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16/16 (100%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

A Bunch of New Ideas

Complete Prologue: Roll on the Show!
Avattu 23.4. klo 5.01

Beautiful Tune of Time

Complete Act I: The Tune of Time.
Avattu 23.4. klo 5.06

Fall Asleep When Burnt Out

Complete Act II: The Nerve-Wracking News.
Avattu 23.4. klo 5.10

Been Tossing and Turning

Complete Act III: The Tossin' and Turnin'.
Avattu 23.4. klo 5.12

Start All Over Again

Complete Act IV: The Converging Course.
Avattu 23.4. klo 5.17

Let Go of Some Memories

Complete Act V: The Mingled Memories.
Avattu 23.4. klo 5.29

Can't Hide the Emotions

Complete Act VI: The Emerging Emotions.
Avattu 23.4. klo 5.32

Where to Go?

Complete Act VII: Stray and Searching.
Avattu 23.4. klo 5.36

Good Night

See you next insomnia time.
Avattu 23.4. klo 5.43

I Know What to Do

Hit the elf by clicking the chain in Prologue.
Avattu 23.4. klo 5.46

Does Sheep-Counting Help?

Count out 30 sheep in Act I or Act II.
Avattu 23.4. klo 5.02

Do It for Yourself

Like all your posts in Act II.
Avattu 23.4. klo 5.44

People Will Forget

Being mocked 3 times in Act IV.
Avattu 23.4. klo 5.15

Say Goodbye to the Past

Solve the "snake puzzle" within 6 steps in Act V.
Avattu 23.4. klo 5.25

Something Left Behind

Finish the painting in Act VIII.
Avattu 23.4. klo 5.41

Let the Show Go On

Complete all the achievements.
Avattu 23.4. klo 5.46