Andrew Tate
"anime is for losers."
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“I do know how to administer CPR. However, I will not administer CPR unless you’re a hot female… If you’re some fat dude and you just had a heart attack and I don’t really know you, you’re gonna die… No, not even if you’re a friend…

If you’re my friend, you just can’t be a p*ssy. ‘Well, I had a heart attack’, get the f*ck up. F*cks wrong with you. Go hospital later. Have a drink, cigarette, cup of coffee, back in the game. F*cking having heart attacks near me, you little p*ssy.”

“You know exactly what to expect from an enemy. An enemy is going to attack you and you know how to deal with that. A friend, on the other hand, can betray you. Betrayal is much worse than an attack from an enemy for two reasons.

One, it catches you by surprise… And the second thing is, your friend knows you well enough to know your weaknesses and knows exactly how to strike.”

“The masculine perspective is you have to understand that life is war. It’s a war for the female you want. It’s a war for the car you want. It’s a war for the money you want. It’s a war for the status. Masculine life is war.If you’re a man who doesn’t view life as war, you’re going to lose. Society’s expectations of men is much higher than the societal expectations of females.”

“The hallmark of a real man is controlling himself, controlling his emotions, and acting appropriately regardless of how he feels.”

“Men who live without self control are the kind of men who cry when their girlfriend cheats on them, ‘cus she certainly does, because she doesn’t respect a little cry baby, and she’s only with you because she’s ugly as f*ck and she has to settle for a little soy boy p*ssy like you.”

“If you could choose to build yourself from the ground up… Like from a video game, just tick characteristic boxes and build yourself, nobody would choose to be a liberal soy boy. Nobody would choose to be a small weak guy who has to cry when he gets upset.”

On Children

“I think the most important thing anyone can do in their life is have children… When I speak to some of these feminists who’re like ‘I don’t want kids’, I think you are the most miserable stupid b*tch in the world.”

Mental Health

“Depression is not real. Feeling depressed is real. So, you can feel depressed, but you feel depressed and that is a natural, biological, evolutionary trigger for you to change something in your life.

That’s your own mind telling you ‘you’re unhappy about X’. If I went to jail today, I’d be depressed because I’m in jail. I haven’t caught depression, I don’t have a disease, I’m just upset with my situation.”

“‘Uh, real men cry and women can cry and men can cry, too, there’s nothing wrong with it.’ And there absolutely is something wrong with it… Life as a man is far more difficult than life as a woman.”

“There is an elite club that you’re not in and none of them people are arguing about the dumb sh*t you’re arguing about.

So, if you’re looking at this race thing, you feel like going on the street and marching… You need to drop that crap, get your money up, and transcend.”

“Everyone has a Lambo or a Ferrari, it’s easy.”

Veganism and Vegetarianism

“Why am I supposed to feel guilty for destroying an animal so that I can grow when every single thing that’s ever existed ever has destroyed something else to grow. What, I’m going to come along and be Mr. Nice Guy and I’m gonna undo the laws of the universe.

You think because you sit there and eat tofu that you’re somehow changing the basic universal constants of the reality we exist within. You’re not changing sh*t. You’re a dork.”

“When you’re saying ‘I’m a vegetarian or a vegan’, you’re saying ‘I deny reality, I deny one of the most basic fundamentals of reality’ which is for something to live, something else must die.”


“Let’s say I’m working at a company… I work, I work, I work, I become a manager. I’m on one hundred and fifty thousand a year, I got a company BMW, and I wear a suit, and everyone at my job does as I say. By all measures, I’m a success now. But here’s the truth, when I leave that company, no one gives a f*ck about me. I’m a nobody outside of that one building where I’m a little bit important.

My wife doesn’t wanna suck my d*ck because I’m fat… I got a BMW… I know h*es with BMWs… I don’t even consider that a car… That’s not a luxury car, that’s f*cking basic.”

“Success for a man actually comes in many realms. It’s actually nothing to do with being good at your job. Having money, yeah… You don’t have to be good at your job to have money.”

“How to be successful as a man… First thing, you need freedom ‘cus you ain’t a man if you’re not free. If you’re working your ass of, you’re a slave. And you may sit there and go ‘I’m not a slave, I get paid really well.’

Well, listen, the slaves got free food and free shelter in exchange for work. Now, all they’ve done is, got rid of the food and shelter deal, give you dollars which you spend on food and shelter, and you basically have nothing left, so you’re still a f*cking slave. So, first thing you need is freedom. If you’re not free, you’re not a man.”

“Next thing that constitutes success as a man is your network, who are you talking to. Who are these people, who will answer your phone calls… I can call one of many multi-millionaires and when they see my name, they’re gonna pick up the phone.

They’re gonna be like ‘oh sh*t, Tate’… They’re gonna stop their conversation and be like ‘wow, f*ck, Tate wants me. What’s up, Tate?’ Because they know I don’t call for no bullsh*t. They’ll be like ‘f*ck… money phone’s ringing.'”

And then you get into the aesthetics of life. For people to view you as successful, you need good body language, you need physical presence. A man who’s not dangerous, a man who has no physicality will never be seen as successful.

‘Oh, I’m successful, I’m rich…’ Yeah, but I’ll break your neck… I’m gonna grab you by your neck and choke you till you die. I’ll show you a race riot p*ssy. Then what, who’s successful now? I’m breathing and you’re not. So, I’m more successful than you.”

“If you ain’t got a Lambo you’re a sh*t muncher.”

“So, let’s compare me to the manager… ‘I’m a manager and I have a BMW with a fat wife.’ And then you have me, the don, who turns up on the Amalfi Coast, in a f*cking Lamborghini, with some new b*tch to meet a new b*tch to f*ck both b*tches. And I can stay there as long as I want ‘cus my card always works when I pay the hotel and nobody can say sh*t to me ‘cus I’m too f*cking big and mean to f*ck with.”

“One of the largest things that hold people back from wealth is the people around them. If you get twenty people, twenty fully grown men in a room.

Even if all twenty are working normal jobs but they pool their spare income, you will be rich. The problem is finding twenty people you can trust.”
Rakum 25. srp. v 15.20 
LilMeow 24. srp. v 11.27 
+ rep good mate
TadicOnFire 22. srp. v 15.25 
TadicOnFire 22. srp. v 15.25 
TadicOnFire 22. srp. v 15.25 
♥♥♥♥ YOU
TadicOnFire 22. srp. v 15.25 