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Recent reviews by Hytoko

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529.8 hrs on record (166.8 hrs at review time)
I have way too much time on this game across PC and Console...
Posted 21 March, 2024.
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0.0 hrs on record
they added a goth girl
Posted 12 March, 2024.
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114.5 hrs on record (91.9 hrs at review time)
Game's pretty good I'd say
Posted 7 February, 2024.
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9.7 hrs on record (4.6 hrs at review time)
I originally pirated the game one late night due to the game catching my eye. Hopped in a call with two good pals of mine and we played it. Several hours later, we agreed to wake up tomorrow and watch/play some more. Fifteen hours later I beat the game several times and was gobsmacked at the quality of the game and how utterly perfect the game is.

I bought the game, and the supporters pack. Played for five more hours, totaling 20 hours total, and fully 100% the game.

I highly recommend Slay the Princess. With a free content update coming out at a later date in 2023 you are getting what your money is worth. Wonderfully written story, perfect art, immense amounts of intrigue, and so so much more!
Posted 26 December, 2023. Last edited 10 February, 2024.
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59.3 hrs on record (58.2 hrs at review time)
Reroll world -> N'Erud -> world boss: Sha'Hala, Spectral Guardian of N'Erud -> reroll world -> N'Erud-> world boss: Sha'Hala, Spectral Guardian of N'Erud -> reroll world -> Sha'Hala, Spectral Guardian of N'Erud -> Sha'Hala, Spectral Guardian of N'Erud -> Sha'Hala, Spectral Guardian of N'Erud
Posted 4 August, 2023. Last edited 5 August, 2023.
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232.2 hrs on record (93.7 hrs at review time)
I have played this game since Y3S3, that's when I first picked up this game on console. I've played this game for three years straight. I have(had) over 120+ Reps in this game and main(ed) some of the weakest characters in this game: Nobushi, Centurion, Peacekeeper, and Warmonger. This game is the physical reason I cannot rage or get angry at games or stuff easily anymore.

Originally I wrote a simple review where I recommended it, but said I hated the game. Here I am again, doing a longer review, but not recommending the game to anybody. Here's why:

The game has always had balancing issues, and major ones at that. However, I don't think it was ever as bad as it had been till Y4S4; that's when Gryphon released. He was a nightmare to fight, one who was a supportive tank essentially. He was a nightmare to fight and unfun to play. He got fixed after a few weeks or so, and once again a month later. Y5 was just an overall normal/good year for the game. Some good updates, characters weren't "busted" (How naive we were) and so on. Now we get to....Y5S4...when "she" joined

Pirate (yes that's her name) has been busted since she released late last year. She has an option for everything, is a nightmare to fight, has better tools and feats than all characters (she can 100-0 you in one combo) and is toxic to the game. If you are not playing pirate in duels or don't have one on your team in Dominion then you are throwing and are gonna lose. Then when she finally does get "nerfed" she doesn't. At most they put a bandaid on her and said, and I quote "We know some people, at lower skill levels, struggle to fight her..." HUH?!?!?!?!? NO! EVEN PROS AND TOP PLAYERS LIKE HAVOK SAY SHE'S BUSTED! The devs for this game are so disconnected from their playerbase it's unreal. Might as well be letting interns run the game.

Then Conqueror rework comes out. I don't have a problem with it, but I know a lot of people do. Being the only character in the game with Unblockable chain heavies and so on. But he's a personal issue for people.

Let me also address the excessive drip feeding these devs do. Drip feeding has always been part of the game. We get some new content every so often to keep us coming back, grinding, and waiting for the next big content update. But since Y3 This drip feeding has gotten excessive. We rarely ever get unique executions (cool and brutal finishers for characters) for each character and instead get overpriced goofy executions that are universal. Hope you don't mind getting hit in the face with a bell, candy-cane, or poured with oil constantly instead of being decapitated, delimbed, embarrassed, and just brutalized by your opponent. I don't mind goofy executions, hell some of my favorite executions are goofy ones like where Lawbring rides his halberd like a horse, but not when they're universal. Rather when they're unique to that character. You'll be lucky if your favorite character get's a unique execution every two years at this point. Even their illustrious (more fancy effects than the normal ones) game has been weak recently. But it's somewhat improved with the more recent ones.

The final topic I wanna talk about is the lore...god the For Honor community is lucky that it doesn't have a lore master like Mossbag is for Hollow Knight. They'd have a nightmare trying to decipher the hodgepodge that is this games lore. It went from a post-apocalyptic fantasy game to suddenly magic covid stone mcguffins, dragons, uninteresting factions, droughts of nothing, and so on. The lore was consistent up till the start of Y5. Sure, it had its problems, but for the most part it was consistent. Y4 is where I say the lore peaked; having a battle between Horokos and Chimera for the land was genuinely really cool, even if it had the covid stone things. But Y5 and so far Y6 have just been...no.

I do not recommend anybody buys, plays, or even considers getting this game. Not with how disconnected the devs are, how drip fed you are, and just so so so so SO much more...
Posted 25 April, 2022. Last edited 27 June, 2022.
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31.7 hrs on record (17.4 hrs at review time)
So let me start off this review by saying one thing, I was not a fan of Demon Slayer till just recently. I started watching the show after purchasing the game and I have gotten all the way up to the train arc of the story. I also have begun reading the manga. But I have been a fan of Arena-Based Fighting Games for a long time. This genre has a whole lot of potential and one of my favorites to come out of this genre was MHOJ2 which I found fun, simple, and unique.

Until recently that is...

I picked up Demon Slayer after a friend let me try it at the New Year's hangout we were having. Where I found myself enjoying the game and its mechanics while drunk. SO after I left I went ahead and picked it up. Despite only having seventeen hours at the time of this review I can say without a doubt that this is one of, if not the best, arena fighters you can get on the market.

Demon Slayer has a very simple, but hard to master gameplay loop where all the buttons can be learned by a five year old. Base attack can be tilted up, down, and left or right to send opponents into the air. You can also do a downwards attack in air by jumping and attacking. Heavies are specials, you can dash cancel, and so on. How you string these moves together is where the fun begins. Plus you will never get 100-death in this game by the combo meter mechanic which stops a combo after a specific set of time (air starts are the shortest, and parries give the longest combo timer.)

The controls feel quick, tight, and responsive and the art style is amazing. Mimicking the style of the show perfectly, something most anime games now still struggle with. The character roster is short, but each character plays very different from one another. As well you can pick between slayers and demons (despite Nezuko being a demon she is a slayer, watching the anime or reading the manga makes much more sense of this.) Demons go in alone while slayers can bring a partner to swap with on the battlefield. But both still have combo breakers and combo extenders.

The only real downside I can give is the story mode. While good a lot of the plot expects you to know the story already. Plus despite the story being semi-open world the game doesn't really capitalize on that. I suspect that the second game, which is inevitable with how good this one sold, will have a more open-world story mode, but until then the most I can say is the story mode is good at best. The collectibles would make it more interesting, but when they're just showing on the map screaming for you to collect it's a bit hard to really enjoy it. Will give it one major positive though. The fights against demons are really fun, almost all are unique, and a damn good challenge!

I'd give this game a 8.5/10 in an overall sense. However, if we only compare this to the anime arena fighter genre we have atm then without a doubt this is the cream of the crop. 10/10 a must buy
Posted 5 January, 2022.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries