Average Car Buyer
New York, United States
"I am a movement player in csgo. I can bhop, strafe, hit edgebugs and hit sick clips. I like playing as the terrorist team because they can purchase the ak-47 which has 100% chance to hit a one shot-headshot."- Shwagmonkey
Discord: ranger#6542
Kirjautunut ulos
Taideteosten esittely
Walking Car Buyer
About Me
Hi I'm Average Car Buyer (A.K.A. ranger)
I'm an avid fps fan who also likes to play osu! osu ign: yourboiranger
I haven't been playing much CS recently since my game crashes when loading into any map and I have tried to fix it with many methods but to no avail.
I have recently fallen in love with TF2 and recommend it to anyone who likes games like CS and Overwatch.
Also, I am looking for an Usual Noble Nickle Amassment of Hats (Effect: Disco Beat Down).
Anyways, I hope you have a great day and my dm's are open on discord
Discord: ranger#6542
Send me a trade offer:
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 527 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 10.5.2023
yhteensä 9,2 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 3.5.2023
yhteensä 0,9 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 4.1.2023
Identical 4.4.2023 klo 18.30 
huge penis
migi 21.5.2022 klo 10.03 
Average Car Buyer 21.5.2022 klo 8.01 
starting to cs again, got new laptop :sunglasses:
Average Car Buyer 31.10.2021 klo 15.36 
not rlly playing as much bc ♥♥♥♥♥♥ laptop isnt cutting it anymore, new discord: ranger#6542
join me and my friends' dumbass server: https://discord.gg/uKCagv5b
migi 29.9.2021 klo 18.59 
Average Car Buyer 29.9.2021 klo 18.08 
if anyone was wondering why my steam acct is dead, my cs wont load into any of the vanilla maps and only loads into certain community servers?? idek why but rip