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Ostatnie recenzje napisane przez użytkownika Puzzled Sphinx

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Wyświetlanie 1-10 z 13 pozycji
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469.7 godz. łącznie (464.0 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
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Iron Mace is so horrible they implement the most random game breaking crap AND THEN GO ON A WEEK LONG VACATION.............
They clearly do not care about their game, they treat it like a F2P mobile game because the RMT crowd will play no matter what
Also some shady security risks...
This could be THE BEST GAME but its so crap because of the indie devs... story old as time sadly.
Opublikowana: 27 lipca. Ostatnio edytowane: 24 września.
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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest zabawna
5.4 godz. łącznie
Don't be fooled by the ads, this game looks like crap in game. The combat is the only thing that "works" about the game, and even that is 50/50 at best. There are so many issues with this title, but the WORST thing is that (despite the game FORCING you to make FOUR characters at the start, which eats up most of your 2 hour time frame to refund) steam refuses to refund if you play longer than 2 hours. Yes, even if that is mostly sat in character creation. Once I got into the game I was immediately so disappointed. So while steam policies might be extremely shady, and this game is really bad, I can just dispute the charge with my bank and get my money back that way. Thanks a lot steam, pathetic. Everyone, be wary of buying this trash. Its NOT 5E, it is similar and somehow worse, less creative, and more restricting than I thought it would be just from watching a little gameplay. This is NOT DND this isnt even a good attempt at a dnd crpg. Story is a 0, voice acting and dialogue gets a 0, combat gets like a 5/10 at best but the gameplay is a 0/10 it is dated, glitchy, janky, and the autosave can soft lock you. This game resembles one of the really bad original crpgs like a bad fallout 1 rip off more than anything with how it plays. This is NOT a modern game.
Opublikowana: 18 marca.
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Według 11 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
970.7 godz. łącznie
Game's dead, devs finally killed it.
Developer power trips, terrible decisions, huge error making the game more of a crappy FPS than an actual espionage game, way overpriced and not marketed at all so there are no players, no daily or weekly goals, devs clearly just work on whatever they want and are polishing too much instead of actually creating good gameplay, horrible issues with the game design especially in the final phase.
This game could be so good but it would need to be taken over by a competent company... keep making more maps, the new updates are nice but now we need actual variety. Add challenges so people play daily. rn people just sign in to binge the update content, then leave again because there is no progression other than eschelons or earning bonds (Store is expensive but they do at least let you earn by playing). Having multiple modes is horrible, there is no way to properly balance the game that works for every mode, and splitting the playerbase makes the game seem dead. Aim assist for controller is WAY over tuned, catering to console players because they get an advantage so they are more likely to buy the game, really pathetic.
Opublikowana: 22 lutego. Ostatnio edytowane: 25 września.
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107.8 godz. łącznie (27.5 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
I cant recommend any game that bans people on steam. shameful mods. good game but you earned this thumbs down. Releasing 1.0 during an EXTREMELY bug riddled state is just a cash grab. So sad, this was such a good idea, but such bad devs.
Opublikowana: 19 lutego. Ostatnio edytowane: 18 sierpnia.
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70.4 godz. łącznie (62.8 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Gameplay: 6/10 dated and average , and as time goes on the game becomes more railroaded and there are some major logical gaps between item stats, ludo-narrative dissonance from constantly being pulled in every possible direction at all times even from random conversations with clothing, and no way to easily organize all of the items you get so most of the time is spent looking at menus. Menus are often broken, buggy, or make no sense. Journal is useless buggy and lacks detail, game is too "on rails" to lack map markers, too strict to call itself truly open-world but likes to try to act like it is. You end upusing so few skills for the last hour or two, and everything is just force fed to you in a way you must exhaust all dialogue and can not do anything else, basically a book with no gameplay. You would think the END of a game would have the hardest checks, but it is backwards. You start off the game with lots of room to fail, end up timing out of a ton of content, and then at the end you dont even have anything to show for it because leveling up isn't actually useful for anything once you reach the end. You could just as easily fail everything and still get to the end as long as you dont die by tripping over a rock or dropping things, yes literally you take more damage from dropping items mid dialogue than any other source in the game its almost comical if it wasnt so lame. I was gearing up to have some of the biggest challenges come at me once the climax starts but no... it quickly deflates, all tension is gone after one conflict scene, then nothing happens, game ends without much further input from you... and the end game skill checks are all super easy compared to early game (another error in making a divergent quest line, the devs messed this up so bad and ended up making the story convergent to a point where you dont even actually need to try, the game just pilots itself. super disappointing)

