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UwUKrzok 30. Juli um 15:23 
|Pirate_Maijma| 10. Mai um 15:45 
[The BLU Pyro, Heavy and Demoman are hit with one of RED Soldier's rockets.]

["Meet the Soldier" Text appears.]

[RED Soldier walks across the screen, talking to an array of BLU helmets.]

Soldier: "If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight!

[Soldier looks at the BLU helmets.]
|Pirate_Maijma| 10. Mai um 15:45 
Soldier: "Sun Tzu said that, and I'd say he knows a little-" [Soldier pokes one of the helmets.] "-more about fighting than you do, pal, because he invented it! And then he perfected it, so that no living man could best him in the ring of honor!"

[Cut to a shaky scene of RED Soldier in battle on Granary. He shoots a BLU Demoman dead with his shotgun, dodging the pipe grenades the Demoman had fired. Soldier then grabs his rocket launcher, killing a BLU Medic with it, while a RED Sniper yells something. Soldier then enters the main battle area. A RED Scout and RED Demoman are hiding behind a wall for protection while the RED Soldier, Heavy and Sniper run onto the field. Multiple BLU's are on the battlefield as well, shooting at the RED's.]
|Pirate_Maijma| 10. Mai um 15:45 
[Cut back to Soldier giving his speech.]

Soldier: Then he used his fight money-" [He takes the two grenades off of his shoulder strap.] "-to buy two of every animal on earth, and then he herded them onto a boat-" [He uses the grenades to show two animals walking somewhere.] "-and then he beat the crap out of every single one!" [He hits the two grenades together, indicating a fight.]

[Cutting back to the battle, the RED Scout warns Soldier of a Sentry ahead, and Soldier rocket jumps on top of the Sentry, destroying it and killing the BLU Engineer. Soldier runs along the pipe and jumps down onto the last control point, shooting a rocket as he does so. The rocket kills a BLU Pyro and Heavy, and Soldier grabs his shovel to kill an uncloaking Spy.]

[Cut back to Soldier and the helmets.]
|Pirate_Maijma| 10. Mai um 15:45 
Soldier: Heheheheh... And from that day forward, anytime a bunch of animals are together in one place, it's called a Zoo!"

[The camera angle changes to show the heads under the helmets, which are revealed to be the severed heads of the BLU's he was fighting earlier. The head of the BLU Medic falls off the fence they were placed upon.]

[Team Fortress 2 ending flourish music plays.]

[Soldier is leaning down to the fallen Medic head.]

Soldier: Unless its a farm!
darkXwolf17 10. Mai um 15:45 
wiele dzieci w jego piwnicy zmarzło dzisiejszej nocy