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Reseñas recientes de RickyBobby420

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Nadie ha calificado esta reseña como útil todavía
1.5 h registradas
ill be honest theres not much to this game. its very short and could use some serious updates. its not a bad game i personally perfer the old style of the game but they tried somthing new and it was ok. it just could really use a big update to make people feel different about spending $30 on it.
Publicada el 6 de abril.
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Nadie ha calificado esta reseña como útil todavía
134.4 h registradas (68.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Every time I drop in I can feel the Patriotic blood running threw my veins!
Publicada el 23 de marzo.
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Nadie ha calificado esta reseña como útil todavía
289.9 h registradas (282.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Great game gotta love the historical accuracy!
Publicada el 23 de marzo.
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Nadie ha calificado esta reseña como útil todavía
66.9 h registradas (66.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I'll start off by saying this is one of the funnest games I've played in a long time its just got a good feel. Now on to the hard part I have a RTX 4080, intel i9 13900k, 64gb ram, and a pretty solid internet connection. I've tweaked every graphic setting you possibly can and still the game is just borderline unplayable. Constant error codes 2001,2004,2014. Constantly getting disconnected from games having to rejoin sometimes 8-9 times per game. Its very saddening and frustrating because this could easily be one of my everyday plays. YOU HAVE TO FIX YOUR SERVERS PLEASE!!!! Otherwise its going to be a dead game for a lot of people. If anybody knows any secret fix to this problem please shoot me a message because at this point i'm just about done and I don't really want to be.
Publicada el 19 de enero.
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Nadie ha calificado esta reseña como útil todavía
333.5 h registradas (313.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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Amazing game the more they update it the better it gets!
Publicada el 3 de septiembre de 2023.
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A 3 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
29.4 h registradas (11.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I tried to go into this game with a open mind but the longer you play the harder it gets. First off the buggy gameplay is a killer threw out the entire game. Second the desert theme wasn't such a bad idea but the characters are completely unrelatable there dialogue, there soft cutesy remarks and mannerisms. Its just very bad writing to say the least. It breaks my heart being a long time fan to have to experience such an awful downfall and absolute butchering of one of my favorite games. Saints row has never been a top tier game but igleast they use to try. I am not surprised in the slightest that this game killed the franchise. The development team should be ashamed for doing such a awful service to there fans. 100 million dollars to make and this is the best you could do just sad. You reap what you sow.
Publicada el 2 de septiembre de 2023.
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A 55 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
2 personas encontraron divertida esta reseña
0.8 h registradas (0.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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Publicada el 12 de abril de 2023.
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Nadie ha calificado esta reseña como útil todavía
777.9 h registradas (28.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Super fun game! Theres nothing better than building a mad max death mobile with a giant azz tank cannon on top and just blowing everybody to piles of scrap metal.
Publicada el 2 de enero de 2023.
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Nadie ha calificado esta reseña como útil todavía
20.4 h registradas (19.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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Great game! but it strongly needs some attention to the multiplayer. Almost every lobby you join you almost get instantly kicked. Need to make it where if people dont want people joining they have to turn it off nobody wants to get kicked 6-7 times in a row when there just trying to play a game after work. The game has great potential but if you dont find a way to make multiplayer a more enjoyable experience its just going to be another hit n miss type game. Witch is sad because the game itself is awesome!
Publicada el 26 de noviembre de 2022.
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Nadie ha calificado esta reseña como útil todavía
57.9 h registradas (30.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Great game good story line. Cant wait for sons of the forest
Publicada el 29 de septiembre de 2022.
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