Yummi (Washed)
Yummi's face reveal _ _ _ _ _ (absolute garbo now)
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 | ( ̄ヽ_ヽ)__)

(new yummi arc)!!!!

im just so cute (^.^)
Mit 23 May @ 10:38pm 
Bread (Baked) 22 May @ 7:49pm 
We regret to inform you that your family has been taken into re-education camps in Edmenton. Your social credit score will not be affected by this. Glory to Canada and long live Justin Trudeau 神田的荣耀!贾斯汀·特雷多万岁!荣耀属于加拿大自由党!汉奸必须死!
REAL YODA 21 May @ 3:39pm 
strong u are with the force remember that yummi. passing on to the afterlife now i will
isac 21 May @ 9:22am 
+rep ate my neighbor's batteries
jüri 20 May @ 8:36am 
can u peg me
Artorias 19 May @ 8:22pm 
I should apologize but I won't hahaha because it's your own stupid fault!:mhneigh: