United States
Nincs információ.
Caustic 2023. okt. 9., 19:29 
Caustic 2023. ápr. 1., 9:42 
JFK: For time and the world do not stand still. Change is the law of life. And those who only look into the past or the present are certain to miss the future.
JFK: I said, 'are certain to miss the future'!
F. Castro: Coño... I missed that.
R. Namara: Prime Minister Castro, this missile crisis was the last straw. We almost blew ourselves up. Now we invited you here today...
JFK: In good faith!
R. Namara: ... in good faith, to sort this thing out.
F. Castro: And why is he here? He lost!
JFK: As I always say, forgive your enemies, but remember their names.
R. Nixon: Sounds like someone breaking in...
JFK: Just the storm, ♥♥♥♥. Sit down.
R. Nixon: Oh my God!
R. Namara: It appears the Pentagon has been breached.
JFK: Zombies. Gentlemen, at times like these our capacity to retaliate must be and has to be massive, to deter all forms of aggression.
JFK: Gentlemen, lock and load!
R. Namara: Any last words, Mr. President?
JFK: Do not pray for easy lives, my friends. Pray to be stronger men.
Shinjon 2022. márc. 20., 12:50 
rep+ Gamer Rabbit
Absolutely Radiating! 2020. nov. 7., 18:07 
Cool dude (: