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Surv side game cit blight )
Nο information given :) 23.1. klo 9.55 
tunneled the weak link at 5 gens still got demolished ez
chillBoy 23.1. klo 9.38 
crying child)
Nο information given :) 16.1. klo 12.58 
such an ez run i almost feel asleep how ez it was running u for all the map
Flixer 16.1. klo 12.56 
-rep apparently no one likes you look at your comments lol
toxic surv that needs urgent help
ez get rekt cry more
DeadRythmix 16.1. klo 11.05 
sad sad survivor player, hope your family isnt absolutely disappointed by what a trashcan u are
Rey 8.1. klo 11.08 
+rep gets 4kd really easily can recommend