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Let´s get in touch, we could arrange something in the coming weeks.
we are required to keep the Sabbath (Isaiah 56, acts 13:42-44)
and to abstain from pork shrimp shellfish (Isaiah 66, acts 15)
Paul specified in Galatians 3:19 that sacrificial law ended meaning we are still bound by the holy covenants
we still have to keep the ten commandments Matthew 5:19
in Ephesians 2:12-13 it says we are grafted into Israel meaning the prophecy and covenants given to Israel still apply to us
and Isaiah 11:11-13 says that you are apart of the lost sheep of Israel
christmas easter halloween are unbiblical idolatry, christ wasn't even born in December and these celebrations come from paganism such as yule, saturnalia and ishtar
The trinity is an unbiblical idolatrous doctrine (numbers 23:19, mark 10:18, Matthew 26:39)
the messiah's name is Yeshua not Jesus read John 5:42-43 about this
När det gällde CS:GO var DM tyvärr inte särskilt skicklig. Han hade en tendens att göra olyckliga misstag, som att gå vilse i kartorna, förlora ovärda strider och ibland helt enkelt missa enkla skott. Det verkade som om han hade svårt att anpassa sig till spelets snabba tempo och krävande taktik.
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♥𝙖𝙙𝙙 𝙢𝙚 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚♥