Shane C.   Berlin, Berlin, Germany
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As life draws nearer to its end, I feel more and more clearly that it will not matter in the least, at all, in the end.
The Jesus Fridge, Jeffrey McDaniel.
Your fridge died last week. The light
still came on when you opened the door,
like a doll sticking out her yellow tongue,
but the jar of pickle spears, the oat milk
in its blue cardboard house, the yogurt
were warm as an average day in Santa Monica.
A couple hundred dollars of provisions
down the figurative drain. A new fridge,
a vertical morgue with shelves, was ordered
and set to be delivered from the truck’s womb,
when wait—the dead fridge came back to life.
The Jesus Fridge. The dead food healthy again.
This phrase was funny to you last week.
The collision of the mundane and mechanical
with the long-haired and sanctimonious.
But it’s not funny today. The world has changed.
This is a George Floyd moment for both Israelis
and Palestinians. Actually scratch that.
It’s a George Floyd moment for both Americans
who sympathize with Israel and Americans
who sympathize with Palestinians. It’s a holy ♥♥♥♥
moment for anyone who cares about human life.
Upstairs the bathtub is filling with blood.
How big would the swimming pool have to be
to hold all the red salty stuff spilled the last week?
Who will recline in the fresh blood bath?
What swimmers will adjust their goggles
and freestyle the miles of blood?
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We're So Free It's Almost an Anarchy
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50 Hours played
Hey gang, it's me, back with another review!

this game is just a little (a lot) un-optimized, frames drops occasionally (every two minutes), and it stutters a little bit (a lot x2) around NPC's. HOWEVER, multiple people of the community swear that it's your fault that happens, and to just get a better system so here are some specs you should have before buying this wonderful (awful) game:

GPU: Nvidia RTX 5090
CPU: Not yet invented
Memory: Like 7 or whatever you want

That should do it! Have fun exploring the world of Dragon's ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 2! xXGamerTagXx signing off!

also if anyone smoking absurd amounts of Copium™ attempts to persuade you into getting this right now just know they are liars and probably ugly and gay. furthermore it has been weeks since the game dropped with no update to fix for optimization in sight, however they did add in a new game option so at-least you can get to the first city, get hard capped to 10 to 30 fps and just go do the prologue again. just go play a finished game like Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League or Redfall.

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Alzeraph 4 Mar @ 12:45am 
i love this guy so much. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ amazing
Charlesh 24 Feb @ 7:05pm 
How much for your M4A1-S | Black Lotus
Banana Man 24 Feb @ 7:29am 
This guy called me a ♥♥♥.... ME... A ♥♥♥ *chuckles to self* look buddy you messed with the wrong guy today, don't you know I have a Phase 2 Gamma Doppler Falchion Knife with a float of 0.01, I get it you're just jealous because you saw my insane gameplay and disrespected my sweet M4 Waifu by saying AWOOGA repeatedly, but I promise buddy you don't want to run into me IRL, cause then I'd let the two wolves inside of me out.... and they would rip you apart.
山虎 23 Feb @ 12:05am 
this is me and Kofee's father
Dawnhammer 12 Jan @ 4:45pm 
+ rep pretty good player
Opilv 24 Sep, 2024 @ 9:38am 
game changer