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지난 2주간 31.7시간 / 기록상 1,602.8시간 (평가 당시 746.3시간)
게시 일시: 2023년 12월 6일 오전 5시 15분

this game makes me want to skin myself, ill never recommend this game to any stable person with full cells, nothing makes sense in this game no hitbox no perks no rank i could literally reach top rank and still get teammates who downloaded the game 5 mins ago :/ i can't say much but only mention your win rate as survivor is 40% (it's a fact btw) you have to deal with the killer, fix gens and save baby survivors who doesn't know the basics, a game that depends on teammates YET you need a perk to see your team! also you don't see their build until the endgame, do you guys make sleepover instead of fixing the game cause it's ironic how dbd mobile got better developers than the original
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