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Опубликовано: 28 июл. 2020 г. в 13:06
Обновлено: 5 июн в 10:43

Let me start by saying this absolutely pains me to write, but it is something that should have been done a long time ago. I love TF2, have always considered it my favorite game of all time. Which is why it is with a heavy heart I am leaving this negative review. For the last 5 or so years, this game has been a task and a half to enjoy.

It's been so long since I could just play the game and not play shepard looking for bots or cheaters to kick every time someone ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ in chat about it. This should be a rare occasion, but as you all well know, it is now a regular thing. What's even worse, Valve has not only done nothing about this issue, but has gone as far as to address it publicly and do absolutely jack all to fix it.

Instead, they threw new useless slot boxes at us, tried to mask the problem with community modes that have been around for almost a decade at this point (in community servers), added soulless maps, skins, and hats for a quick cash grab. I am left to believe at this point, Valve just wants us to stop playing, they just don't have the balls to actually make us. So if we won't leave, they'll let the bots drive us away and maybe get a few extra bucks out of you before you quit with new shiny crates.

It's utterly appalling and disgusting to see what they've let this game devolve to. I don't know what the fate of TF2 will ultimately be, all I know is that I won't be bothered either way. If this is the end, well, we had a good run, and I don't regret any time I spent on this game.
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Комментариев: 1
Leo 9 июн в 12:29 
real blackpilled take