truepatriot 7.4. klo 21.44 
crybaby ♥♥♥♥♥, ass at cs as well ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥ ass crybaby need room temp milk ♥♥♥♥♥ milk ♥♥♥♥♥?
corvette owner (TRUMP2024) 7.4. klo 21.44 
get some friends you loser went to cry baby town and everyone knew you
c0rtex 7.4. klo 21.44 
-rep needs a warm glass of milk, and is the mayor of crybaby town
corvette owner (TRUMP2024) 7.4. klo 21.44 
aKenCarSon 5.4. klo 21.26 
actually toxic
0xWOOLY 30.3. klo 22.32 
toxic af
MajorMojo 21.3. klo 22.14 
-rep doesn't play with team and has the worst mic i've ever had the disparity to listen to
Dinkerd 21.3. klo 20.32 
gets mad for free. also if your pared with it your considered free elo
♛The Edge Lord♛ 21.3. klo 20.31 
-rep dude is a crybaby and throws when he doesn't get the maps he wants wah :,(
FentWizard 7.12.2023 klo 0.15 

it equals 10, I get it
Ogre 2 1.12.2023 klo 13.21 
-1000 Elo lol was it worth it?
🔄Đổi Skin Lấy Hòm🔄 26.5.2022 klo 6.27 
ket ban di
Hog Glider 29.1.2021 klo 15.37 
Kaeit 17.1.2021 klo 21.45 
no family
Pad THȺł Ming ͡  ͜ʖ ͡ 17.1.2021 klo 13.05 