Cedisium TTV :) 2.11. klo 18.22 
the GOAT, helped me steal the funds from an orphanage and start a meth hustle, perfect partner in crime <3
7 15.10. klo 19.04 
ellie 13.10. klo 20.20 
+rep hates pro vengeance
grungebruv 23.9. klo 15.46 
+rep elf let me breed
Alpha - Somewhere Not Here 13.9. klo 20.18 
+REP Awesome team mate and person! :)
xlA 25.8. klo 0.04 
#1 Pro Vengeance luver
↑ Spiral ↓ 19.8. klo 16.04 
burger king
gruglas 13.7. klo 21.22 
called me an idiot :steamsad:
Genni Lit 3.7. klo 17.25 
You're probably mad because I read you like a book and called you out for what you are <3
Maragazh 1.7. klo 7.19 
sry i went afk I alt tabbed and got swept up in learning about iceland :C
Green Creature 22.6. klo 21.41 
+rep good survivor fun to play against!
mori Zarina 4 smooch 7.6. klo 17.05 
+rep seeing gamers like this means my mmr is healing
>:] 30.5. klo 18.48 
TTBlaster69 TTV 28.4. klo 18.31 
TTBlaster69 TTV 23.4. klo 19.48 
Exquitious 24.3. klo 11.44 
+Rep absolute demon
juanny 2.3. klo 20.57 
⠀⠀BY A⠀⠀⣼⣿⣿⣿⣧
Who's This Diva? 1.3. klo 14.26 
ikr? only my 2nd game as xeno and y'all died to altruism. feels bad. thanks for the adept and my challenge though!!
Quiet Mountain 2 1.3. klo 14.24 
+rep lives up to his name, is a garbage xeno
crow 1.3. klo 11.20 
lovely rat, was nice to me and gave me hatch after 3 people immediately gave up
Darth♡ 24.2. klo 10.54 
hiiiiii cute :)
Who's This Diva? 21.2. klo 9.13 
oh so me trying to help my friend who you're tunnelling at 5 gens is "painfully irritating". LOL you're just a typical entitled brain rot killer main whose ego needs to be checked..
ihycape twitch 21.2. klo 9.10 
consider not being painfully irritating in game and you might not get tunnelled
ZoqyoDBD | Twitch 10.2. klo 10.25 
<3 all love
Cheesy Gordita Crunch 12.1. klo 16.58 
juanny 26.12.2023 klo 11.35 
⠀⠀BY A⠀⠀⣼⣿⣿⣿⣧
kiss your homies 8.12.2023 klo 18.15 
W rizz Dwighty boy. Merry Christmas
JoodasiaTTV 8.12.2023 klo 16.33 
You could play dbd with your eyes closed , too much skill to fathom !
xlA 10.11.2023 klo 18.30 
xlA 10.11.2023 klo 18.30 
Matrix 28.10.2023 klo 17.03 
+Rep P100 Feng that makes Botany and Selfcare work! ALSO IS A JUICER
Alpha Dwagon ♡ 27.10.2023 klo 16.10 
meg supremacy, maybe i'll find you again someday and we can flex our P100's together :GhostLoveEyes:
tony hawk ken burns 17.10.2023 klo 6.42 
+rep played against twice very strong both times
TTBlaster69 TTV 15.10.2023 klo 22.35 
⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⡇⠄⠄⢀⠎⠄⠄⠄⠄HAPPY ⠙⢿⣿
⠄⠄⠄⠄⢰⠃⠄⢀⠎⠄⠄⠄HALLOWEEN ⠙
Mother's Milk 13.10.2023 klo 19.19 
*cvms cutely*
Royal Rat Authority 9.10.2023 klo 11.57 
+rep Rat solidarity
Eggs-avier 24.9.2023 klo 15.56 
+rep Sacrificed their own life for mine. 10/10 would do the same for them if I queued with them again :)
IEATGEN4BREAKFAST 14.9.2023 klo 18.29 
+ rep hit a fat moonwalk and gifted me a garbage medkit for my daily 10/10
Deets 13.9.2023 klo 13.12 
+cute little fengy :postcardf:
My GF is Playing 5.9.2023 klo 16.43 
SillyCatz took an L
Kato 4.9.2023 klo 9.36 
+rep good survivor
Annie 3.9.2023 klo 20.54 
+rep fun surv to play against!!
315Hero 4.8.2023 klo 19.36 
+rep #maincharacter <3
Dr. Fear 29.7.2023 klo 20.59 
+Rep got some nice beats and dance moves xD
Dusty 22.7.2023 klo 21.23 
-rep cracked surv. will be as mean as possible if you're losing
venomrie 9.7.2023 klo 19.02 
+rep the most garbagist rat that ever garbaged 10/10
Soufflé 21.6.2023 klo 17.12 
+rep best flashlighting skills I've ever seen ;o
☾₊⋆DinoNuggies⋆₊⚝ 21.6.2023 klo 16.50 
+Rep a silly little lad
Ghostie Whore <3 15.6.2023 klo 18.08 
+rep cutie <33
Pancake 10.6.2023 klo 18.43 
+rep Very nice person yippee