pokemon index #569
less than three
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Malverick #fixtf2 1. aug. kl. 18:33 
gah dam
mitochondria 20. juli kl. 4:22 
it'd do you good to have someone to talk to that'll listen and understand and want to help you become a better person mentally
mitochondria 20. juli kl. 4:20 
i'm being serious
get therapy because this isn't healthy and actually kinda concerning
mitochondria 20. juli kl. 4:19 
people like you just can't take defeat no matter how obvious it ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is
your ego is just too inflated yet fragile for that
mitochondria 20. juli kl. 4:19 
hey at least i'm actually trying to have an argument
you're just saying the same buzzwords over and over moron
mitochondria 20. juli kl. 4:18 
your team had us locked up in our base for most of the game
i'm not moronic enough to rush in when it's clear i'll die instantly
and when we weren't locked up i came out plenty (not like you'd see cause you hid away building uber constantly)