United States
Its Weskin Time
Dead by Daylight
6 1
作成者 - KRIS
This guide has been designed to be read within seven minutes. Lets not waste more precious time and get started!
記録時間: 3,897 時間
6月25日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 3.6 時間
6月25日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 187 時間
6月24日 に最後にプレイ
R4tthew 13 時間前 
-rep a tunneling blight who thinks hes in a tournament.. in the anniversary party mode. Such a loser.
Marlo 6月24日 18時57分 
-rep well what do ya know another tunneling blight that sucks ass at the game so he resorts to hard tunneling to do anything the game is dying and its your fault along with every other killer that does the same ♥♥♥♥ you loser
Floppy 6月18日 16時26分 
Cobbler or Death. 5月21日 19時07分 
- rep tunneling camping wesker. deserves to have bad things happen to them.
GuyNamedPubert 5月14日 16時29分 
Blight turn rate was a little sus with no turn rate add-ons but otherwise ggs
miss fat coochie ♡ 4月7日 12時12分 
+rep we stan a fun wesker :GhostFlowerHappy: