Makise Kurisu
这一切都是命运石之门的选择! EL PSY CONGROO!
21 11 2
สร้างโดย - Yonaga
2,352 ผู้โหวต
This Guide will not only tell you what that means, but it will also show you how to life with it! Annotation: Awootism is, despite the pronunciation, in no way related to Autism! It is like "night" and "knight" or "had" and hat"!
Williem Dafoe The Schmeckle Jew 24 พ.ค. @ 5: 03pm 
Spreading the word of Lance every Friday.

If something bothers you, ignoring it will only make you think about it. Like little Timmy over there crying all the time.
Here's this AR-15, sometimes you have to eliminate the bother, otherwise you'll live in a perpetual hell. :battlesgrin:
☾.⁧⁧Zubumafu 21 พ.ค. @ 6: 19am 
Williem Dafoe The Schmeckle Jew 20 พ.ค. @ 6: 57pm 
Spreading the word of Lance.

Being the smartest isn't always the greatest.
I mean I'm hella ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ retarded. Yet I'm the best person you're ever going to witness in this tiny little subatomic particle we call a Universe.
Williem Dafoe The Schmeckle Jew 19 พ.ค. @ 2: 44pm 
Spreading the word of Lance.

If you try to do something and you fail.
Just don't do that ♥♥♥♥. :VBCOOL:
☾.⁧⁧Zubumafu 13 พ.ค. @ 3: 35pm 
☾.⁧⁧Zubumafu 11 พ.ค. @ 1: 22pm 