Bernie Ecclestone
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-rep Lost on CS2 MIRAGE 07/01/2024 at 8:55 PM BST. You eat so much meat. You are the epitome of the stereotype of the average redditor, which since you are a lobotomite, I will explain to you. The typical stereotype imagined for an average redditor is a fat individual, which is an incel and never gets any women. This is you. This is a mirror reflection of you. You keep coping and coping with your god complex but deep down you know you are a mistake and you know you waste the oxygen that you respirate. Consider finding a nice mountain view and go skydiving without a parachute you useless, dumb, egotistical peon. If everyone has a unanimous opinion about you, maybe it isn't the people that don't like you, but rather you.
shit head 14 jan, 2022 @ 14:19 
-rep spakka ♥♥♥♥