Story: 5/10 characters often seem unrealistic, and way too railroaded, not as much player agency as expected. No replay-ability value. The "voices" of the skills and clothing "characters" gets super old and repetitive super fast. It's almost impossible to feel connected to any of the characters, their stories just feel like ultimately they don't matter, none of their personal stories go anywhere, everything just converges back onto one single railroad where you ultimately can make no relevant choices and cant really affect the characters or world. Every dialogue option you get is a choice between the radical political factions in the story, but never anything in between or with any nuance; every choice is dramatically radicalized and makes it really hard to actually care about any of it because it is all meaningless when you don't actually get a choice besides what special flavor of extremism you want, its all extremism with no realism. The dialogue constantly insults the player's intelligence by making you ask the most obvious and braindead questions, which if they aren't for exp, are generally wastes of time instead of actually leading to interesting story beats you just get called an idiot over and over. I ended up just mashing through dialogue because none of it actually matters or changes anything, you always end up having the same things happen to you with just very minor changes. I was expecting a much more open and divergent story, but it is actually very small and convergent with every special story thread quickly rolled back together into the one railroad main plot, you never really get to enjoy rping because you are always pushed back into line as soon as possible. feels like the writers didnt really want to let you explore the world they made, they just wanted you to get a taste and praise them for it.

Sound/animation: 9/10 other than some voice acted lines missing, as well as some animations that would have been really nice to see.

World: 7/10 The setting is far far far better than the story, but there are some issues like finding too many similar items on the ground, and the total size of the map being quite small. Clever with the big details, some honestly surreal stuff in here, but the small details get overlooked. Clothing and items lose their charm when you find a new sock or jacket every 12 feet. The pacing and layout is also really disappointing (converging instead of diverging), you get this expectation that the world is large, the dialogue goes over the tons of geographical lore so many times that you would think you would be exploring a huge area, but no... the first area is deceptively large. The second area is a tiny sandbox at best, and the third area is literally nothing (two rooms basically). That's pathetic. The level design is ok, there are some nice shortcuts and backtracks but there were also many areas that were difficult to navigate or could have been a lot bigger/ more interesting. This also could have been completely avoided if the content was spread out over the three areas sooner, instead of forcing you through railroad laden pin hole plot contrivances. Everything HAS to happen for the plot, but the game never just lets you enjoy the world. The end of the game should let you utilize the vast knowledge you have collected about the world, but like everything else in the story it is just a series of rug-pulls to leave you feeling insufficient despite passing all your checks, it is simply unsatisfying and you arent even allowed to go make your own fun to get satisfaction because the ending comes so fast that you are pulled down the sink-drain of resolution and if you dare try to experience all of the content, Kim will just keep crapping on you to "do your job" and nothing else... that about sums it up, thats all the story has to offer, "do the job and then leave, and dont forget to put your money on the counter" a funny irony coming from devs who want to so badly promote communism, the game is NEVER satisfying because it is ALL plot contrivance, just to get you to buy the game. They didn't care if you actually had fun.
Opublikowana: 30 listopada 2023. Ostatnio edytowane: 18 kwietnia.
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308.3 godz. łącznie (27.4 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
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At first I wasn't sure if this map maker was truly as good as it seemed, there are a few other similar programs out there BUT dungeon alchemist proves to be the #1. I am SO SO SO happy with this purchase, firstly because it is ONE TIME not a subscription, and what you get is 1000x better than any other. The most recent updates are insane, and more are coming soon! Dungeon Alchemist saves me literally 100s of hours of work each month making maps for my games, I literally could not do it without DA!
Opublikowana: 22 czerwca 2023. Ostatnio edytowane: 18 czerwca.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
214.4 godz. łącznie (203.0 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Trash updates, trash fan base, trash mods. Now I can add Trash DLC to the list. FromSoft really farming you guys for $40 and put no effort into their dlc. I had high hopes but this is garbage
Opublikowana: 18 lutego 2023. Ostatnio edytowane: 24 czerwca.
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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
5.2 godz. łącznie (3.1 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
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this is easily the best map making program for 3d that exists right now.
Opublikowana: 11 lutego 2022.
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181.0 godz. łącznie (155.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Opublikowana: 29 grudnia 2021.
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Wyświetlanie 1-10 z 13 pozycji