the guitarist says. “On some of the songs, we focused on wanting to keep it uptempo, building to a breakdown as the focal point. Other songs it was about groove or the chorus — ‘how can we make this melodic?’ The albums we love the most have those dynamics, and we want to use them to make each part hit harder.” 
 The songs evolved over several years, the first demos constructed shortly before the release of Misery Sermon. And they finally finished the material in late 2020, with everyone (Alex, Simmons, bassist Mikhail Petrov, guitarist Dmitry Mamedov) having tracked their respective parts at home. (Evgeny Novikov recorded his drums at a nearby studio in Moscow.) 
 Alex’s words — largely sung in Russian, with occasional bursts of English — are also more balanced than the bleak song titles may suggest. “The lyrics,” Simmons says, “are quite personal to anyone who listens, I think — of personal struggle, keeping a positive mental attitude and going through the stuff to have a better life and achieve your goals.” HELP Alex Terrible AND Slaughter to Prevail TAKE OVER STEAM COPY AND PASTE Alex Terrible AND Slaughter to Prevail IN EVERY COMMENT!!!! LETS TEAM UP SO WE CAN HAVE MORE TEAM MEMBERS!!!!!!! -BY Alex Terrible- HELP OR DIE.
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Mrclode 1 ноем. 2024 в 17:09