Bart   Poland
Gablota wyróżnionych prac graficznych
sexy blackout
Ulubiony poradnik
Autor – desinity
233 ocen(y)
Gablota recenzji
400 godz. gry
Hey everyone! I wanted to share my thoughts on "Rust" after spending here around 400 hours on two wipes and why I think it's not the best choice if you value your mental health and free time.

First off, Rust is super addictive. Once you build your first base, you're sucked into a never-ending cycle of plaing this shi. The game mechanics are designed to keep you wanting more – better gear, bigger bases, stronger defenses, it works like gambling fr.

To keep your progress and protect all your hard earned stuff, your base demands constant attention. Taking a break (even an hour) can mean losing everything you spent hours building. Playing "Rust" means you have to be ready for other players to exploit any moment of inattention.

The game is also a massive source of stress and frustration. Competing with other players, dealing with constant threats, and having to rebuild after every raid can be incredibly frustrating. It's not a game that lets you relax bro instead, it can seriously wear you down.

Rust community can be really toxic especially people from russia with brain damage after spending in this game 3000< hours. Many players are rude, aggressive, autistic. This kind of experience can negatively affect your mood and desire to keep playing (it can even make YOU a brainrot).

For new players, Rust might seem awesome because of the big YouTubers who make videos about it. But once you start playing on your own, it's a different story, especially on official servers where there are up to 600 players. The reality is much harsher and more frustrating than it looks in those videos.

In conclusion, while Rust might seem appealing because of its mechanics and possibilities, it's worth considering if you're ready to spend so much time and energy on surviving in a virtual world for pixels. I encourage you to think about choosing games that offer a more balanced experience without negatively impacting your daily life

Gablota prac graficznych
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