
i don't play cs2 anymore because there are too many problems and cheaters so start playing standoff 2 instead if you want to play with me my id is 81343164
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Counter-Strike 2
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banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana
Bo Brade Ben 5 Mar @ 1:36pm 
paris capsule
Gubbins 15 Feb @ 8:16am 
holy sh!tttt he is so back :Steamhappy:
Spoods 14 Feb @ 8:17am 
i am so happy you are back :steamhappy:
Signed the Day Falcon came back to us! :steamhappy:
AngryToiletSeat 7 Feb @ 4:59pm 
Signed the Day Falcon came back to us! :steamhappy:
Grizzlee 7 Feb @ 4:59pm 
Signed the Day Falcon came back to us! :steamhappy: