♥♥ lingurita-n buzunar sunt fratii mei e-o problema?

sormeo play sandu secatura - pentru o curva ce o iubeam
CosminKr 15 out. 2023 às 11:10 
a 3 a oara e direct sa mi bag pula n tactu mihule
Wrathful 15 out. 2023 às 5:09 

CosminKr 14 out. 2023 às 12:11 
sa mi bag ♥♥♥♥ n ma ta mihule partea doa
Wrathful 14 out. 2023 às 9:45 
tracta-mi-as pula in gura ta ca la remorca in mortii tai de sclava penala ce esti ca-mi rasfrang pula in inima ta si in toate arterele ma-tiistiu sa-mi implant pula in inima ta sa ti-o scot din piept sa fac fatalitate ca la Mortal Kombat futu-te-n gura de latura dreacu penal prost ce esti ca-mi bat pula de gura ta sa zici ca ti-am dat upercutul lui Tyson mormantu ma-tii de muist clapaug , esti uscat in cur mai ceva ca o camila in desert
Wrathful 11 set. 2023 às 16:42 
   ___,,...,,__   /`''/`i
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  \ 彡           ミ
  〉    ●  .  ●   ミ
  彡    ``   人  ```   ミ
  彡:                ミ
,︵I:       つ:Mirro_sakura:⌒    ミ
r,_,.::::              ミ
  ヽ川:::::::          ;;
SHΛMΞ 6 set. 2023 às 6:43 
I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. It's with immense gratitude and joy that I write to you today, knowing that I have the opportunity to address you after the unimaginable ordeal you went through. Your recent experience in that plane accident shook our entire family to the core, and I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest feelings and thoughts.

First and foremost, I want to emphasize how incredibly relieved and thankful we all are that you survived. Your resilience and the strength you exhibited during those harrowing moments in the plane accident are nothing short of inspiring. It's a testament to your character and inner fortitude that you managed to come out of that ordeal alive.:csgoanarchist: