donggoecat júl. 11., 17:44 
KC95 2023. szept. 2., 5:12 
D0G 2023. aug. 29., 1:58 
im cheat
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 28., 3:33 
ez bozo you noob
D0G 2023. aug. 13., 4:38 
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 3:11 
Never tried cocaine in my life

I see people use it to get energy & confidence


When you have fire blood, the idea of needing a substance for basic personality traits is AMATEUR

I don’t need cocaine for the same reason I don’t need viagra

I always perform
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 3:07 
Some men endure insufferable hardship & emerge galvanised against harm

Others endure hardship - and collapse

The tendency to surrender is a genetic dispotion amongst the weakest

Don’t pity those who gave up and refused to fight

They were born to lose
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 3:07 
Anything that can affect you emotionally can steal your power.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 3:07 
Sleep is a weapon.

You can sleep professionally or unprofessionally.

I don't need to think.

I did it in my sleep.

I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 3:07 
Think back to the good old days and how you didn’t appreciate it while you lived it.


Sometime in the future you’ll think back to now and say the same thing.


So appreciate your life RIGHT HERE. RIGHT NOW.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 3:06 
Men arguing over women is pathetic.

Women aren’t combat effective.

I’d rather have a true friend over 20 women.

You can always find something new to ♥♥♥♥.

It’s not easy to find a man willing to DIE BESIDE YOU.

Brothers > ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 3:06 
The average person doesn’t work very hard.

This is why if you work hard - it’s impossible to be average.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 3:06 
When is the last time you PANICKED?

I was asked this question by my dad when I was 22.

I don't remember the answer I gave, but he became furious.


Panic is a waste of time & energy

Action, reaction, CALM

Professionals survive
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 3:06 
Be yourself.

Everyone else is taken.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 3:05 
The cheapest thing you can do is spend money on yourself to learn lessons and save TIME.

When you see somebody, who you are SURE knows what you need to know -


Is buy that knowledge. Know it forever.

And get your money back 1000x
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 3:05 
I either want to be a multi-millionaire or I don't want to work at all.

I want freedom, freedom comes from being completely broke, or rich. That's freedom.

Everything in between is a form of slavery.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 3:05 
You train your responses to adversity.

As a fighter you’re taught to retaliate. Ignore pain. Brave face and do anything it takes to win.

This translates to life perfectly. Never collapse. That’s when you lose.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 3:05 
Power is contagious

You become more powerful simply interacting with it.

Like a virus it will infect anyone who is around it long enough.

You're more powerful through simply reading this message.

Weakness is the same and most of you are SURROUNDED by it.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 3:03 
All of my deaths are purposeful.

I’ve lived many incarnations since my time atop Wudan.

Each death more beautiful than the last.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 3:03 
Being a powerful man isn’t always about furious anger and instilling fear.

As enemies attempt to attack your energy and lower your vibration -

Understand this.

Power is untouchable.
Power isn’t interested.

Sometimes power is simply not caring at all.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 3:02 
My family... My friends... I will fight for their souls.

To prove your bravery is to protect those who are innocent.

Without enlightenment, you are lost in darkness. Seek the light.

This is why I will meditate and only then I will destroy you.

I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 3:02 
Evaluate yourself from an external perspective to view yourself realistically.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 3:02 
“You need to read a new book every week to be smart”

No, you don’t.

I never ever ever read a book.







♥♥♥♥ a book.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 3:02 
You've been given another day of life.

How will you use it?

Will you wait until tomorrow as you've done for years...or DECIDE today is the day you commit to excellence?
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 3:02 
I exploit the fabric of space-time to achieve every possible unfair advantage and forever win.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 3:01 
Happiness REQUIRES things you dont like. Things that hurt.


There is no light without dark.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 3:00 
How could I ever be depressed?

The reason most of you are miserable is that you’ve never smelt death.

I assure you. It stinks.

One whiff and fresh air alone will make you smile for the rest of your human years.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 2:59 
I’ve endured events that I remember and feel instant fear.

ADRENALINE shocks my system.

Then I pause. Remember I survived.

And I can’t wipe the smile off my face.

My memories are an indefatigable source of elation.

Of relief.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 2:58 
I was born with zero money but very rich.

I was born with something very valuable:

The ability to shut up and listen to those who knew what I didn’t know.

To learn and obey without being lazy or ungrateful.

