M ♥
mohamed ali (im a girl)   Vastmanlands Lan, Sweden
Skull merchants over wraith/nurse and blights every day ♥
My teammates usually hide in basement or a big house crouching in a corner when theyre not in terror radius for some reason
This Rulebook has been searched for ages by the Dead By Daylight's Community


If a survivor disconnects before the first generator is done you have to be friendly or at least no longer camp / tunnel / sweat for your life, survivors are already at a disadvantage because they have 1 teammate gone which already makes the match hard, put yourself in their shoes, if you were playing with solo queue and someone randomly disconnects then you get tunneled by the killer you wouldn't like that, would you?

Camping / Tunneling

You're only allowed to camp / tunnel if you've been gen-rushed and lost most of the generators in the first minutes of the match without getting hooks on anyone, or if you've been destroyed in a chase, you are allowed to tunnel and camp the strong-link, show them that you're better than them, but tunneling / camping the weak-link will give no satisfaction to anyone and will only allow the good survivor to t-bag you in end-game and roast you for being bad. You wasted several minutes to camp the person who was also not doing the objectives and didn't affect their match result at all, what did you earn? nothing.

Or if you're a Bubba, you are allowed to camp as a Bubba, because they do not know what else to do anyway.


If you are a killer that can get booped, and the survivor itself risked their life to boop you, you're no longer allowed to down / kill that individual person, they're your friend for the remainder of the match, however the other 3 individuals you are allowed to kill if they booped only after seeing the other one booping.

Donated Items

If a survivor donated you their item in a Hatch / End-Game situation you've been given a peace offering and no longer are allowed to target / kill them. You must let them escape, however if they try to get greedy and try to take the item back, or help people who didn't donate their items kill and camp them to death. We don't like greedy people.


Don't Gen-Rush, killers absolutely hate when you gen-rush them and they aren't able to get any kills, they will blame you in end-game chat about the fact that only by gen-rushing you can win, and will cause them to tunnel the first person they see in your game and camp them to death, or even you might be the victim. Fail as many skillchecks as possible and delay the generator as much as possible, that way the killers will have less reasons to cry about.
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my dogs <3
9 2
Woman Moment 20 Jun @ 5:09am 
Ayano 17 Jun @ 3:23am 
+rep good survivor! (and cute dogs)
Alpha 15 Jun @ 11:11am 
-rep thinks healing vs a nurse is bad. lol can tell they dont play killer
Sanest Black Noir Fanatic 15 Jun @ 10:38am 
+rep best survivor eu/world
Sexy and I NOED 13 Jun @ 3:15pm 
+rep good survivor!
Garavel Usta 13 Jun @ 1:02pm 
+rep very nice survivor :praisesun: