oyun faln oynamıyorum sadece clownlık
Falafel 14 Oca @ 13:00 
In the beginnings opens by exploring the achievements of early humans:

One thing they did invent was fire, which allowed them to see at night and kept them warm, tragically prolonging their already tedious lives.

Having conquered numbers, humankind moved on to something even more boring, by inventing writing.

The Ancient Greeks invented lots of things we still have today, like medicine and olives, and lots of things that have died out, like democracy and pillars.

And another invention:

Philosophy is basically thinking about thinking—which sounds like a waste of time, because it is.

On Pompeii,

Thanks to the volcano, we know everyday Romans had grey skin, were totally bald, and spent their time lying around inside their shockingly dusty houses. But it also preserved glimpses of how sophisticated Roman life was, with creature comforts like indoor plumbing and cunnilingus.
Falafel 24 Şub 2024 @ 3:25 

kuran 23 yılda indi

23 yıl:

8395 gün

201.480 saat

12.088.800 dakika

725.328.000 saniye eder

yani 725.328.000 saniyede 320.015(kurandaki harf sayısı) harf indi

bir latin harfi 8 bit yani 1 bayt

ama amk arapların harfleri biraz daha karışık olduğu için 2 bayt lazım unicode karakter kodlamasına göre

320.015 harf = 640.030 byte

640.030 byte = 5.120.240 bit

internetin hızını ölçmek için normalde mbps yani megabit per second kullanıyoruz o yüzden ben de bu birimde hesaplayacağım

1 megabit = 10^6 = 1 000 000 bit

5.120.240 bit (kuran boyutu) = 5.12 megabit

5.12 yi 725.328.000 e bölersek allahın saniyedeki veri aktarım hızını buluruz

5.12 / 725.328.000 ≈ 0.00000000707153846

yani allahın internet hızı 0.00000000707153846 mbps dir