Fighting. Cash. Chess.

Success was absolutely assured.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 2:58 
You deserve anything you desire.

Don’t let our enemies prevail
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 2:58 
The cheat code to life is KNOWING something works.

That’s the only cheat code you need.

The reason hard-working men are broke is PURELY that they’re doing the slow process of trial and error.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 2:58 
One of the largest mental shifts when you go from broke to filthy rich is you realise how easy it was.

Perspicacity and hard work. Simple as ♥♥♥♥.

I’ve lost absolutely all respect for any man who’s not a millionaire.

Lazy. Arrogant. Stupid.

Always one of the three.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 2:58 
If you enjoyed every moment you’d never enjoy anything.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 2:58 
Never become comfortable with losing.

Never become good at it.

ALWAYS ask to fight again.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 2:57 
The reason you are sad inside is because you know you are wasting your potential.

I assure you when you are pushing hard to achieve as much as you individually can, you feel happy inside.

Even if you don’t have the results yet.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 2:57 
If pressure doesn't make you smile, you were born to fail.

I love when it goes wrong - another chance to show the world the difference between an AMATEUR and PROFESSIONAL.

The days I couldn't pay rent I COULDN'T STOP SMILING.

I will BEAT the universe.

I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 2:57 
You don’t need books. Life will teach you everything you need to know.

But only IF you pay attention.

WHY did this go wrong?

HOW did I allow this bad thing to happen?

WHAT will I do in the future?

Self analyze more, “learn” new things less

Wisdom > knowledge
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 2:57 
Energy cannot be destroyed.

Only converted. Changed.

You feel despair?

Your mind can’t rest? You can’t sleep?


You’re lucky. Despair has BLESSED YOU.

How do you use it?

Self-destruction or world conquest?

Only contentment kills.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 2:57 
Money is energy.

PEOPLE WORK HARD and spend YEARS trying to acquire money.

Money is the physical manifestation of EFFORT. Whether digging holes or selling shoes. WORK went into it.

I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 2:56 
You can close your eyes and use your mind to see ANYTHING. Be ANYWHERE.

Your favorite places. You can hear the waves, and taste the cocktail.

Your favorite people. Dead or alive, you can see their face and hear their voice.

Do you use this power?
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 2:55 
SHOWING the most emotion doesn't mean you FEEL the most emotion.

Stone-faced men feel pain.

Very often more pain than the crying and screaming.

Emotional control isn't lack of emotion.

It’s a sign of a difficult life. A learned habit.

I had no time to cry when I felt pain.

I’d be dead.

Eventually, my face didn’t change anymore.

Wether happy or filled with violent intent.

My expression doesn’t change.

Do you understand?
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 2:55 
With bravery comes risk.

But there’s no happiness in cowardice.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 2:55 
Feeling depressed is REAL.

It's circumstantial and must be used as motivation to alter circumstances by the individual.

Depression in the idea of a disease that can't be combated outside of medicines is NOT REAL.

Depression isn't a disease.

It's a state of mind designed to motivate you.

If you fail to motivate yourself to get in shape, get rich, get a girlfriend, whatever it is that's depressing you

then that leftover "motivational" chemical sits in your brain.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 2:55 
I avoid poor people at all costs.

Stab you?
Steal from you?
Sell you out?
Jealous of you?

Broke people moves.

They’re also stupid and lazy with nothing interesting to say.

I was broke and became rich. Every valuable broke person did the same.

Still broke? Worthless.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 2:54 
How can you expect a slave to show you the path to freedom?

If they knew HOW they wouldn't be slaves.

Your greatest power is to exploit this universal law of influence.

Surround yourself with men you aspire to be.

Make gravity pull you upwards.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 2:54 
You don’t actually want it.

Or you’d be trying to get it.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 2:54 
Your brain has been hard wired for poverty by your friends, family, and society.

Almost everything you've been told is a lie, designed to keep you stuck inside The Matrix.

There is a clear divide between the mindset of the rich and the poor.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 2:54 
The World will be conquered.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 2:53 

Those who are destined to hang, will not drown.
I don't know much English 2023. aug. 13., 2:53 
Let me teach you about Momentum and Up Only.

Most people do not reach Valhalla because the natural reaction to breaking records is that it is meant to be rare.

Peons believe they should celebrate and take it easy to reward themselves for hard work.