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Đánh giá gần đây bởi MeanToast

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Hiển thị 21-25 trong 25 mục
3 người thấy bài viết này hữu ích
5.9 giờ được ghi nhận (1.4 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Đánh giá truy cập sớm
While this game seems charming and fun, it actually goes deeper than you think, the game itself seems charming, however, you cant go one second without having to spend your money 24/7, its almost impossible to get sapphires without having to grind 24/7 or pay for a membership, i only play this game for nostalgia.

The Fer.al logs: did you know that there was a game that was also developed by wildworks studios? That one being Fer.al, a more mature version of animal jam with fantasy creatures, but that game was thrown into the trash bin by wildworks and grabbed its assets to create a NFT game called Cinder. Despite being against harming the environment, Cinder was shortly also thrown into the trash bin with Fer.al, after many complaints. Its sad to think about what Fer.al couldve been if it wasnt thrown into the trash bin by the Company's Greed.

Community Negligence: Like basically any money hungry company ever, Wildworks neglects its community and sometimes silences certain community members trying to send feedback, Sometimes they delete reviews like mine, Sometimes do stupid updates that no one asked for and makes the game less enjoyable, Or literally do nothing about hackers and/or groomers, I was hacked one time (i think it was due to the 2020 data breach that happened) and i contacted AJHQ support. (i was also suspended when i was hacked) and they did... shocker, nothing, only put out a copy and paste message, did i also mention that they literally dont care about non-members? oh yeah they also scammed people before.

Innocence bleeds: This section is why i wanted to make this review in the first place, possibly the worst part about the game is its community, Toxicity is everywhere, you wouldve seen it atleast once in your time of playing this game, this community is a pure ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ of children that bash eachother and make petty arguements over something stupid, its basically a war between ant colonies if you replace the ants with animals from animal jam. its that bad. these children try to steal eachother's items and even laugh about it, the game's security is also garbage, genuinely, how did a massive data breach happen because of the game's garbage security? Anyways, Now about the degeneracy of this community, Reminder that this a game FOR KIDS. This game is a breeding ground for groomers and pedophiles to thrive and prey on children, and WildWorks doesnt do anything to stop this, and even tries to silence out people who speak about it, an instance of this is the infamous Aggrix situation, where a user named Aggrix (They were also known as Hyenine1) drew suggestive art and groomed children, WildWorks took almost a FULL YEAR to ban the child groomer, and during that process, they were trying to silence out people that tried to speak about the situation by posting a tiktok (that app is poop dont use it) that had a text reading: "No Drama Llama!" Which means they treated AWARENESS as "dRaMa" the child groomer also created MULTIPLE accounts and as far as i know, none of the other accounts were also banned. For any parents reading this review, DO NOT INSTALL THIS GAME FOR YOUR CHILD. i mean it, this company is greedy and would do anything for a small drop of money.

TL;DR: This game is a breeding ground for groomers and is also a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ of children bashing eachother. And The Company is greedy.
Đăng ngày 21 Tháng 4.
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mass genocide and arson
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Hiển thị 21-25 trong 25 mục