SnowyBlush ❄
Hazel   Australia
i’m 18, let’s conquer rust and cs2 together, and i’ll be your obedient girlfriend 🐶
Gablota prac graficznych
Fiskington 3 września o 14:55 
i'm terribly sorry for adding without comment
we played some casuals
i was just wondering, do you dabble in art or 3D modeling?
i've been working on new effect for tf2 for quite some time now, and i was wondering if you might be interested in checking it out

could you rate my effect? i'll drop a couple of keys for your help. it won't take much time and will allow other people to see it :)
here you can vote and check out the other work of my colleagues
Pаrticle Mаyhem 2 - Tеam Fortress 2 Cоntest
Welcome to the TF2 Mаyhem! Immerse yourself in this lively, community-driven event where TF2 fans come together to showcase and create new in-game effects.

just click on the effect icon to vote

i'll give you 2 mann co. keys for helping ok?
Festivized_Pothead_Wabbit 22 sierpnia o 22:39 
Bait used to be believable
brysondev 29 czerwca o 11:39 
"and tf2 is my game of choice." mf you're only in RUST steam groups. Ruzzian speds really do not know how to scam effectively do they :lunar2019crylaughingpig:
Kursze 19 czerwca o 21:29 
scammers really don't even try anymore do they
man 6 kwietnia o 18:23 
drink motor oil
spicy soup 21 marca o 13:35 
nah im good